Is there any radio out there half as good as O&A was?

11  2016-03-24 by Dennyislife

Not talking podcasts as whilst podcasts can be good they lack something radio has.


no there isnt, thats why we are here and angry


I've been trying to get into Ron and Fez but it's just not the same.

Earlier I listened to Jimmy do a Ted Christ bit and his line "I'll HEAL YE Gregory!" absolutely destroyed me and reminded me why it was once the funniest show ever.

R&F is not the same. It's much, much better.

Any classic bits I need to see?

Stand alone fruit and cakehorn. Both are on youtube. Then just search r&f east side dave and sort by most views.

Google ron and fez midnight rider. There's 50 hours of radio gold there in 5 parts.

East Side Dave's Power Hours are golden.

Check out Kirk Angel uploads on youtube, he has the funniest bits of their show, painstakingly edited related bits together seamlessly, a treasure trove of that show if you dont want to go through the boring parts just to get to the gold. Ron n Fez is not for everyone I suspect but if you get it nothing comes close, not even O&A.

Listen to this one, if that opening does not grab you, Idont know what will

Everytime I made an effort to get into them, all I ever heard was Ron taking calls over and over and Fez being silent. Maybe it was just the later years but holy shit did that show seem to just depend on callers.

Is there a place for a brother to catch up on classic R&F?


Ted Shecklers the fuckin best man, I miss him.

Dude I had literally nearly forgotten him, just him shouting out that line in his stupid voice cracked me up. Thems were the days eh 2 hours of Ted my good man.

You're a good egg /u/weeveus

god that's one of my favorite Ted bits ever. Danny's laugh was fucking hilarious sometimes too

Oh we're doing that now?

I don't know why but this kills me every time.

"I took water and I turned it into Crystal Light!"

Classic Loveline. Adam Carolla is a shell of his former self.

I think the restrictions made him better, made him have to think about what he was saying and come up with clever ways to say it. Now it's just verbal diarrhea.

Post some good segments/clips

The clips dont really do it justice go to and listen to the top show about this dude that fucks his dog.

This is one of my favorite episodes:

And here's another good one with a lot of stupid callers that they make fun of:

Toucher and Rich in Boston is as close as it gets.

Brilliant code names for Ant and Opie.

Hey guys, Hey!

Ron and Fez. Of course the new Bennington is a shadow of its former self

It's just not the same without that tense, awkward, mustachioed madman.

Nope. Stupid Anthony had to go take pictures that night.

Actually stupid Anthony couldn't help keep his foot from his mouth.


we've been saying that for 6 months now, let's admit its not happening now. The Bonfire is mostly begging the listeners to send in dick and pussy photos, and then looking at those photos on the air if its not dick talk, its talking about Jacob's dick or the golf chick, or talking about sex with some caller. Seriously Big Jay should just admit hes gay now


its talking about Jacob

Gettin that sweet sweeet pussy!

and yet Dan Soder and Big Jay apprently don't get any considering they don't talk about it on the show

It had potential, until Big Jay turned it into his personal tinder account. Big Jay has really gone out of his way to force feed his sex addiction onto everyone else.

Exactly. You can tell Soder tries to steer the conversation away from nude pics, but Jay just plows right on through.


Ron and Rez (2006 - 2010) Ricky Gervais show (XFM)

Kidd Chris on webn in Cincinnati ain't too bad. Plays a little too much music now. Was better when he was on afternoons in Philly. I started listening to him again once Anthony was fired,

Agreed, Kidd Chris is solid. To avoid the music and commercials, I use the Iheartradio thing. Often they have bonus content on those posted shows. I liked having the download on iTunes, but Chris discontinued it, which sucks.

Also, I've grown to like Kevin & Bean out of Los Angeles. Easy to download podcast, Easy, Peasy, Japanesey. The show has launched Jimmy Kimmel, Adam Carolla, and their current 3rd mic Ralph Garman does a nice job.

got into hollywood babble on with Garman and Kevin Smith. Not sure if they're still doing it but that was a fun show.

Yes, they are still doing a weekly podcast. Still very listenable.

They nearly got a series order from AMC based on their Hollywood Babble-On format, until AMC backed off reality based programming. Then a year or so later, they green lit a Kevin Smith-Greg Grunberg talk show, soon to be airing. Weird.

You can hear past shows on iheart radio.

I miss Kidd Chris from Philly... he was great, totally forgot about him. Glad to hear he's still around.

They played Kidd Chris for about a year in Pittsburgh back in 2006/2007 and it was pretty damn funny. I used to love Ed McGonagal or however you spell his name.

I think the only regular comics from the Kidd Chris show that I still hear about are Rev Bob Levy and Geno Bisconte. Guys like Chris Mcdevitt and Ed McGonagal kind of dropped out of sight. Tuesdays with Ed, including his prank calls, were funny. KC will still play old bits, so it's nice to hear some of the old material from guys that are gone.

I can't fathom why KC isn't syndicated, like the Pittsburgh experiment. He puts up huge ratings every city he goes to. You would think the anti-PC humor of the show might be holding them back. Yet, Trump is putting up numbers being an asshole, so the audience is out there.

I can't speak for the rest of the country, but Pitts radio is really bad, even by terrestrial radio standards. We have 4 or 5 country stations, despite being very much in the North, one rock station that has been playing AC/DC every hour on the hour for the last 85 years, and the rest is either pop music for girls or people mumbling about God or some shit.

Yinzers also don't like anything that isn't homegrown. They hate Philly almost as much as they hate Cleveland, even though Cleveland is exactly like Pittsburgh, minus the really bad roads. And most of the people have never stepped foot outside of Allegheny County.

Not quite. Though I thoroughly enjoy Bennington and the bonfire makes me laugh my ass off on occasion.


nope, there are some podcasts but they are VERY hit and miss, rogan can have a good show then 5 unlistenable ones.

IN LA for a few glorious years, like 06-08 we had 97.1 which was an all talk format. We had Stern (then Carolla) in the morning, some other show that sucked, Tom Leykis, and then Conway & Whitman from like 8-11. Conway & Whitman was the only other show I ever heard that were straight up, no wacky radio voices, legitimately funny guys that were just themselves and not 'trying' to be funny.

They used to get in trouble all the time for complaining about management or talking about behind the scenes stories, but the best was they hated Tom Leykis and would bust his balls all the time. (Even though they followed his show directly after) Whitman could do a perfect Leykis impression, it was impeccable. So they'd have contests like "Make Leykis Laugh," and it got so bad Leykis issued a C&D on Whitman and took him to court. Those guys fucking ruled, I miss that show.

Prime era Stern was better. I prefer pre-syndication Phil Hendrie. Ron and Fez ESD era gave me more laughs. O&A was definitely great though.

The Bonfire.

Isn't that only once a week?

Stern Sirius shows with Artie are easily half as good. Find episodes with Artie and Gilbert.

Elliot in the morning on DC101 is ok. He doesn't play any music and is mildly entertaining.

He used to be a third rate shock jock. He's awful now IMO. I can't stand his laugh and Diane's Man voice.

Elliot is great, it's mainly Diane I can't stand because she is often a classic hole, and Tyler who is just as hole'ish. Elliot with the right co-hosts would be great, I think.

Well I do remember Elliot and Don and Mike went at it back in the day.


On a good day, O and J is about half as good as O and A on a medium day.


Adam Carolla show

preston and steve?

Stern is very good.

No it's not. His interviews are good but that's it. The rest of his show is a dumpster fire.

It was, maybe.

I've gone back to listening to Stern after 15 years. While it's not the Stern Show from the 80's and 90's, he still manages to get A+ list guests and does good interviews. It's better than listening to Opie with the same C list comedians in the studio day after day

Any classic bits I need to see?

The clips dont really do it justice go to and listen to the top show about this dude that fucks his dog.

Is there a place for a brother to catch up on classic R&F?

This is one of my favorite episodes:

And here's another good one with a lot of stupid callers that they make fun of:

Everytime I made an effort to get into them, all I ever heard was Ron taking calls over and over and Fez being silent. Maybe it was just the later years but holy shit did that show seem to just depend on callers.