Garry Shandling has died.

36  2016-03-24 by Ant_Sucks


The world has lost a pair of great dick-sucking lips.

I just hope that face pussy gets one more wild ride on the embalmer's table, gaw bless

How is Ralphie May out-living all these people ?

This is Doug Stanhope's exact thinking

Diabets type 1 + 2 cancels out eachother


That sucks ass. I love Gary Shandling. Thoughts and prayers

Won't see him no more.



First Phife Dawg, Now Garry Shandling.

What other awesome person I was a fan of in the 90s will die tommorow?

Hopefully Opie.

Maybe Ant, if he goes long enough without sucking the lifeforce out of a nubile teen.

Don't forget Rob Ford

Rob Ford was my "I can eat/drink/smoke this because Rob Ford undoubtedly has and he's still alive" guy. The fact that cancer got him really fucks up my whole system.

There's still Ralphie May you can use

Yeah but he's fucking gross.

And you're not?


Larry Sanders was fucking awesome...never been bettered, Gervais made a career out of ripping him off.

Influenced is the word. He also had Karl too.

And he looks weird not fat.


Sad, man :(

No wives, no kids. Just a Juh wid a big nose.

I hope Ricky's happy now he killed Garry.

♫ This is the theme to Gary's wake,

The opening theme to Gary's wake,

This is the music that you hear

As you view the casket.

His life is finally finished,

How did he make it so far?

This was the theme to Gary Shandling's wake. ♫

Mark Normand, is that you?



I guffawed audibly.

Thread over.

Rest in piss you magnificent son of a bitch

At least he died doing what he loved - breathing.

Shit, he was awesome.

How long until Jim the worm posts a pic of him and Gary together?

" yeah, that was a tough one.

I didn't really know Garry that well, he was LA, but he'd come to the Cellar when he was in town... "

every once in a while someone here says something so accurate that I mistakenly think it's an exact quote.

...of a broken heart.

" it was a back tooth Hank "


Would anyone recommend watching Larry Sanders? I've never seen it but i've heard fairly good things.

It's fucking great. Also Patrice said he though it was the best show of all time.

T nigga!

No. Its only the greatest comedy show of all time.

That's a simple question. Yes!

to answer

When you're done with that I've heard one or two nice things about something called Breaking Bad. I mean to check it out.

It depends - do you have two kids at home? If so, don't bother.

Where would he find the time?

Pretty sure it's streaming free with ads on crackle.

Hey Now!

Hell fucking yes! I grew up on that show, and watching it now it's still pretty good. Rip Torn and Jeffrey Tambor in addition to Gary... Should be required watching for newer generations. Arliss was pretty good too. Was Dream On around that time too? Damn I miss those days

I know you're joking but, the one with Colin as Rip Torn's son is good. You see him start to laugh on one line where he says "Hey dad, where's the crapper? I've gotta drop the kids off at the pool"

Holy shit. Definitely watch it. Those were funny shows.

The last thing I saw him do was hand David Cross a joint in Run Ronnie Run. RIP liver-lips.

I'm all in on the Gary Shandling death.

He was just on "Comedians in cars getting coffee" . the title of the show is "It's great that Garry Shandling is still alive"....

You can't make this stuff up people


I'm of the Oregon Trail generation. I thought he was awesome but he was so under-appreciated by my age group. "What Planet Are You From?" was a hilarious movie I loved when they used to show it all the time on HBO back in the late 90's. Nobody else remembers it.


he recently played a Nazi in the Captain America movie... Hail Hydra!!


Told Tony Start "Fuck you" in Iron Man 2. Godspeed.

Love ya, miss ya Gary.

Ya kiddin'!

It's like worrying your whole life is equivalent to smoking 20 a day.

Hey Now!!

While a lot of other comedians were trying to relate to the audience, or look hip, or stick it to the man, he had no problem looking like a total asshole. He ruled.

Watch the Gary Shandling Show 25th Anniversary Special. Still cracks me up especially the retrospect with Mr. Ed.



What a blow the comedy world has taken today.


Holy shit I can't believe it.

Odenkirk wears a wig.

In Better Call Saul. It's not like he's wearing it in public.

That's what I meant, I worded it badly.

I needed the start of your sentence, on the end of mine.

Odenkirk was hella funny in Larry Sanders.

I get him mixed up with Tony Shalhoub sometimes but then again I'm a dumb cunt.


How long until this sub blames Anthony and/or Joe for this?

Okay, great.



No, your mom is still alive.


you dont know that

She's live on her webcam right now.

there's the line

I'll do a line.

damn, his career has been dead the last 20 years, now him too.

This is the funny. Why is this down voted?

It wasn't funny. It needed a drum and crash cymbal hit at the end.

I would so car crash sound effect you if I could

Because it's Egg you heartless cunt!

lmao, really the only sensible response to this.

HAHAHAHA that's terrific

Rest in Piss


Hopefully Opie.

Don't forget Rob Ford

There's still Ralphie May you can use

And you're not?