Tough guy Jim Norton is starting A TWITTER WAR......with a newspaper food critic. I swear you can't make this shit up.

20  2016-03-25 by cardaderdention


Something something whining about the media something something. Holy fuck, what a boring, tired, irrelevant argument.

Anyhow, that entire tweet was worth it just for this:


Who is that?

Looks like Kelly Wells. She's loopy and makes some batshit facial expressions.

She's loopy and makes some batshit facial expressions

she shat out a hotdog sir.

That's how they make hot dogs?!

Pot meet Faggot

what do you want him to end up in rehab? that relationship ended like 30 years ago

Like Jim's chemo patient constitution could handle any fast food at this point.

Although he is right, the food critic is a pandering nincompoop.

That's our Norton - always going after hard targets on important topics.

What kind of SCUMBAGS would just hate hotdogs?


his picture with the air in his cheeks makes me want to sock him

It's not air. It's implied that it's cum. You know, because his humor is shocking. Mouthful of Shame.

He's pushing 50 and he's still telling the same joke.

nonsense. he has rocky dennis, bull prep, orderly rape, and a shit load of hat material.

pink sock him

What does that mean? Fucking someone in the ads until it prolapses?

Can someone please put a picture of Jimmy in the urban dictionary under Internet Tough Guy?

Is it a twitter war? Seems like just a moderately amusing line.

The guy was fucking with Jimmy on Twitter and Jimmy was responding, I don't see how that's "starting a Twitter war." Ah Jesus, Joe.

There's multiple tweets to the guy & different people in the thread. Weird shit.

Just checked his twitter

I'm not overreacting, I'm making fun of an ass. That's all. I am not offended by what he said about Chandling.

Ok, now I know what this is all about.

Ticket sales low?

Have they ever been not low for Norton?

I really hope Norton gets fat again. The food critic made one about critical comment about Shandling (something Norton does on the radio all week about other people) , and now we get Norton making more than half a dozen tweets about it.

Reclusive people get crazy about things.

ME: Hey @stevecuozzo how about a phoner Monday!!

It's a mildly amusing joke. Not sure why you're getting your hot dog bent out of shape.

Same food writer also took it upon himself to declare that Garry Shandling never made him laugh once, not two hours after news of Shandling's death broke. I know Lil Jimmy can be an insufferable boob when he gets serious, but this edgy nobody food critic is the type of self-absorbed victim this sub deserves. RISE WITH JIM!

hmmm So making fun of Terry Shiavo, and dead celebrites for years = Fair game. Saying a comedian didn't make you laugh = SJW mode.

Makes sense.

To me it seems like Norton is just crusading at a random food critic on Twitter. It's not revolutionary, but I don't see why it's "SJW" or whatever. He's not trying to get the guy fired.

He's just acting like an offended douche when he made his living bashing people who were dead or dying. He has no right to crusade due to his own track record of bashing people. Shandling is not off limits, people should be free to bash him (which this guy didn't even do) just like anyone else who he has bashed.

Shandling sucked anyway.

Wieners are the only thing the worm is an expert on.

Did he give a 20 minute countdown for the critic to respond?


2016-03-25 01:12:23 UTC

Your reason for hating Burger King's hotdogs - "Because they bend when i sit on them" - is shallow.

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]

In Jimmy's defense, this NY Post cunt made an awful tweet about Garry Shandling and many comedians are going after him.

Because Jim would LOVE to attach himself to the death of a famous comedian in the hopes of finally getting famous.

He will get some mentions in some news site, and that's what he's trying to go for

Jimmy has never said awful things about dead people

Thanks Jimmy, SOMEONE HAD TO SAY IT! Keepin it real.

That's pretty funny. Isn't that exact reason he loves trannys?

i see what happened. Daniel Tosh had a go at the guy so Jim jumped in. Cash!

Tosh sidebar, Greg Fitzsimmons is saying Tosh stole his bit word for word and is doing it everywhere, he is not pleased about it. This could get interesting.


Jimmy: Fucking media. We all should hate the Media. I hate the Media. The media wants "Men talk show" but they're fucking pussies. [Insert media company/Celebrity] caved in to the media. The Media is gross. The media encourages shooters.

Did I fucking mention how gross the media is?

I'm not great at reading Twitter but it looks more like he's making a gay joke than starting a Twitter war.

how would he know, he doesn't eat there. He doesn't eat anything that might have just a little ounce of tasting good.

Really reaching to hate on Jim here. His line about sitting on the hot dogs is funny and that guy is a total cunt so I don't see the problem.


I got a really unexpected laugh out of that.


( )*( )


Wait, this critic said that the Larry Sanders show stunk, so he's worthy of ridicule. And to say it the day Shandling dies unexpectedly? What do you expect a famous (to us) comic to say, especially since he made his career ripping people and going on rants. I thought we wanted Jimmy to be harsher, despite and in the face of the new direction of the show.

O&A and Jim used to rip on dead and dying people all the time. Getting on his high horse now is hypocritical and shows what a douchebag he is.

He really shouldnt criticize anyone when all his work ain't that good and he's known for selling out

Some nobody food critic tweets almost 1 month ago and he fires back with a tweet now? How did he even find that tweet

Because the guy tweeted that Garry Shandling never made him laugh which, while a totally fair point to make, is kind of lame when you're hustling a fresh corpse for traction on Twitter.

Yeah, everyone here is totally against the morality of digging up something a whole month old when the person says something we don't like.

It's like I was saying earlier, if you're going to call out people like opie or brother joe for being unlikeable, stick to the last twelve hours. Please.



Really reaching for something to hate Jim my for, with this one.

I'd like to believe I never saw any of that.

Gee: I wonder why Jim would be sensitive about criticism of something bending when a man sits on it...

I thought that would be TrAnthony's department.


Seriously though, what a worm.

It's one thing to criticize Ruth's Chris Steak House, but you leave Burger King alone, bub!

Burger King Hot Dogs are to Jimmy what Panera Bread is to Tranth




I don't know--isn't that just how Twitter works?






What an over-reacting douche. Almost as dumb as the retards who now want to dismantle my country's judicial system because Lucy was a shitty witness in the Ghomeshi trial.




I'm with Jim here fuck that guy.

To me it seems like Norton is just crusading at a random food critic on Twitter. It's not revolutionary, but I don't see why it's "SJW" or whatever. He's not trying to get the guy fired.