
82  2016-03-22 by CuckECheese


Me: Howling

Unrelated but do y'all remember when jimmy said Brian posehn always looks like he just saw the ark of the covenant?

His put downs were great before he started gargling aids.

Looks more like Bobby Kelly honestly. At least non fat, worm Norton has human features. Bob looks like the McDonalds Grimace.

I think he looks more like Kublai Khan

Let's not forget that his great-great grandmother was indeed raped on the Khyber Pass.

Molesta la breastas!

Bobby Kelly is what my balls would look like if they weren't funny.

Baby bird.

Brando in Apocalypse.

"Big A!"

Brother Joe as a fetus.

At least he doesn't need to worry about what to do with his hands.

Late term abNorton, tss.

HEY...that's my picture!! How did you get that?? Oh yeah....the internet. Nevermind

unfinished clone

Jimmy looks like any container you pour him into

  • Patrice Oneal