Well there goes my free iPad.

27  2016-03-22 by CuckECheese


I used to have a young girls pic as my Twitter profile and I tweeted ant and jimmy some jokes and Anthony followed me. Then I posted a pic of him and that goth looking depressed girl and he blocked me.

You're a good egg.

You have to send him loli pics and say it is you. Plus it is a long work, you have to get his attention then chat him up.

You did it all wrong.

Ant is a a professional pedophile.

I'm often mistaken for being a teenager and Anthony followed me. The loli thing basically already happened.

Thank you for your service.

What'd you do?

I blocked some weird racist pedo that was following me.

Ant's Twitter numbers are tanking as usual 100 in the last half day. I can see the numbers going up by 3000 in the next 24/48 hours.

I wish we had a link in the sidebar that went to a gallery of twitter blocks

He is such a goddamn pussy ass bitch, but he got beat down by a woman so I guess I didn't really need to say that. Who wants to hear his blowhard drivel anyway.