Ant's custom made $1 Opie -poker chip

92  2016-03-25 by mr__hat


to punch [...] in lieu of spitting on the floor and calling the dealer a cunt

Fucking savages! "They" behave like animals. Tell them to behave!

He's a class act. He's admitted once on the show that when he was losing, he would walk by the janitor cleaning up the floors and spit in front of him.

They shoulda never gave those niggas money!



"I kicked the shit outta Dani"

What did the 5 ribs say to the red laced boot? Crunch crunch crunch

DANI: Now that you mention it, I think I'm bleeding in my chest.

I need to hear this audio. I need to fuel the hatred I have for this cocksucker.

Youre so retarded? Now suddenly, like 10 years later its an issue lmao


Because he's not funny anymore. Plus I think some of us (I know I did) assumed he was playing up to the audience.

Well heres your proof he never was playing it up.

Yep, now that his life is actually falling apart the face has been broken.

Yeah, cause spitting on the floor or swearing at somebody is just as barbaric as punching, raping and shooting people for no good reason.

Sure, that's exactly what I was equating it too. Yeah, cause had it been a nigger acting uncivilized, Ant wouldn't call it out at all. Yeah, cause Ant's never called them out for not respecting other peoples property or starting shit with innocent employees for no reason or not behaving like civilized society expects a person to.

Shut up you ballwashing faggot with your cunty "yeah, cause" and get cancer.

I'm all in with u/CelticSabbath getting cancer.

Cayneabel, where ya at with celticsabbath getting cancer? Last time you were here you were all in with celticsabbath getting cancer.


/u/KennethFresno for president. That was a great response.

What a faggot.

He responds to ballwashing faggot with faggot haha.

Ballwashing faggot parrot.

It's impressive you're able to fellate Anthony and still respond! HOW DOES HE DO IT


They might've been a good reason. You don't know.

This doesn't deserve a response but I'll spell it out for you. Uncivilized behavior does not begin at rape or violence. Spitting on floors and being verbally abusive to strangers is a behavior that Ant would normally attribute to a certain type of person.

Hilariously, it becomes more apparent each day that when he's complaining about "niggers", he's just talking about himself.


He is in court facing charges for beating women. He is known for wanting young impressionable individuals sexually. He talks often about how he would use his guns on people if given the opportunity. and he spits on the floors of casinos and swears.

What kind of fucking moorish savage spits on the floor when hes mad?

Do you think when the police came he cursed at them and spat on his own floor? That wouldn't make sense to me.

About as much sense as watching a professional whistler on tv

Steve The Whistler!

It's better to be polite and call a lawyer.




What a weirdo.

Yeah, he needed a pillow for "punching". That explains the bite marks.

Are you suggesting Ant enjoys having his face forcefully buried into a Opie pillow while getting doggy pegged in the ass?


Ahh vurry good. Stompedcake doing vurry well for us this morning. We're gonna sell a lot of tickets for him today.

to punch [...] in lieu of spitting on the floor and calling the dealer a cunt

This reads like a quote from a mob wife discussing her dead or incarcerated hitman husband. Which I'm sure Anthony eats up like it's a shackled kindergartener.

Yeah I'm beginning to see why Opie didn't go to bat for this faggot

appropriate username.

I fucking HATE when people spit. Disgusting fucking animalistic thing to do. What a fucking child. The fact that he went out of his way to have that pillow made says a lot about his mental health.

Well, if you're outside like running or doing something physical that's one thing. But I'll be walking around midtown and see grown men just hock loogies and spit on the sidewalk. Like wtf is that bull shit.

I hate seeing spittle in parking lots too, so gross.

It's usually done by young men out of insecurity when they are walking down the street and know they are being watched. They think it gives off the impression of being tough/cool. Scared uncertain little boys spit all the time in public.

Anyone else here remember Ant talking about having a pillow to yell in/punch when he's at the casino? It was discussed on the air several times. What a weird fuck.

It's odd and embarrassing on many levels.

Impotent rage if I've ever heard it. What a fucking child.

So apparently he hated Opie so much that he had a custom punching pillow made. But not enough to address his issues with that person and resolve them like a man.

Just another example of the fact that he's not a man, but a petulant child. How embarrassing and shameful that a man that's over 45(really this is 14 year old behavior, though) should conduct himself in this way.

I think we all used to live vicariously through Ant, but what kind of life is this? This isn't just childish behavior, it's indicative of mental problems.

Have fun with your dwindling millions, Ant. I'm pretty happy over here not secretly fucking trannies and channeling my seriously disproportionate rage by punching pillows that look like my former best friend, and then washing down some Xanax with rum before I have to get ready for my court date the next morning. Yup, not feeling jealous at all.

In stupid's defense, if all the big on-air fights have left something clear to me is that Opie is not exactly one to resolve issues in a mature manner, but rather deal with them through passive-aggressive behavior that only exacerbates problems until they come to a halt

You're right but all it takes is for one of them to handle it like an adult.

Oh, absolutely. I just don't think either of them are capable of doing so.

Yes? Lmao, you guys in this sub are so retarded. Hella cringe.

All the Opie hate that exists aside, does nobody else think it's such a douche and loser move of someone to make someone you know socially and work with's face into a pillow for you to punch? That sounds like something a group of 12 year old girls would do and think it was hilarious.

Anthony talks a big game, but in the end he's a huge pussy. How about you confront the guy instead of acting like a scorned girlfriend for the majority of your fucking career?

O&A are both persnickety faggots in their own right, but you have to figure Opie knew talking to a guy who takes responsibility for nothing was a waste of time.


..... are those pillows for sale?

Sue's teethmarks destroyed them beyond recognition.

If he wanted to take Sue from behind, he would've just went with one of his suicide girls. If you're going to hang out with a tranny, you want some it's not all the way gay, dicks in your ass.

I'm not sure of the logistics and Ant has a lot of the red flags of a closet case, but I assumed since Sue said she was taking the hormone drugs that it wasn't happening since that usually turns you into a eunuch.

*Not discounting she's using a Nazi decaled strap-on with him

Probably going down a rabbit hole here, but I didn't know that's how it worked. You go on the hormones and can't have erections anymore? How... is a tranny able to get off?

Whenever he complained about the Asian dealers all I ever thought was how all the dealers hated him, how we was the same bad betting shithead who thought he deserved to win money if he bet enough money and how all of the people in the casino thought he was trash for going there and expecting anything from them but a basic poor chance game and lodging.

$1 opie poker chip, beautiful


She used to spit on her own floor. That never made any sense to me.

Hey! Finally a great insider story from /u/dannyfromtheshow

For punching his dick in! OHHHHHHHH!

Am I crazy? What are y'all talking about?

to punch [...] in lieu of spitting on the floor and calling the dealer a cunt

Fuck, Anthony rules.

Only degenerates blame dealers

It's not a classy move. I can't argue w/ that.

He displays some pretty respectable opie hate by having funny novelties made, but spitting like a piece of mongoloid shit trash is the part you liked?

I liked both of those things.

everything he does, you have to hate now

Its true though, only idiots and addicts believe in supernatural powers when it comes to gambling, be it table games or slots.

what does that have to do with acting out in anger when you lose?

Berating a dealer who is just trying to do his job is fucking embarassing.

true, but I don't know why that means he blames supernatural powers? and its possible he was doing it in a joshing way and probably tipping very well but then again i dont really know or care

Only degenerates blame dealers

everything he does, you have to hate now

He displays some pretty respectable opie hate by having funny novelties made, but spitting like a piece of mongoloid shit trash is the part you liked?

It's not a classy move. I can't argue w/ that.

Anthony talks a big game, but in the end he's a huge pussy. How about you confront the guy instead of acting like a scorned girlfriend for the majority of your fucking career?

Oh, absolutely. I just don't think either of them are capable of doing so.

Yep, now that his life is actually falling apart the face has been broken.