The color of the day is: Yellow. The number of the day is: 6. It's going to be a PFG day, gang!

1  2016-03-23 by [deleted]



I'm not a big fan of yellow.

Me either. But, since we are moving towards becoming a Dennis Falcone worship sub, I figured... Meh. Why not?

Yellow may work on Saint Falcone, but it's not good for my colour pallette. Cooler colours like blue, dark green, magenta and purple are my go-tos.

I am 100% in agreement with you.

I will retool for tomorrow's PFG message.


The Naked Militia salutes you.

Interesting. I did not delete my post from yesterday.

Must have been the pesky mods.

Thanks, pal.


They did it again then, or you are a liar.

I truly did not delete it.

I'm having a hard time trusting you lately. I thought we could find true friendship in this dreaded subreddit, but you're behavior is dubious.

I am a good guy!

"Piss Lord" is not funny. It was something invented out of jealousy by that awful mullato Sam.

Sam is a good egg, a delightful afro-headed shit stirrer, and a professional broadcaster.

Me either. But, since we are moving towards becoming a Dennis Falcone worship sub, I figured... Meh. Why not?

The Naked Militia salutes you.