This week on Horace and Pete: Mushy, submissive victim Louis CK gets humiliated by a negro fucking his sister in his own home. Surprise, surprise!

1  2016-03-22 by Eternalforms


Louis : OK lets see how I can be humiliated this week

They don't call him the cuck king for nothing.

"You a motherfucka, Mistah President!"

I used to think Patrice and Bill Burr and others that came on the show and talked about the illuminati and groups that control everything were insane but watching Louis CK succumb to it all I am starting to re-think everything I know. The man who asked Donald Rumsfeld about Lizard People is now a PC, SJW watered down douchebag.

Oh shit that's it!!! The Donald Rumsfeld interview is what did him in!!! The Lizard People either mind controlled Louis or they replaced him with one of their own kind!! They are turning Americans into weaklings so that when they invade, the most powerful nation on Earth will be at their mercy, with the rest of Europe falling right after since they are going through the same shit we are.

Goddamn Lizard People!!!

Theres some truth to that...the united states no longer needs tough men to manufacture things or that many soldiers even while bombing the majority of countries in the middleeast so the propaganda we're fed is to turn us into weak, passive consumers who wont stand up for anything and can exploited at will by the state / corporations. However, louie has always been a white knight at heart...he was raised by his mother and is not an attractive was almost unavoidable.

well, based on that description it could have seriously gone the other way and he could have been an extreme misogynist, racist, homophobe, holocaust denier.

He also fucks a tranny on the show but it's all good because it's wrong to be judgmental and mean


yeah according to his writing youre not supposed to even ask what gender someone was born as. you dont have a right to ask. thats like, really offensiiiive

He tries to be PC and ends up saying that a woman's identity is all about wanting to fuck a man. Doing God's work Louie.

Louis Cuck K
