Andy Cumia - Court Update (also check out Rich Vos at Hartford Funny Bone, April 1st-3rd)

0  2016-03-24 by [deleted]



I hope this is true. Ant needs his guns back if we're going to drive him into a rage induced suicide.

Way to find the silver lining, friend.

It always takes a few days for New York to update its court records. They have to do it by hand.


Don't jump the gun, Gavin. It's been "thrown out" a few times for over a month now yet Anthony still gets dragged back to court. Believe me... when/if it gets thrown out, you will hear about it from Anthony all over twitter. Once he is clear he can talk all he wants. Now, if he takes a plea deal that isn't the same as the case being thrown out....


Have you visited that site before in between hearings?.. I have... there have been several times where it loads a completely empty docket for Cumia and then everyone runs around saying the charges were dropped and then within 24 hours his next court date is posted. To be clear, I don't think he took a plea deal. I think if the charges were actually dropped he would be alerting the world (as he has said he will do... he said the second he can talk about this shit he is going to).


It's disappeared multiple times pending the new date, you're not on to anything here


It disappears for a day anytime it's updated. There's still hope!
