Patrice and Jim talking about Vice Squad is one of the best moments ever.

16  2016-03-24 by theantarctica


Also you should not be a pussy and watch it.

Vice Squad is indeed a great film, it makes a great double feature with "Fight for Your Life". Anthony would love that one till the plot twist comes in.

It's on Dailymotion - .

If it doesn't come up, just search Fight for Your Life 1977 there.

Clancy Brown is in the new season of daredevil as The Punishers old commanding officer. That fucker nailed it.

Clancy Brown fucking rules.

Five hunnit don't git you no Eldorado!

Loved movie talk with Patrice. His take on Underseige and Stephen Segal movies was the best.

He trains the trainers!

Highly underrated segment. Hilarious how Kevin Smith is put on the pay no mind list as well. It's hard to imagine current worm Jimmy ever allowing that to happen again.

that's because no one wants to hear that fat fuck pronounce "apropos" correctly anymore.

We haven't heard excitement in Jimmy's voice like that since '14. And that's what actual chemistry sounds like.

Vice Squad is indeed a great film, it makes a great double feature with "Fight for Your Life". Anthony would love that one till the plot twist comes in.

It's on Dailymotion - .

If it doesn't come up, just search Fight for Your Life 1977 there.