Listen to the audio of the Jimmy Carr show, then watch the clip on OpieRadio, and spot the subtle audio edit...

90  2016-03-24 by Ant_Sucks


I fucking love you autistic people that point this stuff out. Whenever my hate for Opie starts to sink from apathy, you buoy it. You watch and listen to this shit so the rest of us don't have to. You are heroes.

Holy SHIT this is the most humiliating thing for Tits I've seen on this sub yet.


I didnt see anything...what was it?

When Tits makes the homeless man mouth joke Jimmy makes a disgusted sound, that's what's edited out

The show has passed you by. It wasn't an accident. It was clearly a jump cut, put in as an homage to French New Wave cinema.

Well it certainly 400 Blows now.


This is the smartest joke I've seen on here so far


He turned a complete bomb into a video of himself making one of the top comedians in the world laugh hysterically. Whata piece of shit

Carr's laugh is adorable.

what about Opie's? you don't think his down's syndrome fake "ho ho ho ho ho" is as endearing?

I don't know how he thinks shit like that will pass unnoticed when this place exists.

After hearing shit like this, I'd bet Opie's the type to hire some overpriced life coach to convince him this place doesn't exist.

I like to think he thought up that homeless guy's mouth line the night before and was really excited to use it.

One of the last things the Stangels did before quitting was write Opie that line to use in case of an emergency.

I like to think he thought up that homeless guy's mouth line the night before and was really excited to use it. Stangel line




Beep boop.

jim looks like he's dying or metamorphosing

I've never seen a man so direly in need of protein (that didn't shoot out of a tranny's cock)

I get it.

he does look very kafka-esque.

This is the smartest joke I've seen on here so far

It's not edited, they're individually placed laughs.

I have a list of somewhere between about 100 and 200 different things I hate about Opie. The "hoh hoh hoh hoh hoh" laugh is easily in the top 10.

It ranks a little under his "huh huh huh" laugh.

his sole reason for uploading this video was to show off that joke as well...

Opie wouldn't do that.

Yes he would. Could you blame him though. That joke killed! Had Jimmy car laughing out loud.

You're too cynical.

And too cute.


Heh I love how miserable and downright bored Jimmy looks in all these in-studio clips.

You'd be miserable if you had the white blood cell count of a slug

miserable yim only got a mil for his trouble, sad sad lit worm

I listened to it once and couldn't spot the edit. Anyone care to spell it out for a tard like myself?

Opies "homeless guy's mouth" line got zero response when he said it, then in the OpieRaqio clip its edited to make it look like Jimmy Carr is laughing heartily at it.

Oh not zero my sweet boy, there was a beat and Jimmy went "Ugh". I'm assuming to the video, but it still sounded good.

Just sweeten it up in post. Lil bit.

Yeah, I had the same problem, people just need to pay attention to the homeless Opie line. OP, should have at least pointed that out.

ME: So I punched it up a lil bit for the numbahs, big fawwwkin' deeeeeal! Just a lil bit. I been in this biz 18 years, I know what I'm dewwing by now PERIOD


He's the host of a comedy show and he has to literally alter reality to make it appear that he's getting laughs.

I hope the next radio show Opie hosts is with Steven Carr


How'd your career die?

This is the only way the opster can get a laugh off someone who doesn't depend on him for a living or plugs for gigs.

Individually placed follicles for gigs, you mean.

lol imagine Ant can't afford the upkeep so they start leaving and he ends up like current day Gene Wilder lol

lol lol lol

Always attacking homeless people and their mouths. What a dick

If anyone is reading this comment and you haven't listened to audio out of laziness, please do it, it's very worth it.

That is truly detestable.

So you vouch for it?

Don't know 'im. Don't vouch for 'im.

If I was Jimmy Carr I'd be pissed I was edited like that, we should start tweeting this to him. If it gains enough attention tits might have to comment on it.

He'll deny any involvement. It's how the tit rolls.

Carr is very funny but he has several high profile TV shows in the UK so he is also a worm. He is a 5 star general worm with full worming honors compared to Norton. Since Britain was his worm battlefield you know he wormed his way through a few of the affirmative action genderqueer monstrosities that are in UK television. Do not fuck with a worm of his rank and ambition

He's not afraid to get his hands dirty. Look up his most offensive jokes on youtube

Even Opie's title for the clip infuriates me - "WORST genital warts reaction"

I loathe him

He says 'worse' in the description. How much you want to bet the title originally said worse until someone pointed out it's wrong, at which point dundertits only changed the one.

Yeah what the fuck does that even mean? He's going for Facebook meme traffic.

For the VERY lazy.. Opster edited it so that there would be a laugh after his 'looks like a homeless man's mouth" line. In essence, Tit's Raqio is now using a laugh track.

Then he goes a couple mins later:

"you've got to be a little turned on if you're a doctor looking at these everyday"

And Carr destroys him with: "Hold on, you'd turned by the homeless mouth vagina?"

Carr's laugh was in response to Jimmy's "ufff", meaning that Carr was actually laughing at Opie being retarded and Opie edited it to be the complete opposite. really impressively gay on The Opster's part

The worst part is if someone called him out for this he would tell you you're crazy/obsessed for trying to find something like that.

Never addressing the fact that it's true.

Homeless people yumah. A staple of the 90s shock jock.

This is how Opie sees himself, coming up with funny lines and making comedians laugh, as opposed to reality which involves a cringefest of a radio show with bomb after bomb produced by the Opester.

I recently watched Jimmy Carr's new Netflix special. It's pretty good.

He has a bit about he Angry Pirate and the Donkey punch and others "moves"...

They are STILL watching clips on the radio that totally depend on seeing, not hearing the clip? This shit was bad enough when it was O&A. Lazy assholes they are.

I remember how O&A, including Opie, would constantly brag about how Jimmy made the show better by bringing bomb acknowledgements to the show. Yeah. Just not his.

Above all else real.

"Reinvented himself"

Opie to guest: "alright, before we go on air can you give us a few chuckles and real we know what levels to put your mic at....right guyyysss"

"I got that laugh, he uh, the laugh was there, it just took him a minute to process that shit, and when I edit the uh promo thing, sometimes I have to..cut out a second of dead air to find that sweet spot, sniff"



That was truly embarrassing.

Nice try with the edit tho


I like Jimmy's: "ugh" he knows he's still gotta deal with this u funny hack for 6 more months.

The second it bombed he was rationalizing why. The video was so distracting. So when he made the video he cleaned it up a bit.

Obviously that's a bullshit excuse. But I am certain that's his reasoning.

Why don't LOS or Ant talk about vids like this. Do they fear Opie or just entertainment?

They're too busy with trannygate and Brother Joe's constant attempts to keep burning a cross and what remains of his dignity.

Oh no, I almost feel bad for Tits. How much time did he spend editing that? That poor dumb bastard.

Fucking sad

gay ... fuckin ... shit

I'm not trying to defend Opie but isn't it pretty well known that he doesn't edit or post these videos on his YouTube page? I think the guy who does is called Paul.


I gotta say after watching and listening a few times, it doesn't seem at all edited to me. On both you get the breathy laugh first from Carr then the trademark fucked up laugh. What am I missing?

On the original audio, there's dead silence, then Norton says "ooph", then Jimmy Carr laughs at the awkwardness of the bomb. Sync them up and play them simultaneously and you'll see

Did the warty vagina start crying when a shock jock jumped on it's cake?


Oh, Andrew right?

You're a funny guy.

Individually placed follicles for gigs, you mean.

Opie wouldn't do that.

He'll deny any involvement. It's how the tit rolls.

Carr is very funny but he has several high profile TV shows in the UK so he is also a worm. He is a 5 star general worm with full worming honors compared to Norton. Since Britain was his worm battlefield you know he wormed his way through a few of the affirmative action genderqueer monstrosities that are in UK television. Do not fuck with a worm of his rank and ambition