This Graph Shows Which Comic's Fans are LIBTARDS or CUCKSERVATIVES

0  2016-03-24 by iWhereSchortSchorts


Didnt Robin Williams become a necktie model?

He made a living standing up but died sitting down.

Technically he was probably dangling slightly.

Like for real though he hung himself with the tension from sitting down... I thought that was at least a halfway decent joke?

He was also a part-time electronics tester.

Who cares what a comedians politics are? If you're funny, then you're alright with me. I'm just looking for a chuckle, I don't care what you do in your "off time"

Same here. You make your jokes I'll be on the job site.

Right, a container of coffee and we're off to the races. Get the job done and back to the old ball and chain

Heyy, what else do you think, Regular Joe?

Go screw, that's what I think. The wife will tell me different, so you know, do what you want

I'm just working for the weekend

I always wondered if that song meant they were working on the weekend or they were working to get to the weekend?

I assumed that the sarcasm was PALPABLE.

Probably was, I was just in a mood to pontificate

Funny wins, but the chart isn't about the the politics of the comedians, it's about their fans. Otherwise, how would Louis CK be so "liberal" when this happened:

Oliver isn't an American he's a Limey faggot.

Where's Vos?

At magoobys last I heard.

Hartford Funny Bone Apr 1st-3rd

I ranked 40 American comedians by the political slant of their fans

Top two are

  • Trevor Noah - South African

  • John Oliver - English

Ricky Gervais is a bit further down. I haven't checked but I'm sure there's a few Canadians in there too.

They currently have shows created here that are focused on "America", do you think the author is a deaf person that just reads subtitles and can't hear accents? Jet fuel can't melt foreign accents and nothing those people say could possibly be "American".

James corden is English too. And I don't think he's ever done stand up so I'd never call him a comic. He has acted in comical parts.

No, and he's never done a situp either.

I love situp comedy

Jim Carrey and Howie Mandel are Canadian, and Craig Ferguson is Scots, but they might all and American citizens by now.


2016-03-24 01:37:44 UTC

I ranked 40 American comedians by the political slant of their fans using Google search volumes and state-level PVI.

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chart is invalid if Anthony Jeselnik isn't on it. i'm sure conservatives love him cause he's "not PC" but he'd shit over all of them in a second

I don't fucking care sir