Opie and Jim have "FUCKING CHEMISTRY"!!!!!

44  2016-03-23 by Dannyprecise

Opie: Jimmy and I have fucking chemistry!!!!! I'm not even making a joke...we have chemistry and been having a lot of fun lately.

Seconds later I don't even close the hallways around here. I walk amongst the people.

Jim: huh? You close the hallways. What does that even mean?

Opie: um, I don't know. I just do. (In a low embarrassed voice).

Jim: I just don't get it, you close the hallways? How?

Opie: umm, yeah, I just dooooo.

Great chemistry, brothaman!!!

EDIT: http://youtu.be/UCZI-pNkJHI

Starts at 1 hour 37 minutes you hooligans.


Their chemistry is bafflingly bad for two guys who have worked together so long. There's a general unease and you can sense they are trying to get along and not step on each others' toes.

That's because they aren't close!

Imagine 2 people who actually like each other having a blowout like that. You and someone you've worked with and known for years, during a fight you might call them an asshole and say some hurtful shit but you wouldn't say "look, we've never been really friends, we don't get along, I wouldn't mind never talking to you again" without meaning it. That's not just something you pull out in the heat of the moment.

Did Jim say that in the Opie vs Jim superslam?

It's hard to have chemistry when these idiots are busy staring at their phones.

They look at their phones because they're in a room with a sociopath me me me faggot

Jim or opie?



Its weird listening to ~2011 or so when Ant was out. They were definitely less awkward with each other. Sam helped a lot, but even when they were alone they were OK.

Totally random aside, but Ant actually talked on his show yesterday about Opie and Jim's contract negotiations coming up and said how they'd probably get shittier pay since they're old. He also again lamented how they never did the 5-year contracts he always wanted as O&A.

Shows that were just Opie and Jim used to be fine. Perhaps even enjoyable as "something different" just for a day as Ant recovered from whatever hangover he was suffering from.

The difference now is Opie is different now than he used to be. He tries to actually be funny now instead of conversing normally, he seems to not even listen to what other people are saying, he over laughs at things that aren't even funny because he thinks that means he's having more fun, and most of all he definitely has more of an ego and a "this is my show" attitude now than he used to.

I bet if we went back to an 2011-13 O&A show with Ant on vacation or out sick it would be radio gold compared to the shows now.

Opie is different now than he used to be.

I mean, he doesn't even listen to Jim. Today Jim was talking about being in De Niro's movie and getting his photo and stuff and then at the end of the story Jim goes: "yeah I'm comfortable around these celebrities, it was the same thing with Gwenyth last Friday. Same thing with Gwenyth." So he repeated it after Opie didn't say anything the first time. Opie just goes okay very good and moves on the next topic. Hey idiot, Jim was setting you up (blatantly) to ask him about that story too. But Opie seems to only half listen all show. It's why so many jokes get no laughs and other less funny ones get roaring laughter form Opie. He's a true idiot.

The three times I've listened, he does this gravelly cool guy voice that's infuriating.

He's like retarded Jim Florentine.

Seriously though -- I wonder what proportion of that is a put-on, and what proportion is him just genuinely being worn down.

I often have trouble discerning between whether or not Opie is trying to put on an act and just sucks at it...or if he's just genuinely as stupid as he sounds. Either way, he sucks.

vurry good*

Haven't listened in a long time. Does it still sound like they're both terrified of a second of silence?

Honestly some episodes are ok, but the bad ones are bad in a different way. They're not scared of silence considering they all just randomly stop talking and just sound exhausted during certain points.

Its why I don't hate Vic Henley because a lot of these guest comedian dudes are just thrown in there where Opie says something random and they kind of just react and start talking. Anthony used to be great at keeping the flow at those moments, but guys like Florentine (understandly) kind of just are like "Yeah, uh, ok? Sure...". Pete Davidson controls it out a little better just out of sheer force.

There was some great old O&A where Colin Quinn called Opie out on it, where Opie was just like "So Colin theres this thing, where you at with that, no one cares right?" and Colin just goes "What in the hell kind of question was that?"

Yea I caught that to & later in the show it came up again & Opie was like you met Gwenyth? I don't even know if it's because he's not listening, I think sometimes he hears something & pretends to know or understand even when he clearly doesn't to seem cool & then he'll gloss over it because he's an insecure jackass.

Yeah I just listened to this episode, my God Opie was bad. I don't hate him as much as most but holy shit that Gwyneth Paltrow thing is a great example of how he was so off today. Jimmy actually had to force him to get 5% of the story, then fucking Opie goes on about Chris Martin or some other random tangent. His oblivious was off the charts

I wouldn't blame Opie at all here. He has shit for brains. I'd more want to call out Jim for thinking you can do good radio with Opie. What a fucking moron as well.

He probably wishes they had a 5 year contract when he got fired so he could have had SiriusXM paying him for the last 2 years and next year too. Which they probably would have had to do if there was nothing in his contract that allowed them to dismiss him they way they did. Or they'd have had to offer him a lump sum payout.

Makes me wonder did he get any money from them for the few months left in the last contract?

I don't know, good question. Ant always hinted at being pissed off about whatever happened with his contract, especially when he got mad at Sirius repaying his stuff with the "decade of dominance." In hindsight, its hilarious that at the time it still seemed like O&A could get back together in a year or two

It's kind of weird to me when Ant acts like Opie was always complete idiot in negotiating with them, even though Ant himself really hated negotiating. He said "5 years would be great!" and his off-screen guy on TACS had to be like "2 years is actually pretty long for a Sirius contract, they do 6 months for a lot of them". Not to mention that even if Opie was horrible negotiating with them, he was able to eke out 2 years with Jimmy in 2014 with full staff despite how bad everything looked

A lot of the worry in the 2010 and 2012 contract things sounded like a genuine fear they would be completely cancelled in the merger. Opie put on some stupid front every time, but it was kind of a running bit at the time. Even in 2012 they kind of acted like it was their last contract, stuff like "well that'll make it 20 years, so ok."

Anthony would be bragging about that hard if they did. When it comes to women and money, he can't keep his mouth shut.

is he still going on about chemistry? Jesus.



Yep, turns out the Opester is also a chemist among many other things.

It's sad that I realize he meant "clear the hallways" while he has no clue what his own thoughts are.

What does he think would happen if he asked to have hallways closed so he can travel through them? Someone getting a hernia from laughing too hard and everyone hating his guts.

I assume it's something Stern does and therefore Opie could do it, you know, because he's such a big stahh, but he doesn't because he is really a better man than Howard and doesn't put himself above everyone else. ಠ_ಠ

He says some weird things.


Like oil and water.

Bleach and ammonia

Tranth and honesty

Ebony and ivory!

Sometimes oil and water do mix. It is called an emulsion.

Shut up, stupid science bitch


Who the fuck ever sits around with their friends and talks about chemistry? "Haha, we're all having such a good time here as friends. We have such chemistry."

It's from all the designed for female viewer reality television he forces his wife to watch with him.

Dr. John Zoidberg.

I have not heard Jimmy give one of those guttural laughs like he had with Anthony on a daily basis once since O&J's awkward beginnings

True story. And when it does happen, it's a result of some other comedians joke or comment. He has never laughed like that at anything Opie said.

No one's ever laughed at anything Opie said.

He really thinks he's being creative and reinventing himself. Meanwhile he can't even just have a human conversation.

He's fuckin HORRENDOUS at being a real human. Fuckkkkin yuckk.

What does "close the hallways" mean? Like he's the last one to leave at night?

Howard doesn't let anyone in the hallways with him, ALLEGEDLY

And Howard makes more in a year than Opie has in his entire career so he can do as he pleases.

And he's so obsessed with Howard he thinks everyone just instinctively knows what he means by "close the hallways"

Ya kinda know what he meant tho ...like when Oprah an shit come through, the hallways are off limits....he's a dozey 'ole fool...

They were talking about Howard but mentioned earlier in the show they weren't allowed to talk about some of the nonsense going on in the building. Thats all. There is enough to go after without making stuff up

I condensed it to prove a point. I wasn't going to transcribe word for word what was said.

Jimmy in fact ruined Opie's bit because he couldn't understand what Opie was going for. This, immediately following a sincere statement by Opie about how much fucking chemistry the two have.

was a few weeks ago now. Weren't they just acting like little kids badly hinting at a secret but giving everyone enough clues to know without them saying what it was?

No dude; Opie was making a legit joke / dig at Howard and Jim, probably knowingly, called him on it. There's no way Jim didn't get the bit but he wanted to passive aggressively call Opie out on his unfunny retardation so he acted like he didn't get it. Opie actually said, at one point during the exchange, "Whatta ya want me to say" in reply to Jim's questions about what the fuck he meant about closing down hallways. Go listen to the clip, somebody actually posted it here like yesterday which is the only way I know this.

Jim did something very similar on one of the shows devoted to the departure of the Stangel brothers. Opie found out Pete Davidson was still on good terms with Justin Stangel and tried to insinuate that he hadn't heard from either Stangel at all. Jim immediately said something along the lines of "that's not true - they tried to call you and you refused to answer their call". This was after probably an hour of Opie just repeatedly claiming how bad he felt about the Stangels leaving but it became clear it was total BS (not that there was any confusion about that to begin with) when Jimmy was basically like "that's not true at all...you had a chance to work things out with them". It was very reminiscent of Opie's insistence that he went to bat for Ant after he was fired.

No. They don't..After over a decade. They don't. No one has chemistry with that psycho.

Who is he trying to convince with these constant proclamations of great chemistry?

Madame Curie? tss.

But they aren't too close

is there a clip of this?

It's from the 3/18 show. If I find it on YouTube and find the exact spot, I'll link it. Otherwise, it's about 1:25 min or so.



That's the show. I can't time stamp it but start listening at 1 hour and 37 minutes.

Thanks! This sounded like an annoyed Jimmy doing a who's on first sketch. Opie is just a dolt.

Seriously. Who still listens to this shit?

I can't imagine being someone who pays for this tripe.

I still pay for SxM, and I still occasionally flip to the channel out of old habit, but the crap is literally infuriating to listen to for any amount of time.

At least point would /r/opieandanthony rather have a Jim and Sam show?

I care less and less about any of 'em, at least opie has the redeeming quality of trying to be a parent, but really the whole bunch with all interns all staff and all associated hardcore fans belong on one 747 and another episode of air crash investigations.

It's the same chemistry that causes a rotten egg to fucking stink.

He's still obsessed with Howard Stern. By now Opie thought XM would have taken out "the little doggie company" and Opie would have the clout to have the hallways cleared for him. Things didn't work out.



They have about as good chemistry as (CH3)3CLi and O2.

I love when you edit out what they were talking about... Nice try on the hate though.

It doesn't matter what they were talking about. The point OP was making was that mere seconds after claiming they had some sort of amazing chemistry, neither one of them had any idea WTF the other was trying to say.

It does, he was doing his "tread lightly" gimmick talking about Howard. it was his attempt at humor. OP implied it was O&J talking about Opie closing the hallways and him being uncomfortable discussing it.

...They were talking about Howard closing the hallway and management not wanting them to discuss it. Hence, him trying to awkwardly imply it was Howie without saying it.

As I always say here, there are plenty of real things to mock all the O&A people on... No need to just make things up.

For all the people who were posting positive things about o&j on the unpopular opinions thread...what were you all thinking?

Tits was saying they had chemistry a couple months into their show after AntH got fired. It's only gotten worse since.

They're the Richard Feynman of long-dead, dogshit radio.

Opie doesn't even have fucking chemistry with himself let alone another living being.

You really captured the nuance of that conversation, you should the stenographer for this sub, edit it down to the best awkward opie moments . I'd read that & find it more entertaining than the actual show.

Just finally listened to today, holy shit other than the Louie Anderson interview it was pretty weird. Opie seemed to just ignore every joke Jimmy was making. It was like Opie was just reading a school paper or something, Jimmy would say something, then Opie resumed whatever the fuck he was reading. His ADD/OCD thing was really bad today, he couldn't have a conversation. Even worse he kept telling stories that went nowhere then when someone tried to go with it he'd start a new story or talk about some other random thing. He sounded more tired/out of it than Jimmy did.

Is Jimmy mumbling "Ah peckas" whenever Opie annoys him? Also great was when Vic Hentley asked Jimmy if he could ever do something he completely hated for money and Jimmy hinting he does it on a daily basis.


Chemistry with no eye contact.

remember when Tit fans said they were best friends, they're fine they said. Then we found out they didn't even say hello to each other in the morning.


oh snap!

remember when Tit fans said they were best friends, they're fine they said.

No, because nobody said that.


and even after the "you weren't there for me" fight the Tit fags then said they're fine now. They're best bros.

on snap!!

You're talking about imaginary people. There isn't a single person in here who is a big Opie supporter, and nobody has said they are friends, much less "best bros".


and when Jim said he was leaving you bitchy Tit fans said "no they're friends again now"



Why are you doing this character?

Shows that were just Opie and Jim used to be fine. Perhaps even enjoyable as "something different" just for a day as Ant recovered from whatever hangover he was suffering from.

The difference now is Opie is different now than he used to be. He tries to actually be funny now instead of conversing normally, he seems to not even listen to what other people are saying, he over laughs at things that aren't even funny because he thinks that means he's having more fun, and most of all he definitely has more of an ego and a "this is my show" attitude now than he used to.

I bet if we went back to an 2011-13 O&A show with Ant on vacation or out sick it would be radio gold compared to the shows now.

Opie is different now than he used to be.

I mean, he doesn't even listen to Jim. Today Jim was talking about being in De Niro's movie and getting his photo and stuff and then at the end of the story Jim goes: "yeah I'm comfortable around these celebrities, it was the same thing with Gwenyth last Friday. Same thing with Gwenyth." So he repeated it after Opie didn't say anything the first time. Opie just goes okay very good and moves on the next topic. Hey idiot, Jim was setting you up (blatantly) to ask him about that story too. But Opie seems to only half listen all show. It's why so many jokes get no laughs and other less funny ones get roaring laughter form Opie. He's a true idiot.

Imagine 2 people who actually like each other having a blowout like that. You and someone you've worked with and known for years, during a fight you might call them an asshole and say some hurtful shit but you wouldn't say "look, we've never been really friends, we don't get along, I wouldn't mind never talking to you again" without meaning it. That's not just something you pull out in the heat of the moment.


and even after the "you weren't there for me" fight the Tit fags then said they're fine now. They're best bros.

on snap!!

He probably wishes they had a 5 year contract when he got fired so he could have had SiriusXM paying him for the last 2 years and next year too. Which they probably would have had to do if there was nothing in his contract that allowed them to dismiss him they way they did. Or they'd have had to offer him a lump sum payout.

Makes me wonder did he get any money from them for the few months left in the last contract?

I don't know, good question. Ant always hinted at being pissed off about whatever happened with his contract, especially when he got mad at Sirius repaying his stuff with the "decade of dominance." In hindsight, its hilarious that at the time it still seemed like O&A could get back together in a year or two

It's kind of weird to me when Ant acts like Opie was always complete idiot in negotiating with them, even though Ant himself really hated negotiating. He said "5 years would be great!" and his off-screen guy on TACS had to be like "2 years is actually pretty long for a Sirius contract, they do 6 months for a lot of them". Not to mention that even if Opie was horrible negotiating with them, he was able to eke out 2 years with Jimmy in 2014 with full staff despite how bad everything looked

A lot of the worry in the 2010 and 2012 contract things sounded like a genuine fear they would be completely cancelled in the merger. Opie put on some stupid front every time, but it was kind of a running bit at the time. Even in 2012 they kind of acted like it was their last contract, stuff like "well that'll make it 20 years, so ok."

Anthony would be bragging about that hard if they did. When it comes to women and money, he can't keep his mouth shut.