You know Derosas tweet enraged Ant. He should go after him

0  2016-03-23 by Lilcumia

Maybe get the sub back on his side


Isn't he in court today for felony strangulation charges? Why would he give a fuck what Derosa is babbling about on twitter?

It wasn't strangulation, his hands were artistically placed , individually around her neck.

Sounds like he's going to walk then.

He wasn't trying to kill her, he was simply blocking air from reaching her lungs.

Just a little horseplay gone bad.

because twitter is more important than real life to Anthony

Joe's tweet was easy to laugh at. It probably didnt enrage anyone.

*choking...there's a difference.

Since you were there to bear witness you should probably come forward with your testimony.

Oh you weren't and just running your cocksuckers for the sake of social justice.. Because someone told you it's cool to hate Ant now? Yuck! STFU you all sound like middle aged gossiping bitches.

Calm down. Have a look at my posting-history and then try labeling me as a SJW. I'm a fan of Ant's.

Was directed at all the above

Calm down. Have a look at my posting-history and then try labeling me as a SJW. I'm a fan of Ant's.