(Continued) Greg Opie Hughes overwhelming DEFEAT of reddit VS Cumia's capitulation of reddit. Opie played it right with complete disregard and ended up VICTORIOUS over the pissy angry losers. No wonder Opie ran the business end of their partnership.

0  2016-03-24 by Hillalien_Clinton

Acknowledgement and acceptance of Reddit is where cumia fucked up, he did AMA's, had his staff live post with links during TACS and personally interacted with reddit afterwards...what did it get him noticing the pissy angry deadbeats? Lame redundant jokes and the politics of personal destruction.


Don't really agree. He let reddit get in his head. It was never more evident than the Jimmy fight. They were both too bizarrely aware of the shit that gets said here. He was all in his head about saying Period. He was whining about all the fans hating him, loving Jimmy and mostly loving Ant. He cared more about Jimmy not being there for him during Greggshells because it was commented on and played up so much here. He kept going on and on about chemistry because that's talked about alot here. There are people more autistic than me who can point out other reddit induced errors in that fight. But if he wants his show to continue, he needs to not fuck things up with Jimmy, but he let the comments of people on reddit get in his head and fuck that up. He's gotten better about ignoring it. However, he knows the Stangels aren't very popular with the fans, so it emboldened him to fuck that relationship up through Pete Davidson, who's clearly being groomed to be the new Ant and who, of all the third mics that come in these days, seems to get by far the least amount of hate on reddit.

I think Opie is most troubled by the accusation that he sold out his partner of 20 years. He feels a survivor's guilt of sorts.

OP is right because Opie doesn't give a fuck that he's a unfunny lameass. He doesn't care about making show great. He just wants to get paid and fuck Bam's babymama.

Yeah, I agree that Howard and fans got in his head by calling him a sellout. I also think it drives him out of his fucking mind that, until very recently, Ant was beloved by almost everyone and that everyone hated Opie. He has to be very happy right now that Ant and his loser brother revealed themselves to be the useless pieces of shit Opie believed them to be.

Bullshiit.. Pete will not be the new Ant. He's there as a fun hobby. His career will be more like Andy Sandberg. Opie should enjoy him while he's not all to popular.

It also helps Opie in not having unlikable retard superfans like Anthony has.

I mean, sure, Opie has Art Danielle Juarez, but no sane man could loathe that psychopath without fear of repercussion. There's also the old ladies and soccer moms that listen to Opieradio, but they're harmless. It'd be like beating up on your grandmother.

Hard to have beef with anybody if nobody knows who you are and nobody listens

didnt opie cry?

Opie has boobs

he should have left it alone

Mr. Thesaurus over here.


The best thing about Anthony at the moment is that he's totally engaged with us. Without us he's just doing a mostly unfunny show with an embarrassing roster of guests and going to court once a week.


I can't see comments right now.

The "pissy angry people of reddit" consist of you. Most of the people here just make jokes, and photoshops. You write out an enraged mentally ill 2 part novel.

Opie teetered on a mental break down over the shit he got from 'haters', you're fantasizing if you think he doesn't (or at least didn't) read reddit. Who gives a fuck if he ever posted here. He's been in his own head over things people here said about him for over a year. He has a homelessy beard and his voice is getting so defensively deep he's almost doing Batman. Reddit fucked Opie's ass hard, you have a short memory.

Opie didn't win. He still reads the reddit or has someone read it. He's just so clueless at how badly he stinks that he thinks everyone who posts negatively is a "hater". He's closed his eyes and closed his mind to how bad he is. But now that you bring him back up maybe the sub should pay him some more attention.

And calling the reddit pissy angry deadbeats shows where you are coming from.

Cumia used to have the better approach and just laugh it off. He fucked that up royally.

Opie couldn't even hide that it kept him up at night. In a way, he's worse because he keeps melting down.

The best thing about Anthony at the moment is that he's totally engaged with us. Without us he's just doing a mostly unfunny show with an embarrassing roster of guests and going to court once a week.

Fucking Spot On Sir!

Heh this mad bitchboys talking to himself.

UhOh! The schizophrenic stopped taking his meds again!

Let me guess! The OP is benjamin72, i'm benjamin72, or we are BOTH benjamin72! Boy oh boy! Another conundrum created by the resident schizo KEN!


No one mentioned Benjamin in this thread haha. Opps! U mad.


"I'm fighting for my faaauhgin liiife everyday" - the words of a winner.

Dunno about opie defeating anything, but he's recovered from the beating.. So bravo for that. Ant's yet to recover. Down but not out maybe. He has to sort out TACS though and get something happening. Green screen studio is fucking lame, he isn't a TV presenter, radio was better because its a conversation the weird performer thing he's doing in front of the camera isn't good. Everyone hates Rogan but the way he records video is great. AMIRIGHT?