Shitty/Unpopular opinions on the OnAverse

30  2016-03-23 by A_Faulty_Robot

List some of yours

-Opie and Jim is almost always at least a decent show when Sherrod is absent.

-Joe DeRosa is a funny comedian

-Bonnie is really not as hot as everyone claims and has generally annoyed me since the episode of MWHM with Bill Burr

-I unironically enjoy Denny Falcone

-Sam Roberts is the best interviewer out of the entire camp

-I would gladly fuck Dani

-Kenny makes me laugh and I enjoy him

-Steve. C did not sound gay to me and the mimicry of his voice was a great stretch.

Fight me


Kenny is a piece of shit fuck you.

He is way too situationally aggressive to not be a cunt. Sucks up to the rich people and hates the fans.

Back when I was a fan and barely out of high school, Lurch actually yelled at me for attempting to say hi to the guys.

Man is a prick

Well what did you think we were laughing at, his in character quotes from Frasier?


Jim was the asshole during the Jesse Ventura interview.

He kept trying to get Jesse to punch him, I bet PrideFC Jim can use his ufc to submit Jesse tho

He did the same thing with Chris Jericho. Jericho was offended that Jim made fun of his friend, and Jim's first reaction was "He wants to punch me because he's a big macho guy and that's what they do. I get it."

Jericho immediately told him that wasn't at all the case and Jimmy dropped it, though.

Every time Jim says "alpha male-ing" I want to snap his scrawny neck.

One of Jimmy's major flaws is that he has no ability to remain reasonable while dealing with unreasonable people. Setting biases aside, I'm not surprised when people unfamiliar with the show say that Jim was being a dickhead after they watch/listen to that segment.

Maybe, but Jesse is still a fucking lunatic.

You're using naughty language!

Ventura must have used mind control on him

In the short clip that Opie uploaded he absolutely sounded like the asshole. In the longer version though I have to agree with Jim, although he lost his cool and that never looks good on people

He was not.

Lady Di segments were probably my favorite, followed closely by Bobo's calls to the show. I'd listen to a daily one hour David and Bobo show if it was available.

I enjoyed the whole intern Di saga and the fallout when she was "mugged"

Your opinion is wrong, sir

You are a faggot, man

Do people like Denny ironically? I fucking love him and genuinely think he's the most talented person in the room when he's on

I always thought the bit was that he was a genuinely talented professional who when placed in the o and a universe doesn't fit in.

That was always the bit, Opie the sociopath just has to frame everything like he's top dawg and above Denny, a new 'wack pack' member.

I've never gotten the Denny thing. I always just felt bad for the guy.

It's because he has the body of a 12 year old boy and the head of a talk show host from the 1970s.

I think that Denny fella is very boring, and he's the same as that Mike bullshitme guy, laughing at him instead of with him

I like him ironically.

  • Dani wasn't so hideous as people said here and Anthony's predilection for violent anal sex shows that she'd be at least a decent one-night-stand.

  • Norton isn't so much a worm as he is a survivor that overcame a tepid career based on hating everything because he hates himself.

  • Stetten was the best Anthony will and ever have/had.

  • If I had a brother like Joe, I might actually end up supporting him even if he was was half the cunt SAMCRO is

  • Anthony isn't gay for fucking Sue Lightning, he just gets off on dominating young girls through sodemy because unless his father was pimping out babysitters, Anthony was awful at getting laid in high school.

  • Any discussion of politics via fervent Anthony or Opie fans/defenders is a total waste of time.

  • The 55 gallon drum challenge was my least favorite O&A bit. It was awful and cringey even when I first listened to it aired and even back then found it sexist and Anthony projecting his trauma in a frat boy way to torture women because he faced so much rejection before he was "famous". Him wanting to bring it back on TACS personally confirms it for me and if he ever stops being lazy enough to do it, I hope it fails harder than his boring squirting show.

  • I bet Lynsi Hughes is still hot and a decent fuck despite her origins as a groupie and her deplorable gold digging with an idiot.

  • O&A always fudged their numbers/ratings

  • I would often enjoy Don & Mike more than peak O&A. Also, some late night Ron & Fez would be more enjoyable. I also hated their feud with D&M.

  • I wouldn't be sad if either died, and I'd root for whomever was feverishly working on using personal information to make sure the other one isn't far behind.

I fucking hated all those awful bits loke the 55 gallon drum and cherry darts and shit. Opie always got embarrassingly excited and it,was uncomfortable

As far as Dani goes, if she bathed and ingested something other than liquor and Benzos, she would be a decent looking girl.

Do you think Stetten is better than Nicolini? That is a tough choice.

It's not even close. Nicolini looks like a tanned thoroughbred.

I find Stetten much hotter than Nicolini. I find the fake tits and plastic surgery gross, and the anal leakage doesn't help her case either.

I also hated the Don and Mike / O&A feud. There was no point to it and it went nowhere. Though admittedly it was pretty funny when Don revealed that Opie liked to tear up the WNEW hallways on his rad razor scooter. I don't think there's been a minute of Opie's life where he wasn't just the biggest douche in the room.


I've made legitimate complaints about Opie over the years but I've always thought he meant well and he seems like an alright guy. Yeah, he can be pretty annoying but he never doxxed me or asked me for money for a stupid project.

Yep, he's just very very very very poor as an ' entertainer '. He just isn't quick witted, knowledgable or funny enough. He is, on the other hand, a regular guy who's made good. It's his show that he cultivated and worked for and it's his name on the fuckin thing.

Ok, so he has a small pair of breasts and a really bad case of taking offence from even objective criticism but ya know what? I bet most of us wouldn't be able to react any better than he does, I know I wouldn't.

A salu

Everyone who has ever worked with him thinks he's a cunt, so I can't go all the way into thinking he's a good guy. He seems good to his family I guess. Kind of like that Chris Rock bit, you don't get to take credit for shit you're supposed to do though.


He's not a regular guy though. No one in the world stinks as much as opie at everything.

But all that said, he should die, right?

Probably, you know... For the bit

another unpopular opinion these days, I dont care who is a good guy. i wouldnt know any of them if they didnt make me laugh and ant and jim did the best job of it. there are plenty of people that are pro-cop in gthe whole blacks vs cops thing and it would never even cross my mind to scrutinize one to call him a racist. o&a fans are oversensitive.

While the show isn't what it used to be 15 years ago, it is still better than just about anything on the radio. I actually flip over to the sports radio station now less during my morning drive now that Anthony isn't on anymore. While he could easily be the funniest person in the room I got tired of hearing angry political rants while driving to work. Driving to work in shit traffic in the morning is awful. Why would I want to listen to someone screaming at me? Even average radio is better than that.

Oof. Well at least Opie can thank you for listening. I'd rather listen to static mixed with audio of Dennis Falcone pissing on some broad

The show was really, really funny from 2011 to 2014 too - not just in the late 2000s.

The show kicked ass in that time period. I look back on that time the way Henry hill looks back at his mob days.

It was before Appalachia, and before crazy Opie decided to take on a corporate boss & start a war...

"I'm gonna go betray my partner betray my partner"

"Giving this show to Opie is like putting a silk hat on a pig."

Everyone would fuck dani but they wouldn't be very nice to her and no one would move her in. That's an alley cat.

" damn! That's one stringy pussy! "



Canadian star of mid 90s comedy drama ' Due South ' which for you Sci Fi fans also starred one Spunkmeyer from the movie Aliens.

" Hello Bishop... "

I never got into R&F because of their call in crap where they would take 45 mins of phone calls about boring topics and mediocre one-liners from listeners.

Ron: "This is a call-in show 866-RON0FEZ 866-RON0FEZ tell us the best sandwich you've ever had! (Actual topic) Frank in Michigan what is the best sandwich that you've ever had?"

Frank: "I was at a truckstop in Ohio once they had this chicken parm sub with homemade sourdough it was amazing!"

Ron: "That's a good sandwich. 866-RON0FEZ 866-RON0FEZ next caller, Joe from Delaware you're on the line..."

Ron falls into lazy broadcasting very, very easily

I actually was a R&F fan, but they did a lot of shit radio like that. That's usually when I'd start exploring the music channels.

Hard Rock Johnny is the worst. He's like Opie. he calls in every show and takes up like 25% of the show

  • O&J can be horrible at moments/days but yeah there is nothing else better to put on in the morning.

  • Never listened to Joe Derosa's comedy, IMO in general stand up over all is fucking horrible. Attell, Stanhope and Colin are the only people I can say I have watched more than one thing from and really enjoyed it.. Louie and Burr were good for one and a half specials each then the rest was rehashing.

  • Bonnie is the only woman in comedy I have ever heard that isn't affected so therefore she gets a pass on everything.

  • Denny is genuinely funny as fuck.

  • Sam is awesome and would be way better if he dropped all these add on girls from his show aside from Nicole and Mary Jean.

  • If I had the choice I would go for Sue Lightning first, Purely out of preference.

  • If Kenny just stuck to his "Man servant" character he would be fine but when he gets tough with callers/Blindly defends authority he sounds like a dummy.

  • Steve. C. should have gotten 100k a year for what he did for O&A at WNEW...The guys took a week and a half to get 2 pictures posted before he came along..

I agree with this.

Opie's training in communications, and good on air chemistry between him, Ant and Jim kept the show together.

Opie had moments where he was sort of funny, I guess.

Artie Lange and Jimmy were neck-in-neck just as talented as "third mic comics" on the two competing SiriusXM shows.

Anthony should have become a stand-up comic or a voice actor in hindsight.

As much of a shitty person as Anthony is/has become, he's clearly in a very dark place right now most likely dealing with a lot of emotional pain. Some of the situations that have unfolded on this subreddit are akin to kicking a three-legged dog. Sometimes it's too sad to look. As much of a shithead as he is, sometimes I can't help but feel bad for him.

As much of a shitty person as Anthony is/has become, he's clearly in a very dark place right now most likely dealing with a lot of emotional pain. Some of the situations that have unfolded on this subreddit are akin to kicking a three-legged dog. Sometimes it's too sad to look. As much of a shithead as he is, sometimes I can't help but feel bad for him.


Yeah, me too. Mostly because he is such a sensitive prick, truly loves to make people laugh and wants to entertain them, and the Sirius firing really, really fucked him up. That's one of the reasons I'm so disgusted with that Dani chick. She threw a whole lot of really bad shit on his already cracked plate and shattered that fucker. When she didn't have all.

I don't particularly hate Opie, Ant, Jimmy, Brother Joe, Dani, Derosa, or really anyone. The worst emotion I can summon up for any of them is indifference. But it's fun to pile on.

I can't really believe that anyone here really hates any of them. We don't know them, we don't have to see them or hear them.


I really, truly hate Opie and I think he actually is a bad person. If he died I would have a gross chuckle.

Finally some honesty.

It's interesting that a lot of these dudes think people dedicate their entire lives to being "haters" when they say things like "wow you must think of us a lot to hate us this much". I certainly don't hate any of these guys (even as deplorable as Ant's political/racial opinions can get), but I don't even think of them aside from the 10 minutes I'm on here every so often. I mean, did they think the pests 'hated' any of the people they helped jocktober?

Sam was great for o&a and jocktober was his bit.

Mark Normand is awful and unlistenable.

The show retards were funnier than nearly all the comics.

Big Jay is an average comedian at best and he dresses like an angsty teen.

O&A was only good for 6 years max out of their 20 year run.

Mark Normand is awful and unlistenable.

That's not lunch.

I fucking hate Mark Normand as well

I hate these threads because they are just safe spaces for people and their awful opinions "Patrice was never actually that funny!" "Andy kindler is great!!" just stop

When the night of the long knives comes it will be a very useful list.

I can't believe this thread has positive upvotes

You can't have negative upvotes you redundant twat

Niles Crane over here.

I am a twat. Any** up votes

Ron and Fez has always been the better show.

Only part I didn't like was the interviews with most musicians,authors and artists. But the show itself was better,especially from 2012-2014

How many listeners do you think they had,I'd say it was 1/10 of ona

I dunno but they had a pretty loyal and sizable audience they shared with O&A. If you were a fan of one show, chances are you probably liked or listened to the other.

They clearly is less popular than ona, and Danny said ona had shit Number, 1/10 of stern, so whatever rnf had was shit

Numbers-wise, I'd guess that Ron and Fez was the "Late Late Show" to OnA's "Late Show." They had a respectable but obviously smaller fanbase, and there seemed to have been a stronger, more relaxed bond there as well. Plus, Ron and Fez always felt like it worked off more absurd bits and sly comments than the brashness and "real talk" of OnA.

that's irrelevant, you can go back to old RnF and compare it to old OnA, and the old OnA is unbearable hacky garbage while RnF was doing unique and funny shit

Yah I listened to a lot of vintage rnf on YouTube, they loved to smash those soundboard buttons, the al duke noise can be heard over and over in spin of five mins. Then they got all these attention hoes dirty girls making moaning noises and making out.not saying it's not good but they all had their hack moments

I like Derosa, was always funny when he was on the show, too bad he suffers the foot in mouth syndrome and is a tad oversensitive , otherwise he is ok.

I saw Joe do standup, it was very good.

Seen him as an opener for Burr. He was indeed funny. Though his soc media accounts really turn me off

I have a few:

  • The Donald Rumsfeld 'are you a lizard' question from Louis CK wasn't nearly as funny or interesting as everyone made it out to be.

  • The Danny Ross hate was 2nd only to Opie himself, and I didn't really get why. I'm not saying he's not a douche sometimes, but was it really THAT bad?

  • Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion these days, but I would rather listen to the sound of my car driving on the highway than any East Side Dave segment. Kinda reminds me of Tom Green. Not funny at all, and tries waaay too hard.

  • I actually enjoyed Andrew Dice when he's on O&A.

  • A lot of O&A fans have been brainwashed into mindlessly hating Howard Stern for no reason. Opie will never admit this, but his show probably wouldn't even exist if Howard hadn't laid down the ground work and put in the years of work to make radio more than just shitty noises to fill silence while you're driving.

On that last point, most of us were Stern fans at one point or another and are pretty open about it. The only thing up for debate is did you jump ship after Jackie/Billy/John left or after Artie left.

For me, it's before & after his movie "Private Parts" came about. Even during the filming that's all they would talk about. Lost something after that.

Same here. It all went downhill after that, and Howard letting Jackie leave was what finally did me in. I never listened during the Artie years.

I still kind of enjoyed the Artie years. Once he left, it was unlistenable.

I got into the show because I would binge on the Louie appearances, but you're totally right about the Rumsfeld interview.

Normally it wouldn't bother me, but it was so blown out of proportion and got replayed so much.

You summed up ESD perfectly. I've never found anything he did remotely amusing or entertaining.

I sadly agree. Sadly because I WANT to like him. He seems like a good egg and a loyal, honest person. And he's got a few mental/substance disorders, which is something I always take to. Kinda like Pepper Bangton. But he genuinely cracks me up.

I started listening to stern which eventually got me into O&A, I agree I don't think they would've gotten nearly as popular if it wasn't for Howard

Opie could be funny at times.

Never understood Bonnie either, she sounds like a typical hole on anything i've heard her on.

Howard Stern is/was a better interviewer than O&A.

Howard is far and away a better interviewer. That's the only real reason to listen to his show anymore because it's not very funny.

O&A were always shitty interviewers. There were very few times that a non-comedian guest was anything but 20-30 minutes of boring radio.

Back in the xm days they kept having boring musicians on, does anybody care about any of those people

Still not as shit as the sports guests. That 'bit' where Jim gets a hold/punch was embarrassing from day one. You'll always be a little, shouty bitch, Jim. Sit down.

Interviews have always been the worst part of O&A's past for me, unless it was a nobody they interviewed just to F with.

Any sports star they interviewed was so cringe inducing, they are all such pansy jock-sniffers around athletes, especially MMA fighters.

O&A never really jived with Doug Stanhope but Stanhope on Stern was 90 minutes Stern saying "Your clothes are weird." "You really don't have a lot of sex?" "You drink too much."

Opie HAS NOT AND WILL NOT ever be funny. Don't let your new hatred for Ant cloud your judgement for Opie. Unfunny cancer.

I get the hate, but he did have funny moments at times, have to give him that much. Very few & far between, but they existed.

-O&J while not appointment listening is still a good show that provides some laughs/discussion. It's completely different from O&A, and in this day and age when shock radio is dead, that's actually a good thing.

-I like Joey Roses and his comedy.

-I've heard some of Bonnie's bits and she's just ok. She's funny when she's piling on Vos but that's about it.

-Falcone rules.

-Roberts: I disagree. His slithering up into the 4th mic and being a smug cunt about it was a major JTS moment for O&A. I'm glad he's languishing away in some nobody time slot. Steve C was a far better executive producer, broadcaster, and personality.

*Anyone who wouldn't fuck Dani after getting wildly drunk in a bar is gay.

*Love CSK and his OCD butler persona, but dear God is his Blue Lives Matter shit unbearable.

Other thoughts:

-Although I am not a fan of Amy Schumer's comedy, she has worked very to be where she is today. (I like her better as an actress/guest than as a comic.) Colin Quinn has her back, that's good enough for me.

-Ron Bennington is a funny fuck but doesn't know how to put together a good radio show (unless it's RBI/Unmasked). He struck gold when Fez wasn't having a long dark slide into depression and Black Earl was around. ESD is an attention-starved opportunistic hack. #Bennington is unlistenable thanks to his daughter Giggles McGillicutty and his exec producer who's run his degenerate addict schtick into the ground. WHY COULDN'T THEY HAVE JUST MERGED WITH OPIE AFTER ANT WAS FIRED?!?

*Jimmy's a sweet boy and I like him! Wish he called out Ant after his bombing/arrest but knowing how Ant likes to turn his followers against his "haters", it's probably a smart move in the long run.

*Anthony deserved the firing based on his unprofessional conduct behind the scenes as an employee.

*One more thought about O&J. It's not a morning zoo. When I think morning zoo, I think of wacky sound effects, prank phone calls, and song parodies. Just sayin.

Anthony quoting random shit was almost never ever funny. I'm not opposed to quoting something comical or doing it in the context to make it comical, but he would just quote some random shit from an old movie that didn't mean anything. And he would do it over and over and over again. Just in case you missed the humor the first few thousand times.

I firmly believe that Steve C. killed himself because of everyone from the show, specifically Opie. I will go to my grave believing this, and I want them all to know that.

In the long run, Howard Stern was so much significantly better than O&A. I think O&A had better peaks, but in general, Stern was almost always more entertaining.

Jim's bit with MMA bros hitting him was never entertaining and was just a way for Jim, a homosexual, mentally disturbed man, to get off.

Sam sucks. Always did, always will. It pleases me greatly knowing what a value-less waste of air time his show has become. "He stirs up shit" is a fucking hack bunch of bullshit that they directly ripped from Stern.

2014 was a horrible year for the show, well before Anthony was fired.

Jesse Ventura was right and owned them, like most people have over the years.

Bobo is a direct rip off from Stern, even down to the name. They might as well have just called Stalker Patty "Mariann from Brooklyn" while they were at it.

And I think the most important one is this: O&A were always hacks. They were born hacks. They will die hacks. They were lucky enough to catch the shock jock wave of the late 90s/early 00s and rode it straight to the middle. They were hacks trying to pretend that they weren't hacks. Opie, the eternal autistic sociopath, absorbs the personality traits of those around him, so he just absorbed the shock jock craze of the day. Anthony is a born hacky entertainer. He's really just an angry alcoholic version of a prop comic. If left to their own, they would have been Weenie and the Butt, Anthony honking his horn and Opie going through the list of Prepburger bits, like any other lousy radio show out there.

They had a few good years. But the majority of their careers were terrible, unentertaining dog shit, and most of us were just too stupid and got caught up in the "We really tell it like it is!" bullshit propaganda that they were spreading. Sure, it was funny. But take away the funny comics and you're left with "We're two guys who think..." The fact that they ever drew a dime in this business is a testament more to the landscape of the business and not to their actual talent.

Steve's suicide was not related to the show. He killed himself on his one year wedding anniversary. You don't pick a day like that lightly.

Say whatever you want. Opie killed him.

As someone who was friends with him since 1997, I can tell you that you have no idea what you're talking about.

They had a few good years. But the majority of their careers were terrible, unentertaining dog shit, and most of us were just too stupid and got caught up in the "We really tell it like it is!" bullshit propaganda that they were spreading. Sure, it was funny. But take away the funny comics and you're left with "We're two guys who think..." The fact that they ever drew a dime in this business is a testament more to the landscape of the business and not to their actual talent.

I endorse this statement.

The only one I totally agree with is Steve C, but I'm biased since he was a friend. Bonnie I half agree on; for a Canadian farm girl she's a 9, just walking around she's a 6.

Really? Thats unpopular about Steve? It's not even up for debate. He sounds not in the same universe as the impression they do...

I always saw it like Billy West's impression of Jackie Martling. It sounded nothing like him, but you knew who he was mocking.

Kinda related question, when did the "Steve is gay" thing start? I started listening to the shows in order when the 2004-2011 archive was posted and I'm too about December 2004 and there's been pretty much zero comment on Steve C's sexuality. There was even bit they were suggesting Steve ride coast to coast with one of the trucker fans as a promotion and they didn't make a single gay joke. They even made jokes about getting him a lot lizard.

I would guess very shortly after if they haven't brought it up yet.

I'd have guessed late 2004, but I listened to their XM shows from the first one through April 2005 before stopping and it's definitely somewhere in that timeframe.

Probably from him wearing girly clothing, like capris or Lane Brysnt blouses. I bet Opie put him up to wearing that shit.

Derosa is super unfunny. I say this as someone who doesnt care about his world opinions or 'not sticking up for ant' bullshit

His comedy is just flat out below par crap. Im amazed he is even considered something of a name

Unpopular opinions

You don't say?

He has cutting edge material for 1985.


da da daa da da da da da da da da da da.

What is the da da daa?

What Hudson calls Bam.


fuck that, they're both in the wrong.

Pickup the phone, it's a 2-way street that neither one of them attempted to cross.

Yeah, Opie obviously made a poor decision by not joining Anthony on his podcast network that is currently radioactive because of Ant's racism and domestic violence allegations. Ant built a studio in NYC so he can have nobodies like Bob Levy and Mike Finoia on 3 times a week. Jim won't even do the fucking show anymore ffs.

He made a poor decision by pretending to have gone to bat for his partner when he clearly hadn't. He'd have spared himself endless amounts of grief by at least making a token appearance on Ant's show early on.

I would have respected Opie had he said "No, I won't go to bat for you because they're right."

Unless you think Opie purposefully wanted Anthony fired, it's clear Opie asked SiriusXM to not fire Anthony. There's nothing more he could have done outside of threatening to quit. But Sirius might call his bluff.

Then everyone working on the show would have been fired. Why should Opie and Jimmy quit an awesome job for Anthony?

So what does "going to bat for your partner" even mean?

But I agree he should have appeared on Ant's show early on. It's too late now.

I don't think Opie tried to get Anthony fired, but he has himself admitted that he did far less than he could have.

Does anyone actually think Opie could have saved Ant? Once the decision was made that was it. There was no room to negotiate. I don't think there even were any negotiations. They told Anthony via email that he was fired. There was nothing he could have done to save Ant.

Apparently he did go to the big wigs and talked to them about Anthony coming back one day. He said the door was not completely closed and reversed the company's decision to not play any old O&A clips on the channel anymore. He tried to keep the brand alive.

Of course he could have threatened to quit but what would that accomplished? Nothing.

But really, I don't see what he could have done more is threaten to quit. If he made any otherAt least, I don't know what else. So what he did was far less.

Opie is probably a really solid guy outside of the show. Probably a good father, husband, & friend. (damn this post, feel like I need a shower)

He's really none of those things. I get that this is your opinion, but Opie is factually a bad person. He's a bad father, bad employee, bad boss and a bad friend. He stinks at life.

Ron is great but doesn't do a great show. Should be either with ant or with Opie and Jim

Kenny is the best character on the show

Erocks show sucks

Opie is to be thanked for the hours of good radio he helped make in the past

Sam Roberts is missed.

Vos is terrible on radio apart from when he gets a great quick line in

Keith the Cop is doing no different to any other untalented fan would do if given half the chance

Anthony Cumia, even though he is a mess and his show sucks, still has something watchable about him.

Despite all of the shit Ant gets here, and my fading appreciation for him, I'll throw his show on and somehow keep it on because of whatever element he has to keep me remotely engaged.

Sam is garbage.

Radiohead sucks. Jay Oakerson is funny in spite of himself and I have a heavy feeling that wont always be the case re: being funnier than he is awful. Nah I think Bonnie is super funny and very attractive. Vos has always been the funniest.

i hate jim norton and rarely find him funny. people who post as chip or otherwise mimic norton are sad and probably find a lot of dumb unredeeming shit funny

if i could murder only one of the o&a guys it would be that disgusting worm of a man

say what you will about chip but there's no denying that he is a national sensation

β€’Jimmy wasn't there for Opie

β€’Opie did feel bad for Anthony's firing, for one whole day at least

β€’Dan Soder is really funny

β€’ Florentine is another fine comic

I actually think Anthony is a decent guy for living up to the pact he made with Joe. Joe was partially responsible for the dumb OJ song that started this whole thing, so it's commendable. That said, that shit should've gone out the window the day Joe became a parent.

I fucking love almost every Jim breuer appearance. Hes one of my favorite guests and yes, his laugh is over the top. Blow me.

Yeah I like Breuer. He's generally funny and I liked hearing him talk about his dad. I shall also be blown.

However his Christmas song was brutal, you have to admit.

The christmas song sucked ass. Not claiming hes perfect.

I love Breuer too.

Legion Of Skanks is awful and none of those guys are funny, except for maybe Big Jay. I like his stand up but I think he blows on LOS. I hate that Ant went and made a whole "network," I wish it was just him.

I enjoyed Fez a lot when he was still on the air. I thought Ron's constantly trying to pull him into the show was really funny in an awkward sort of way. Sam was probably better for the show than any other producer. This may not be an UNpopular opinion but I still think sirius fucked up with not promoting ESD or keeping him on R&F somehow. It was painfully obvious how much the show needed him and how great he was on the air. I think Ron and Fez did great for years with what they had despite not being as big a show as O&A.

"How ya doing, Big Cat? Locked up? Okay?"

Satellite of Love....:(

Dani is fucking sexy.

I kind of agree with you. She is cute and in some pics she actually looks really decent like she could clean up well just in most pics we see she looks like early Kesha days where it's like take a shower hippy.

Definitely. I'd love to spend a weekend with her, piggy, Bonnie, shleznigga and Sue. We'd go sightseeing during the day, have some dinner and then fuck for hours.

How nice of you to include Bobby.

No I meant Amy shoema.

oh, that ol' pig.


Patrice wasnt a black messiah. He was an ill informed, willfully ignorant and stubborn ass. Anyone who needed him for guidance is a gullible maroon. The guy played off of the cowardice of his male audience. They didnt have the balls to say to hot girls what he did and that only makes them seem all the more pathetic kowtowing to him.

" he's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy! "

you're old

" big nose "

The show was only ever good because of other people. Jimmy, Opie, and Anthony are absolute no-talents that got extremely lucky.

I liked Kenny and Sam when they were on.

I don't think anyone thinks the Steve C gay voice is meant to be an accurate impression there fella.

Master Po was the best character on the show. The Bobo character is hacky, we have seen and heard it a million times on Stern and other shows.

Well considering they even ripped off the name Bobo straight from the Wack Pack...

Bobo's mom actually gave him that nickname, not the show.

Bobo's mom ripped off Stern.

Master Po fucking ruled. There's not a single bad clip with him on youtube.

Silly Jim Norton >>>>>>>> Pontificating Norton>>>>>>>>>>>> Chip>>>>Angry Jim Norton

Ron & Fez > Howard Stern = Special Delivery > Opie & Anthony

If Artie were a co-host of Opie & Anthony especially during the early XM days the show would be possibly the GOAT

Best Comedian Rankings Colin= Burr > Patrice > Attell > CK > DeRosa > Bawby

I actually loved Bob kelly on the show. I think he was one of the more underrated comics they had looking back the show over the years.

Colin best comedian

Patrician choice. Best thing about him was he could slip right into the fabric of the show, rather than making it about him like Burr and Patrice sometimes did (even if they were entertaining.) Nothing is more entertaining than a show w/ jimmy, colin, vos, and bob. CK (especially in recent history) was a bore.

Rich Vos is funnier on and off the radio than all the living regular comedians including Colin.

Opie did a fine job as a shock jock, and for what that stuff was, it was very funny.

Agree with most of your points except I do think Bonnie is hot.

  • I enjoyed Opie's cringe moments and laughed heartily
  • Chris DiStefano playing the young guy making them feel older has him growing on me.
  • Always though Jill Nicolini was pretty ugly.
  • I miss Sam stirring shit
  • Always enjoyed office drama shows

I think its pretty gay when people say they "finally see what Anthony is". He's been on the air for 15 years with probably the funniest off-the-cuff professional comedian there is and another (terrible) professional radio host. He was plenty vocal about his political stances then, but losing the environment around him, of course he is going to slowly focus more on his own personal opinions without others to bounce off. People look at it like he left on purpose because O&A wasn't political enough. I mean, go ahead and hate him, but don't overinflate his relevance like he's this terrible harmful person. His career ended and he's doing what he can to make a few bucks. The fact that youre still paying attention to it is on you.

I think Chip sucked Lamars peckah that one time

I think Opie's beard really suits him and makes him look kinda coo.

I liked Sam every time he was on the show, and Danny most of the time too. Sam is what Opie should have been, and he made the show better. Danny had some really good lines.

Opie is more interesting than Sam. Sam is extremely uninteresting.

What made the Steve C thing funny was how ridiculous it was, same thing with how fat Erock is supposed to be when you've got Roland in the same building.

Saying Kenny makes you laugh and you enjoy him is fighting words bruh...

really happy to see all the denny love in here. Denny!

Patrice talked in circles a lot Β―_(ツ)_/Β―

  • Tom Papa is actually a funny guest, he's basically a lesser Dan Soder (which is a compliment as I love soder)

  • Mark Normand is also great but in a second guest role. His stories are fake/gay but if left in the background he comes up with really great lines.


i also unironically like denny. just a genuine guy doing what he enjoys, even if he does it in a stiff, dated manner. props to him.

bonnie is a solid 4. no idea what this is about.

opie is complete shit, come on. take anyone and give them a decade of cumulative air time, and they're going to say something to make you smile by accident. a couple of non-paltalk goofballs from the opester are inevitable and do not redeem his overall product.

dani is rotten to the core and looks like her breath and asshole stink

Agree with your last point but I'd still definitely fuck her.

Can you please provide an example or 2 who else you consider to be a solid 4?

I will agree with the overrated bonnie hotness. I'd probably fuck Dani if I was out at a bar and met her. The impression of steve c was widely exagerrated but he did have a fruity sounding voice.

Fuck yourself on the rest.

Perfectly valid points of view. Throw in a bunch of hatred for Opie and few could argue with you.





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Some of the homer sound drops were really funny

-Bill Burr is a psychotic creep and I hate him as a person. Great comedian though.

-I thoroughly enjoyed Ant's race rants on O&A, but only on O&A

-I have zero ill will towards Bobby Kelly (not sure if this is unpopular any more)

-I like Fez overall but I absolutely hated his guts toward the end of R&F

-I also enjoy Kenny. His retarded one-liners never failed to make me laugh.

-Anthony's complete lack of effort in his job and his life are the only two reasons I dislike him. I completely understand his anger at this sub and would never expect him to let it roll off his back, that's fucking ridiculous.

-I think Robin is great at her job and contributes well to the Stern show. The hate for her is completely lost on me

-I hate Amy Schumer for a variety of reasons but I highly doubt she stole the vast majority of jokes people are saying she did.

Bill Burr is a psychotic creep and I hate him as a person. Great comedian though.

Totally agree. He tries to come off as boston tough but he just sounds so shrill. Complains all the time like a spoiled teenage girl in almost the same inflection. He's still funny as fuck.



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Everyone here seems to be on Pete Davidson's dick, I think he's an annoying little try hard faggot.

Dan Soder is a fucking annoying pothead/frat boy douche who brings nothing to the table

Jimmy is the only one associated with the show who has good taste in music

No amount of being a "good egg" can change my opinion of certain faggots.....I don't care if someone like Danny could give us the juiciest info on the show, he will always be a gigantic waste of a human being and ruined the show with his whiny baby boy bullshit any time he was allowed air time, which he shouldn't have been

Erock abuse is some of the funniest shit ever, I don't care if he's a nice guy, being nice isn't funny

I can't stand Hicks, his voice and pothead shtick annoy me

The sound board effects were very funny, save for Opie's overlong baseball/football related ones.

Anthony is a smart guy who CHOOSES to be retarded. Probably to make his brother not feel left out.

-this sub has filled up with cucks since the Schumer joke stealing fiasco


I think that everyone has a terrible perspective on Anthony. He was fired from SiriusXM, so he was bound to suck. To really give a fuck that he is a racist or a pedophile based on made up stories is fucking gay as hell.

Are you saying that you think it's a conspiracy of some type?

the guy admitted to wanting to fuck 13 year olds on national radio.

and not doing it because its illegal. a chick can be hot but if she's borderline too young its a dealbreaker. common consensus amongst people that arent white knight preachy faggots.

I don't mind Sherrod. He makes the show more listenable when it's just Opie and Jim in the studio.

I never liked Jim Bruer, and his long-winded, boring stories.

I'm not a fighter, I'm a lover.


O&A fans have become oversensitive.

The chip pilot was pretty good

Ant's show is pretty good

Always liked Danny Ross

give me yo money cokescker dvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

Opie ended up being the coolest one out of the three.

Every comedian regular sucked on the show except Patrice (Colin had a few good moments too I suppose).

I have no issue with Ant admitting he wanted to fuck underage girls and think anyone who does is either a faggot or an old woman.

Apart from some conceptual issues - I like the Chip Chipperson animation.


At times Patrice was really long-winded and boring and at times was one of the worst O&A guests. But he was still really funny a lot of the time.


Ha, have you EVER listened to Sherrod on the show? Shoot yourself for your opinion.

Probably from him wearing girly clothing, like capris or Lane Brysnt blouses. I bet Opie put him up to wearing that shit.

I dunno but they had a pretty loyal and sizable audience they shared with O&A. If you were a fan of one show, chances are you probably liked or listened to the other.

I would guess very shortly after if they haven't brought it up yet.

I'd have guessed late 2004, but I listened to their XM shows from the first one through April 2005 before stopping and it's definitely somewhere in that timeframe.


I can't really believe that anyone here really hates any of them. We don't know them, we don't have to see them or hear them.


It's interesting that a lot of these dudes think people dedicate their entire lives to being "haters" when they say things like "wow you must think of us a lot to hate us this much". I certainly don't hate any of these guys (even as deplorable as Ant's political/racial opinions can get), but I don't even think of them aside from the 10 minutes I'm on here every so often. I mean, did they think the pests 'hated' any of the people they helped jocktober?

Do you think Stetten is better than Nicolini? That is a tough choice.

I fucking hated all those awful bits loke the 55 gallon drum and cherry darts and shit. Opie always got embarrassingly excited and it,was uncomfortable

that's irrelevant, you can go back to old RnF and compare it to old OnA, and the old OnA is unbearable hacky garbage while RnF was doing unique and funny shit

I saw Joe do standup, it was very good.

As far as Dani goes, if she bathed and ingested something other than liquor and Benzos, she would be a decent looking girl.

It was before Appalachia, and before crazy Opie decided to take on a corporate boss & start a war...

I also hated the Don and Mike / O&A feud. There was no point to it and it went nowhere. Though admittedly it was pretty funny when Don revealed that Opie liked to tear up the WNEW hallways on his rad razor scooter. I don't think there's been a minute of Opie's life where he wasn't just the biggest douche in the room.

Unless you think Opie purposefully wanted Anthony fired, it's clear Opie asked SiriusXM to not fire Anthony. There's nothing more he could have done outside of threatening to quit. But Sirius might call his bluff.

Then everyone working on the show would have been fired. Why should Opie and Jimmy quit an awesome job for Anthony?

So what does "going to bat for your partner" even mean?

But I agree he should have appeared on Ant's show early on. It's too late now.

I would have respected Opie had he said "No, I won't go to bat for you because they're right."

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Say whatever you want. Opie killed him.