Speaking of fallen stars, check out Corey Feldman's IndieGoGo campaign. It's hilarious until you realize that he's "all in", then it's just sad and depressing. Plus he looks like bloated Skrillex.

27  2016-03-23 by crookedmile


He writes like a girl Anthony would date.

Maybe we can get him to catfish Anthony for $1,000.

RU in 2 me GRL ;)

What kind of nut job types like this?

Thank U 4 stopping by 2 check out my campaign. Here's what's going on: I know the questions most of U must be thinking right now...questions like...Why have I brought U here? What is this all about? And most importantly Y would a Movie Star like U be asking us 4 $? Dont U have your own $? And Y R U asking us 2 help when U R already successful. Let me do my best 2 answer those questions.

I find it hard to read.

it's like he typed it on a cell phone or something

Yeah, one from 1999 when they had keypads like regular phones instead of computer keyboards and you had to push a key 3 times to get the right letter.

You're in the right place.

Ones that have more than likely been sodomized by Michael Jackson.

Ironic how this written for the sake of simplicity yet it makes it infinitely harder to read.

WAS it?

Old man trying to talk like the kids these days.

Come on, Prince invented that nonsense in the 80's.

Hes a very busy man. You think he has time to write out "to" every time it comes up in a sentence? Thats madness

He just needs 4$? That's reasonable.

I suppose. I think I'm mostly annoyed at the fact that he capitalized "Movie Star" like it's some kind of important profession.


Yeeeesss, is this Corey from Australia


"Feldmansion Studios" is somehow worse than hearing "Live from the compound"

Live from PFG Studios in Manch-Vegas!

I would say if you are begging people for money, saying you are in a mansion is poor form.

he did give us the greatest video on the internet


It's like he's perpetually stuck in this alternate 1989 funk-rock-universe where he thinks he's Michael Jackson. He's been doing this shit for 25 fucking years now and is a complete and utter failure. Talk about arrested development.

Who the FUCK is that bald cunt? This video just ruined my fucking week.

... Howard



Howard Stern

Sinead O' Connor. She's looked better.



For some reason this made me think of this scene in The World's End.


You're so wrong. He's been doing this for over 30 years at this point.

Didn't Corey Feldman get raped a whole bunch? After watching this, I'm so retroactively supportive.

Yes. By life, every single day since 1988.

raped in his a hole a bunch

I think this one might be better. https://youtu.be/AsSP8a0ToGY

Ouch, that was painful. I think...i think i might be dying.

What the fuck?

I've seen ISIS videos with better production value than this.

Nice to see Howard skipped his wig for whatever that trainwreck was.

Some Jews have too much energy for their own good.

beat me to it, damn.

Yo wtf: This was 1992 It looks like michael jackson stole moves from Corey. Whats up with that?

Corey Feldman looks like Tommy Wiseau's eurotrash son.

Holy shit, you nailed it.

Oh, Hi Corey

Corey Haim is having a better 2016.

And looking better.

As many of U know, I have been hard at work 4 quite a while on my new album "ANGELIC 2 THE CORE".


Corey Feldman is hurting.

Naw man, he's on a musical journey.

Asking for help from his "FeldFam"

Douchechillary to the max.

No no, it's FeldFanFam, it's for FeldFans who are part of a family. I don't know what to picture but I'm going to go ahead and picture juggalos.

I feel like donating & hoping it ends up getting more $ than the Chip abortion

this is fucking awesome

Come on FeldFam, let's rally and get this goal reached!

I have to maintain love for this guy because he was:

1 in The Burbs, Goonies, Gremlins and The Lost Boys.

2 financially raped by his cunt parents

3 literally raped by Michael Jackson

Poor Corey. Celebrity makes nuts out of bananas.

"International radio heard from Los Angeles all the way to to Sydney Australia." Soooo, basically the south Pacific Ocean.

And "instant".

You missed the best part where he lists off the "greatest names" in "music" like Fred Durst and B Howard that are on the album.


This fucking zero instead of taking the Macklemore route and letting the audience decide if his music is even great enough to be on the charts (hint: it's not) decides to pander to what small fanbase he has in order to go mainstream and be on the top 40. What a fucking dillweed. This motherfucker has connections i'm sure we can only dream about and yet instead of taking it on himself he goes elsewhere. Fucking dumb asshole.

Instead of trying to look like a fucking klansman who watched The Crow one too many times and became influenced by My Chemical Romance's Black Parade he could be fucking trying to make listenable music. Fuck me, I hate motherfuckers that say I want to be one of the most successful people and yet try to do the most fucking bare minimal of work and don't sacrifice. You have a record label motherfucker? I don't even have enough money to buy a god damn record so eat my shit and choke you former fucking lucky good for nothing.

tl;dr the whole video equates to i'm rich, but not nigger rich.

He's a real child of the 80s in that he never learned how to type

thought this guy died?

No that was Haim, the cute one all the lil girls loved. His head fell off.

Died from incurable cuteness.

Acute drug overdose.

Yeah he was pretty old.

Gee, his head fell off? That's pretty bad.

Yeah, he was pretty old.

The guys on The Bonfire would love this

Hahaha... what childhood?

Is this real

How great would it be if this got fully funded while lil' Yimmy's cartoon only got to 31%. Oh the laughter we would have!!

He does his makeup like Micheal. He's coke-jag animated. He want's you to hang with him for one more album. Balls in your court fellas.

Also, I just want to highlight a certain perk:

$10 USD Insta Pic I will take a pic on request of whatever U want me 2 do, n post it 2 my insta acct 4 U. I will pose, in any way U like, or take pics of my house, my studio, or what my closet looks like...up 2 U! NOTE nothing vulgar or offensive & NO NUDITY! Just good clean fun!*

Think of the possibilities!!!!

Him holding a sign that says "Peckahs" might be worth $10, I dunno I'm just riffin.

You know... You got me thinking... This could be great promotion for our sub... And of course for all peckahs worldwide!

Vurry good...

Have him make single letters with his body.... Think YMCA. Have him spell out something awful, donation by donation, combine them all into one... I dunno

Just Spitballin

"Check out Corey Feldman" --my sister circa 1986. "Check out Corey Feldman" --addiction councilors circa 1996 "Check out Corey Feldman" --noone circa 2016

This guy's band used to rehearse at the same studio as mine in Van Nuys and we'd see him with his entourage of 'hot chicks' in the lobby all the time. I think I caught hepatitis just being the in same building. LA sleaze so pure and sad you can't believe it actually exists.

Someone tell Corey the 80s are o-v-e-r

Anyone wanna chip in and send this guy a fatal amount of mexican knockoff prescription narcotics?

I'm close enough to walk to mexico, I'll pick em up

If I had $40 and Facebook, I would do it.

As if mimicking Michael Jackson wasn't bad enough, now he's clearly moving into Prince territory with his writing.

He's almost as bad as Brother Joe.

He showed up at a minor league baseball game last summer in a small town in the middle of Pennsylvania and dropped this gem:


The minor league team publicly apologized the next day. It was pretty great.

At that point, I'd kill myself


The best thing of all time is corey feldman on howard sterns tv show in the 90's singing a song called "what up with youth"


I can't help but feel badly for someone who seems to have no concept of the way people perceive them. Or maybe feel really great for them too, since he seems to think he's a major star in spite of not being able to get access to $100,000. Maybe he's actually better off with his mental problems than all of us are.

I love going out on that stage & coming alive with the lights, & the roar of the crowd.

When he said "roar of the crowd" that was when I knew he was lying

'roar' or ''crowd'?

Vice did a great story on him. It was Cumia-esque. http://www.vice.com/read/i-went-to-corey-feldmans-birthday-party

Bonfire should have him on, let him promote this shit and they can goof on him.



It's so fucking painful to read. Fucking retard replaces all versions of two, to, and too with "2"! Not to mention all the "U" and "R".

He also capitalizes YOUR as if he's proud he knows the correct way to spell the word.


He looks more like Geddy Lee than Geddy Lee does.

50k to have Corey Feldman's band come perform at your house... worst money spent ever

He'll pay me $50,000 to let his band play my party? Not bad. Still a lot to put up with, but I'd consider it.


crackle crackle

Flexible Funding! We know this scam.

Imagine if he raised more than jimmy.. oof

Well I'm not reading all that, no matter how hilarious it might be.

It's like he's perpetually stuck in this alternate 1989 funk-rock-universe where he thinks he's Michael Jackson. He's been doing this shit for 25 fucking years now and is a complete and utter failure. Talk about arrested development.

I think this one might be better. https://youtu.be/AsSP8a0ToGY

Didn't Corey Feldman get raped a whole bunch? After watching this, I'm so retroactively supportive.

What the fuck?

I've seen ISIS videos with better production value than this.

Nice to see Howard skipped his wig for whatever that trainwreck was.

WAS it?

And looking better.

Some Jews have too much energy for their own good.

beat me to it, damn.

Yo wtf: This was 1992 It looks like michael jackson stole moves from Corey. Whats up with that?