I'm Going after royal family rather than Cumias this weekend let's be a force for good for a change

0  2016-03-25 by Dennyislife


I don't like homeless people.




2016-03-25 08:06:13 UTC

@Queen_UK @RBWM @RBWMtowncrier @RBWMTories @UKIP_RBWM homeless man by the postbox. Massive empty house on right pic.twitter.com [Imgur]

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Ugh this is everything o&a railed against. Fucking SJW'S and there cornball causes. I pray an ISIS bomber detonates next to your entire family & splatters this homeless man with their body parts.

Its more that I hate what the royals stand for than pro homeless. Want to see them explain themselves

Did you ever consider he rented out a royal airb&b? It's a beautiful view, especially this time of the year.


i've got them on the ropes. I'm going to bring down the 1000s of years old institution with or without this subreddits help


Be the change you want see or sumthin.

Gandhi Chipperson

Can we send Gregg to stomp that animal's crumpets?

Anyone know good reddits or Twitter accounts to get this out there? Thanks and sorry for off topic ness