Ant and Dani meet for the first time... you can see the future

0  2016-03-22 by ducklingsaresocool

Start at 2h 10m 15s Ant is an animal Hopefully this has been posted before but I came across it on a Louis CK binge and had to share!


Nice link, faggot

Sorry. Here's the link:

I actually remember this clip even though you're a fuckup. This sub is becoming like that joke about the prison where everybody knows everybody's jokes so well they just call them out by number now.

Haha failure... but i havent seen the vid so i want to now

not a vid, it's the same show clip that has been posted here countless times.

God you are retarded. Fuck her tits into oblivion if i'm not mistaken?


Tranth is a creep.

My god did I fuck up. Here it is