TACS is a mess

96  2016-03-24 by tonydogs

Yesterday with Joe List he just plowed through news stories for 2 hours. He was all over the place, bouncing from topic to topic. Didn't let anything breathe. No flow at all.

The guy doesn't seem to have the ability to have a natural conversation anymore. He desperately needs a co-host, someone to steer the ship if you will.


It's almost as if he needs to go have a beer with an old friend and talk about all this. But it's like he won't even do that ya know?

As much hate as it it might get me, I miss the old show. I'm always listening to shows from 2013 to 2014. I'd be happy to see them back together. And guess what? If it sucked this reddit could just make fun of it. It'd a win win

Pretty sure everyone here wants to see O&A back.

It wouldn't be old o and a though. It would be weird now.

It would have a spark & energy for about a week then they'd realize they don't like each other again & lazy radio will be back.

Ant thinks he should have his own show on FOX and that Opie is an unfunny dummy.

Opie thinks that he should be transitioning to a Late Night Talk Show and that Anthony is a backstabbing fuck-up. I think the issue is their arrogance is something they'll never ditch.

Both delusional, & now both irrelevant

Implying Fox wants him.

Both correct but only in their opinions of one another, not their ambitions.

Opie was smacking his lips and rubbing his hands together at the thought of the Stangel's (now empty promise) to pitch some shows to TRU TV. Part of all that "rebranding".

Anthony actually was able to rebrand himself. Unfortunately it was something nobody wanted to see.

well they are at least completely accurate in their assessments of one another

Yeah but at this point I'll take a week of good (hell even just passable) radio.

Just as many people think that the show was shit for years before Ant got fired and have no interest in seeing them go through the motions again.

I think my favorite years were '05-'08. When I was a girlfriendless basement dweller nothing made my day better.

Looking back I have to laugh because when I was younger I was exactly what Brother Joe thinks we are now. But I was 17 in '04. It's been 17 fucking years since I started listening.

I think the fan base is mostly 20-35 at this point and being older we can spot the bullshit and see how shitty Anthony is. When you're 15 and you hear about Anthony's lifestyle and childhood it sounds awesome. "His dad bought him a hooker?! Awesome!"

When you're 30, you take a sec and go, "holy shit this guy is fucked up. Thank God I didn't marry an alcoholic, freebase or steal car parts." He married in a fucking bar and bought an 800 dollar engagement ring. Can you fucking imagine thinking that's "cool?"

But at 55 Anthony is still proud of that shit. Neither him nor Joe grew up at all and call us the "losers." If you wanna compare lives, so far we're literally doing better.

We're not 15 anymore, your white trash lifestyle is being mocked by grown men, not kids living in their parents basement.

well said, they started doing the "show" close to 40 right? people don't really change from 40-60, meanwhile the show attracted much younger audience that really were children of the 80s , we've all grown up, most of us are successful but deep down we still enjoy being the stupid teenagers we once were in the confines of a forum or subreddit or twitter under anonymous name, it just doesn't make it to our regular daily lives. The trio+joe just can't seem to comprehend that. I would love to see what their demo is now, it has to be 99% 40-55 year olds with about 1% of younger than 25.

Yea, it took off and they started making money at about 40. So Mr. successful and his brother didn't have any money until about 16-17 years ago at about 38-40.

If I'm living like Anthony pre-success in 10 years, I will happily off myself and send Ant a written apology.

Get out of my head!

I have been listening since WNEW, when I was a teen, and the strides I and the people around me have made are staggering compared to these complacent, incurious idiots.

I agree with everything you wrote. Stop Jakkin' it to pictures of a a 20 year-old former Olympian, like you shouldn't know better. Just because he married a hag doesn't mean he has to give up on a relationship now. Bragging about watching days worth of documentrees is nothing short of sad. I knew it was bad as soon as he got the cat.

If you were "grown men" you wouldn't know or care about this incredibly immature and pathetic subreddit. And that includes Anthony. And myself. Even though I'm a broad

Really? There's a subreddit for something I listened to for the majority of my life and it's not manly to share my opinions? What if I was a film critic? Or a book reviewer?

Manly men can waste time on reddit in between manly pursuits, broad.

Eh...not so much. I just imagine showing this to my brothers, dad, 90% of my male friends and the look they would give me. The are you fucking kidding me/ this is bad even for you...look. Yeah, this definitely isn't anything a grown person would even bother with.

Right, but I'm sure they're "all in" with the latest football gossip. My point is, everyone wastes time and being on reddit isn't more of a waste of time than a million other things.

They love football but they watch it and it ends there. They despise gossip and they're not shit talkers. One of my brothers owns 2 restaurants, one owns a lumber yard and the other one works for the industry. They (myself included) can't stand people, so we got that going for us. I'm the immature asshole out of the group.

Both points are right, in a way. The bbbboys were super lazy the last few years (I'd say the show started going downhill after Patrice died). The only one who sounded like he cared was Jimmy. But I remember thinking even back then, even when they clearly weren't trying, it was still better and funnier than pretty much anything else. Its even more clear in retrospect, with two complete shit shows.

Well now I don't listen to either show, so I got nothing 😢.

I'm pretty sure you're incorrect.

Yeah, maybe not everybody. But a good chunk of people here have to.

nope, most ppl want the show back, it is you that is incorrect.

Just so I don't have 20+ hours of stuff to listen to, every week.

I wish XM would just play reruns of the old shows. they have tons of them and it would defiantly bring a bigger audience then the current programming. Sure, they would have to clean up some of the racist stuff but there are hundreds and hundreds of shows.

Are you seriously suggesting that they should edit the old shows to make them more PC?

I wish they wouldn't but that is the only way we will hear them. XM fired Anthony for racism. they can't turn around and then air the really racist stuff.

I'm pretty sure he was fired for violently charged comments, even though the real reason was probably because they were a bit touchy with his ranting.

Besides that, the show really could not be the same or close to it at all. None of these 3 are who they used to be. Even back then they were all full of shit, just more entertaining. By now we have picked their rotting carcasses apart so much I don't think we've left any room to be entertained.

I was just listening to the Aries Spears vs clip and it was just so damn cringey how full of shit they all were. I for one couldn't listen to them the same way I used to. Game's over

I thought one of the things about the Ant firing was that Sirius XM wouldn't allow the show to use the older shows to save their own asses from even more controversy. It's one thing to ditch an employee who is embarrassing the company, but it's quite another to keep airing the diatribes he had for years without asking 'why didn't you do this before?' It's not like Ant was subtle. And even if you Worst Of everything than you're still going to get moments where it was obvious Sirius didn't listen to their own shows. Fuck, the last few years of Fez's career there is a good example of the company simply not giving a fuck.

There is some great radio there. It's a shame it will never air again. same for the WNEW stuff. I presume someone has an archive somewhere

Fag. You suck.

Let's not get too trapped in nostalgia here. Before Ant got himself fired the show was dragging its ass for a while and would often go on cruise control so Ant could vent his spleen on pathetic racist rants. The only radio gold was given by Colin Quinn and even then the show was against it until they realized everybody loved Lady Di flaming out in the ways only a crackwhore could.

I would miss the show more if they actually hired Colin to come up with ideas and rebuild the show into something more than two arrogant Long Islanders pretending to be tough and Jimmy trying to pretend he has issues so he feels more in place with everybody. But 2013-2014 was pretty fucking dire.

i know you guys are gonna hate me for this but, 'universally popular opinion'

typical reddit fag^

Also I only post on here for the most part, you have 14000 karma and post on every reddit I can think of. Faggot

touche... we've all got our guilty pleasures.

some like sucking tranny cock, some like bickering with reddit feminists about rape culture... each his own. my job is boring.

You're OK in my book friend

I'm not a typical reddit fag, I think the general consensus is that the sucked their last few years and it's over. IT'S STILL REAL TO ME DAMNIT.

Also you're a cunt who should die, but before you do, BE SURE TO DOWNLOAD THE "MY WIFE HATES ME" PODCAST AVAILABLE ON ITUNES!

Oddly enough, Opie would be foolish to work with Ant again. Ant is an absolute train wreck now. He's a liability to the show.

yes. suddenly.

Any chance of a reunion is gone now. It's not that everybody changed, it's that we know now that their attitudes are bullshit and they're even more thinskinned than most of the people they bashed. And that they would turn quicker than most if they could and provide shitty radio instead of actually working.

HOLD ON!!.....HOLD ON!!!!

How cool would an O & A show be where they openly showed contempt for each other? Trent calling Tits a board op and Tits calling Trant a racist pedo alky? The Worm as ref.

I'm all in!

Jimmy wouldn't last five seconds in the face of honest criticism. Imagine if he went on about how Black Sabbath is the best band ever and that he was an alcoholic? He would be demolished so much that he would just walk out a window. He's the weakest one there.

There's accurately bad things one could say about Jim, but being weak under fire isn't one of them.

I think they both said they had their falling out very early into their career. They hated each for much longer than they were ever friends during their run. If I remember it was only for a few years maybe 3-4 before they said before they started to hate each other, if you remember other jocks would call them out on this and they would deny it up and down.

That ship has sailed.

You know it's bad when the guy who pirates it is looking to pawn the job off on someone else.

I mean, I can't be bothered to torrent it, let alone pay for it.

When I was in college I would fucking wait with feverish anticipation for the torrent links to go up.

Now? There are 50 other podcasts more entertaining and specifically tailored to my interests. Which don't include gun talk, Republican politics or the terrible burden of the white man.

I'm still getting it for free after buying a month in November on a visa giftcard.

stanhope's been putting his podcast out pretty regularly and it's fantastic

Best podcast.

I subbed for the first year, never listened for 2 months at one point, listened again and just heard him ranting about guns/blacks, I just thought "he's still going on about this...?", cancelled my sub.

Shows boring as fuck.

Ripping bong hits and surfing the pirate bay before class brah.


Mothergoose rip eat a dick

Edit: for clarification

Fuck that faggot, he stopped because /r/tacdiscussion was shut down

Yeah he really turned out be quite the little fanboying cunt. Surprising really.

how/why did tacsd get shut down again?

Agreed. He's getting old, and it shows with most comics under 35 - 40. If he was honest, he'd admit it too. You can see him stall out as he tries to think of something young to say. It's like an an old, racist robot searching its memory banks for something that might make sense.

He needs a Luis J Gomez or similar comic to act as a go between.

Oh, so THAT'S why he creeps around young girls; It's not because he's a pedo, he's just doing research. Just like Pete Townshend wasn't.

And he needs a Sue Lightning to chime in on important topics like getting your ass blown out by tranny cocks and Katy Perry.

Consider that the "show prep" they did on O&A for a few years before it ended was literally talking about the latest news, and most people talk about tapping out around then because people were sick of The Apology Clock, Treyvon Martin, 90 Day Fiance, Fuckin' Obama, and Cronuts.

Ant carried that same high energy work ethic into his solo show, but without anybody to react to or have a conversation with.

I wonder why it didn't work.

They did get lazy as fuck the last few years, no doubt

Without Sam, that show would have made for some brutal listening.

Couldn't agree more.

In some ways I think opieradio has improved upon the level of the show. In 2014 the O&A show was REALLY phoning it in. After Ant got fired, Opie and Jim seemed to make an attempt to work harder.

In some ways I think opieradio has improved upon the level of the show.

What the fuck is happening in this subreddit?



Seriously. I don't want a reunion. I want self inflicted gunshot wounds.

So turning into kardashian and real housewives talk is improvement? The show went to shit after Patrice died, but none of them are trying any harder now. All three are phoning it in.

Don't kid yourself. No one is trying at OpieRaqio.

Talking about an opening show song every single day is lazy. "Jimmy I've been going deep with the _____ lately, DEEEEEEP"

They didn't have a choice to work harder. Sirius banned them from using any past shows, so if they wanted a day off they were fucked unless they could piece together a Best Of out of the few shows they had.

Opie did a decent bit with Jimmy where they were goofing on clips of those "get rich quick" real estate types. Then a few months later, I just heard one of those kind of ads during an Opie show break.

But at least it's an ATTEMPT at comedy.

Everyone seems to forget that the show was COMPLETELY circling the drain before Ant got fired. At any given time, at least one of them was too busy reading Twitter to actually pay attention to doing a show.

Funny thing about that era was sometimes they didn't even follow or have knowledge on the news stories so it was just edgy babbling about a headline only. Still, I enjoyed it.


Anthony listening to 1010 WINS on the drive into SXM allowed him to be more informed on the day's news than Opie or Jim ever were. That WINS "you give us 22 minutes, we give you the world" made Anthony look brilliant because at that point Opie had never read anything but the headline and Jimmy was only mildly informed when a news story upset him.

Anthony listening to 1010 WINS on the drive into SXM allowed him to be more informed on the day's news than Opie or Jim ever were

That's a really solid point. That's why the O&J show these days is two breaks divided among the top two stories of the Entertainment page of Yahoo News, and the rest of the show is interviews.

I don't mean to intentionally shit on Opie here, but his only interests are shows about Housewives, Kardashians, and midgets. So he's got nothing to offer outside of those small universes. Jimmy doesn't ever present anything to the show for discussion, but that's not his role anyway. He's there to react and riff on/with the hosts, so when Opie's literally reading the top headlines of the day, there's nobody else to steer it anywhere, and Jim just quietly says "peckahs" in a quiet Chip voice.


I kind of liked 90 day fiance talk. Then again, I heard only couple shows talking about it.

"He's very mysterious"

Anthony on his own is decent-very good, Anthony as a contributor in a group is honestly one of the funniest people I have ever listened to. The man is hilarious. I recently (creepily) saw Melinda's Myspace. So many cool pics of the good old days and so many happy faces.

You're gonna look really silly when he gets the NYC place set up. Everything's going to be better.

When it's ready, Keith the Cop is gonna have so many A-list celebrities coming through there that SXM is gonna be jealous as fuck.

That reads like a Chip comment...Christ, that's depressing.

He needs someone to steer the ship into the Verrazano bridge.

Keepin it local.

Where you from, pasta nigger?

What sucks is people have been saying this since the first month of TACS and that swiss cheese faced nothing just writes it off as hate.

It gets awkward because Anthony will bring in some comic and ask "So have you been following the race at all? You a politics guy?" and then 9 times outta 10 the answer he gets will be "Not really.. I don't really get involved in that stuff until much later" (sort of as a way of saying "I don't wanna talk about politics") and then Ant will just plow ahead with his nonstop Trump talk.

I love how Anthony is now copying Opie's "So where you at with the Trump?"

I don't think it's that they don't wanna talk politics, it's that they don't sit around their house all day watching Fox News and documentaries. Ant has no life experiences, so he has to talk about politics.

I think it has a lot to do with the fact that a lot of the comics he brings in are younger guys and they are liberals. They know Ant is a Fox News parrot and they probably don't want to have an argumentative conversation so when Ant heads down the political talk road they have to find a way to agree with him on everything he says so that probably is annoying.

Also, for a guy who watches Fox News all day Ant really is dumb with his political talk... and I mean to say he is dumb with even reciting the shit that Fox News tells him. Anytime he tries to mention any politician who isn't Obama or Donald Trump he never remembers who they are. He is always asking "Who was that again?" If your thing is going to be "I'm gonna talk about politics" you'd think he'd at least make sure he's got his stories down.

yeah, I agree. He really looks like a shithead with all his Trump support and not understanding why Trump is winning the caucuses and is losing in the polls to hillary in a general.

Nope. He's beyond the co-host stuff. He needs to start listening to the legit points the "haters" and his friends like Ronnie B. put out. He doesn't know how to be funny anymore. 99% of the audience don't care about daily Trump updates, Black crime, 2nd Amendment, and th rest of the topics he is utterly obsessed about. Be funny like you used to be. Because this 2016 Cumia only appeals to your post O&A David Duke audience.

That Ronnie B episode was spot on and Ant made dismissal after dismissal after excuse after dismissal. You could tell he was just wanting him to shut up and leave his alcohol and young women alone. Same thing with Bobby. But hey two people with jobs and no criminal charges ongoing don't know what they are talking about.

Maybe the unintelligent portion of the David Duke audience, a partial negro championing the white man is only amusing for a minute tops. He's Uncle Tom Cumia.

It's too late to fix that mess. He's almost 60 years old it's time to stop.

his heart has tried a couple times already but modern medicine just wont let him rest easily

Anthony has forgotten how to be funny. I don't know if it's because he is no longer around funny people enough to keep sharp or if he's just too focused on steering the ship to be funny, but the fact is, he's just not funny.

He's not trying to be funny. He's trying to do a political show now which looks like a second rate fox news program. Keith needs to sit him down and tell him outright that he's an idiot and no one cares about stupid people talking about politics. And bringing in a couple of skanky mom looking bitches to piss on camera and pretend it's female cum isn't going to make it feel like old times with O&A.

Keith needs to sit him down and tell him outright that he's an idiot and no one cares about stupid people talking about politics.

That's kinda hard to do with Ant's ladyboy probe in his mouth.

someone needs to sit keith down and tell him that HE's an idiot, first.

you don't think fred from brooklyn, rat and sue lightning are funny?

As much as he disgusts me I always thought he had a chance to right the ship by getting a good co-host. But I've reached the point now that I think it's too late for him, he's gone down a narcissistic doom spiral that will only end in jail or death.

The funny thing is, he's good at picking talent. The rest of the shows are good. He should just focus on that.

he should just be a special guest on the other shows

Just not good at being the main mic or main guest...kind of like Jimmy. Great for the occasional quip or rant, as long as the host is smart enough to make sure the rant stays in "funny" territory and not old white man rage.

Sam was the perfect foil for Ant. He's the "ship-steerer" that people claim Opie was. Listen to Ant rev up to defend Cliven Bundy's racist comments before Sam nips him right in the bud: https://youtu.be/m6G4ifPujVg?t=969

https://youtu.be/m6G4ifPujVg?t=1301 Sam smacks him right down, and he immediately goes back to being funny.

That was damn funny & showed how good Sam was at keeping it funny.

He's lazy. He's still a funny guy but he's too lazy to be funny now.

There are people who'd argue the racial stereotype that he is genetically predisposed to laziness because of his race & ironically Anthony is one of them.

hopefully both

I can't believe he hasn't found a co-host by now. I guess you can count Joe Devito as his co-host.

i noticed the exact same thing, it was literally weird news w scorch

PFGtv had better pacing.

and a better set

And a more responsive cohost.



I am sure Trants 19 (paying) listeners, and 3 reddit fans enjoyed it.

Perhaps less than that!

Mr. Generosity over here with the numbahs.

It's like he needs Opie, Yim, Sam, Erock, and guests to have a good well rounded show.

I'm not trying to be overly critical either, I just think the solo experiment has failed. If he could add Gavin and Pat Dixon to his show + had a decent guest I think the would have something interesting.

Why on Earth does Anthony just keep having people on his network to give them individual shows? Why does Anthony do a show by himself? Why does Gavin do a show by himself? Why does whoever the fuck do his whatever the fuck show by himself? He has all of these mediocre talents, why not combine them into one halfway decent show? Is he really just that much of a egomaniac to think that he's funny and talented enough to think that the way he's doing it now is working?

Anthony ruined his goodwill with me long ago, but let's just play fantasyland and assume it was two years ago and Anthony was starting his network and getting these guys to do a show with him. I may have subscribed. He would have shown that he was trying. Anthony by himself is bad. And Keith or Rat or whoever the fuck don't count as part of his show. I don't like Gavin, but maybe Gavin and Anthony together could have gotten something interesting going. And then East Side Dave could pop in every once in a while to scream and shove shit up his asshole. I just don't get what the appeal is of having all of these individual shows that barely constitute what makes up a show other than for Anthony to say his network is growing.

Why on Earth does Anthony just keep having people on his network to give them individual shows?

I always figured it was just another form of smoke & mirrors from the Cumia compound. You know, fake value and all that.

"Look at ALL of these shows you get for the cost of a McDonald's Extra Value Meal! BE DIALIN'!"

Agree 100%. It's a perfect example of quantity over quality. He keeps adding these who gives a fuck shows like they're numbers on a score board. Just give me one great show, I don't have time to watch or listen to 3 shows a day and if I did I could find something better than anything he's offering now.

Eh, I like Gavin's show. I wouldn't change much. I think Ant might actually detract from it.

I still love TACS network and agree with this assessment of TACS.

The Cumia show is a waste. The Cumia show was a big fat mistake.


Cumia wants to be a Fox News commentator, just like Opie wants to be Jim Chandler.

He's even too much of a mess for Fox News to touch

Didn't he say after the arrest Fox News cancelled all his appearances?

This is why he hated Mancow so much. Mancow got there before him, sucked at it, and poisoned the well. Then he thought he was good enough to succeed where Mancow failed and realizes now that he isn't.

I don't think Mancow had enough presence to poison any well. It's just that conservative media outlets are now almost exclusively filled and if they need guest stars they can go to any faded star from the past few decades and not have to rely on pointless radio personalities that nobody knows or cares about. If you're a hillbilly on Fox News who needs a celebrity fix, it's easier and cheaper to ask Scott Baio to stop digging in a garbage can for a comment than to give $5 to some nameless DJ to fill up the hour.

The boy needs jesus. It's over Johnny

shame he couldn't play off of joe list, joe list, he's on yo list

seriously though, list if great on bennington and it's a shame ant couldn't make funny

Jim list

hes a great guest. funny and has a difference of opinion to ant without being annoying or aggressive.

His brain don't work no more. Joe list could have been a good guest.

TACS is a waste

TACS is a big fat mistake

But did they have fucking chemistry?

Ant is turning out to be the ringo starr of the bunch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ainB6qnWBI

I remember Joe List was on before, (when I subbed so within the first year) and it was awkward then. I like Joe too, hes a funny fucker. But it was weird then, and Joe is really good on his own pod, YKWD, Ron and Fez (they even made him an awesome theme song. So you know he can flow with people, and hes opened for years and is friends with Nick DiPaolo so im sure he can shoot the shit back and forth on Ants show with his viewpoint.

TLDR: I dont think its Joe. In fact, it's definitely Ant.

You put two counter punchers in a ring and you're not going to get much of a fight.

The sad thing is I don't think he can live with himself without still being a public figure. Like Opie. Most of us would of forgotten he existed for the most part if he quit show business the day after he got fired. He could've started any kind of independent business he wanted to keep paying his bills that didn't involve him in broadcasting.

For awhile all his great comic friends and crazy fans supported him. But slowly after more and more stale content, the assault charges, not admitting to Trannygate, and finally turning on his hardcore fans with the doxxxing and ridicule. He hammered the last nail on his coffin. That's why none of his old friends from O&A appear on his show anymore and his subscribers took a major drop. Even though he'll never admit it.

I find it hard to believe he isn't paying the people who work for the network his own money than part of the proceeds the network actually makes. I just feel sorry for him. Which I think most people do.

he should start his own heating and air conditioning installation/repair company.

LFTC with Ant and Melissa Stetten (world famous super model) was soooo much better

Agreed. It was at least somewhat entertaining:


If O&A reunited I can only imagine how passive aggression Opie would be now in light of all thats went down in the past year, you think Greggshells was bad before.

He needs a gynocomestia chested experienced cohost to steer the ship.

TACS is a big fat mistake

Your right.

He is the same with Zac Amico. Zac is dropping pearls and he is too busy ploughing through his bullshit prep sheets to notice

My biggest annoyance with Ant lately is his voice which is 21 octaves higher than his normal voice as he YELLS at the viewers in a strange cadence.

The sky is blue. Water is wet. Greg Hughes is a fat-titted moron. Are we done stating the obvious yet?

Opie and Jim should have left in October, joined Ant and rebuilt the brand on a private network. They could have brought on Gavin, some solid standups, other content options, and been very successful. But egos and bullshit got in the way and now it's finished. Ant's life is falling apart, Opie sucks, and Jimmy has lost his mojo. What a terrible shame.

Why would Opie leave and make 200k/year when he could stay and make 4 mill, and interview A-Listers every week?




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Turns out that Opie was the talented one.

Slow down. Let's not get crazy here...


One day we will hear that music.

blah blah blah blah, we get it. TACS sucks, Ant needs a co-host.. (this thread has been repeated and re-worded so many times I've lost count). I log off for a week and come back to see if anything new or different has been posted here and it's almost the exact same shit since the last time I was here. guess what? It's never gonna get any better. So stop watching / listening it if you don't like it. It's sad that O&A both lost their on air thunder. The last couple of years of O&A wasn't all that great either. Turn off your computer (or whatever you listen to washed up radio hosts in their 50's on) and move on. The time some of you dedicate to this shit is astounding. Imagine what you could accomplish if you used the time and energy into something productive that could actually benefit your lives.

You just made me feel sad. Mission accomplished Mr Heist.

Are you gay? Calm down.

Sounds like he needs someone to steer the ship...

at the very least, get rid of that stupid green screen and get a co-host.

i thought it was a great show. i like joe list.

ofcourse you did

No one is surprised at you liking the show. Retard.

fuck off stupid nigger

u retards are stupid. why even watch. fuck off if you dont like it. think about it. you're captive Stockholm syndrome weaklings who cant let go.

One could ask the same thing of why you are in this sub. By the way, dumb fuck...the vast majority of us don't watch.

u jerk off to thoughts of ant fucking your dad.


Mothergoose rip eat a dick

Edit: for clarification

Pretty sure everyone here wants to see O&A back.

He's not trying to be funny. He's trying to do a political show now which looks like a second rate fox news program. Keith needs to sit him down and tell him outright that he's an idiot and no one cares about stupid people talking about politics. And bringing in a couple of skanky mom looking bitches to piss on camera and pretend it's female cum isn't going to make it feel like old times with O&A.

I mean, I can't be bothered to torrent it, let alone pay for it.

When I was in college I would fucking wait with feverish anticipation for the torrent links to go up.

Now? There are 50 other podcasts more entertaining and specifically tailored to my interests. Which don't include gun talk, Republican politics or the terrible burden of the white man.

i know you guys are gonna hate me for this but, 'universally popular opinion'

typical reddit fag^

I wish XM would just play reruns of the old shows. they have tons of them and it would defiantly bring a bigger audience then the current programming. Sure, they would have to clean up some of the racist stuff but there are hundreds and hundreds of shows.

Just not good at being the main mic or main guest...kind of like Jimmy. Great for the occasional quip or rant, as long as the host is smart enough to make sure the rant stays in "funny" territory and not old white man rage.

And a more responsive cohost.

Yea, it took off and they started making money at about 40. So Mr. successful and his brother didn't have any money until about 16-17 years ago at about 38-40.

If I'm living like Anthony pre-success in 10 years, I will happily off myself and send Ant a written apology.

Slow down. Let's not get crazy here...

you don't think fred from brooklyn, rat and sue lightning are funny?

Let's not get too trapped in nostalgia here. Before Ant got himself fired the show was dragging its ass for a while and would often go on cruise control so Ant could vent his spleen on pathetic racist rants. The only radio gold was given by Colin Quinn and even then the show was against it until they realized everybody loved Lady Di flaming out in the ways only a crackwhore could.

I would miss the show more if they actually hired Colin to come up with ideas and rebuild the show into something more than two arrogant Long Islanders pretending to be tough and Jimmy trying to pretend he has issues so he feels more in place with everybody. But 2013-2014 was pretty fucking dire.

Eh...not so much. I just imagine showing this to my brothers, dad, 90% of my male friends and the look they would give me. The are you fucking kidding me/ this is bad even for you...look. Yeah, this definitely isn't anything a grown person would even bother with.