3/23/16 LIVE: The Day After DeNiro Hangover

2  2016-03-23 by FrunkisOA


God Damn Vic Henley


Opie smelled his winter hat the other day and was litrully taken aback by the stench! And then he sprayed it with axe body spray and wore it anyway!

The dude is just totally fawkin demented and cannot be prevented

He uses axe body spray...60 years old and all in with the axe. Classy.

yesterday he bragged that he doesnt wash his hands after he takes a shit because he 'takes and awesome shower in the morning'.

opie has a shit fetish that no one, not Ant, Jim or anyone has addressed on air for fear of exploding gregshells. Just think of the number of time opie forces the subject of "shit" into a conversion and wont let it go

Do you like when he uses the phrase "where the doodie comes out"?

Look at his quotes t-shirt/mugs. The most common subject is shit. It's either a fetish or a crutch, or both.

Nothing like going for a stroll on he beach in the morning and dropping a nice steaming log in the sand

That would be actually interesting, but unfortunately his shit fetish/conversations is just him emulating Howard yet again.

This was more disgusting than anything Jim has ever admitted to. I would refuse to touch anything in that studio that he uses on a regular basis. Hopefully the nannies are raising his kids better.

Pink eye for everyone!

More like Stink eye! Because he stinks.

At least you tried.


Opie once again thinking that "early 90's aloof slobbish stoner" is the pinnacle of cool.

They should play a game where Opie tries to find Brussels on a map.

or make him pronounce "Belgium"

Bell-gee-oom? Help me out here, Travis...

Me: Well thats just how "I" say it...so there ya go.

" whatever "

I'm not so good with the spelling I'm a math guy, good with tha numbaaahs

I'd bet my life that he thinks Brussels is in Germany.

He couldn't find it if it was labeled.

"Please can we just hear more from Vic Henley " -Nobody ever in recorded history.

He's such a fucking nobody and has a wit that makes Tom Pappa look funny and interesting.

I would be mortified to have a radio show and need this guys as a regular cohost.

Oh nigga I am laughing way too hard at this

Louie to Opie 'is that how it is? Everyday you have to control everything?'


Norton has a joke. Opie steamrolls onto the next who gives a fuck topic. Norton shuts up shop. Great chemistry.

I lasted all of two minutes, is it always this bad?

They still aren't comfortable around each other and don't mesh at all. They ought to break it up for everyone's good, not even just Jim's.

Opie stonefacing Tired Jim is bahrutal this morning


Sometimes. sometimes Opie realizes Jim was going for a joke and back peddles a bit and apologizes profusely. It makes for fantastic radio

Me: I know you're trying to make a joke jim, but America craves my straight-forward, ill-informed but obvious opinion that contains neither wit nor an interesting twist on the subject

Let's ask your wife.

[ 🎶 that's Fonzie 🎶 ]


Ha ha ha Louie 'some people live just for a picture'

Has anybody noticed that Opie never acknowledges Vic once the guest comes in.. It's like he only needs Vic to be the safety net for him and Jimmy.

half the time when a guest is in, it's opie trying to convince the person that he's seen their project or read their book. The guest or the listeners don't give a shit, but it makes him feel like he contributed that day.

Someone has to pitty laugh.

Louie Anderson should be on the show more, he's hilarious

I thought y'all were talking about CK.


He did an Unmasked a few weeks back that's definitely worth a listen.

Louie talking about shirt size and using pictures instead of X's 'do you have this in a sloth'?

Talking about UFC, Charlie Flurrn......Jimmy spells out F-L-U-R-R-N

Two seconds later, how do you spell Flurrn?

No person can be this oblivious

Probably had to grab a pen to write it down. That second "r" blew his mind and couldnt compute.


You're a good boy.

Just steamroll over everything Vic, Jesus

Opie said he's guessing Obama didn't just watch the game while in Cuba, that he's sure the president "got his intel, or whatever"

They probably got that figured out...

Vic "i finish everyone's sentences" vickerson is in the house.

The Sheepdogs - Feeling Good is the horseshit song opening the show today - Opie "got it off the Twitter". God forbid somebody recommends something halfway decent.

Vic Henley in studio, who gives a fuck

Vin means people are tapping out

Is there anyone that uses twitter to confirm he is actually getting song requests?

They had DeNiro in? Jesus, was bad grandpa that fucking awful?

Barney Rubble

I wonder if Louie Anderson will talk about his family

Edit: Well I'll admit being an asshole. Great interview, and I might have welled up when he was talking about his brother.

watch baskets you will be a fan of his

Real good show. The whole cast are marvelous

Keep this up and I'll help Ant dox you.

Ah fuck, aggggaiiin?

Pretty cool DeNiro story, good for Jim. Can't wait for his reaction when he gets cut

Over the moon for Jim, imagine meeting the star of Rocky & Bullwinkle (Otto ©)


I like Vic, he has good energy. You guys hate everybody.

He's fucking white Sherrod. Terrible.

Vic's okay, he laughs at everything tho

He's like that giant cock from that cartoon that's racist now.

" I say I say I say "

you mean Foghorn leghorn...

That's the fella.

The fucker's like fuckin' Phil Giroux!

Do you like when he uses the phrase "where the doodie comes out"?

Look at his quotes t-shirt/mugs. The most common subject is shit. It's either a fetish or a crutch, or both.

He's such a fucking nobody and has a wit that makes Tom Pappa look funny and interesting.

I would be mortified to have a radio show and need this guys as a regular cohost.

Nothing like going for a stroll on he beach in the morning and dropping a nice steaming log in the sand

Oh nigga I am laughing way too hard at this

They probably got that figured out...

That would be actually interesting, but unfortunately his shit fetish/conversations is just him emulating Howard yet again.