Ants gone full retard. Thinks 1.6 billion people condone terrorism

0  2016-03-22 by Dennyislife


"Anything from direct involvement to apathy fits the bill."

We all know Anthony has never, ever been apathetic to the plights of others; there's no way that sort of logic could be turned against him.

He's really, really, REALLY not a bright guy.

He was so apathetic towards learning that he ended up not even graduating high school. Is there any worse type of person than one who is dumb as a turd yet thinks they're incredibly smart, to the point of endless pontification and condescension?

The only thing at this point that Anthony could do to make me pay him money is for him to take a series of intelligence tests. SATs, GREs, high school AP history tests, going up against chimps in a battle to see who can use tools better... I would bet good money that Anthony does terrible at all of them. But he'll never stop thinking that he has this insight that no one else could have.

In terms of not letting education level equate to intelligence - he's totally right in the position he's always taken. You can be incredibly smart and not have formal education/advanced degrees.

The issue is that you can also have no education and just not be that bright - and using incredibly faulty logic when you analyze race/politics/whatever else he rants about is a strong indicator of that.

I completely bet you're right on the IQ test concept, FWIW.

I agree, that's why I tossed in the 'using tools' thing. I think that in even non-traditional tests of intelligence, Anthony wouldn't do so hot. Deductive reasoning, etc. He's way too biased with his GOP talking points (and so blinded by his gun fever and racism) to be able to draw coherent points anymore. Plus he's got the good old wet brain. Anyway Im running out of steam here so: peckahs.

Trump fever is taking over. None of the white trash in my office knew what brussels is but they are all real fired up about it.

Agree entirely. I've also got nothing else to add, except [Vos gig here]


So Ant condones pediatric cancer?

theres no way for us to know for sure, and saying that he's wrong because he has personally apathetic to bad things is equally stupid.

I'm saying his logic, which appears to be "apathy=condoning an act", is flawed.

when someone set off bombs in the name of a religion that you strictly believe in and it doesnt bother you, I can understand that some people wouldn't like that. Ive never given a fuck about this issue and if you disagree youre probably not wrong but calling it full retard is a bit of a stretch.

I'm not even looking at those parts - just the logical fallacies involved. How many times has he been apathetic to issues faced by others? To conflate apathy with endorsement is the issue I see in what he said (I'm not looking at the substance of it).

I dont think apathy equals endorsement but I can understand someone considering apathy to be a bad reaction for a Muslim to have to a terror attack, and to lump them in with those that condone it. I'm not even saying he's not wrong just that its not quite "full retard".

That's like the Chris Rock joke. I am not saying I support OJ killing his wife, but I understand!

Not 1.6 billion but hundreds of millions of Muslims do fall on a spectrum where they believe the appropriate punishment for apostasy and blasphemy is death. A lot of them might not be willing to do the killing themselves but they do believe that the people being killed deserved to be killed. If you look at the Pew Polling data for different Muslim countries and what percentage of them support violence for fake religious crimes like apostasy it is staggering.

Is it disproportionate?

So disproportionate that it's exclusive to Islam.

Just making sure it's disproportionate. That makes it easier to understand.

I won't agree with Ant fully but many in the West seem under the impression that all these people all over the world are just Americans waiting to burst out of their cocoon of oppression. No, most of their value systems and ideologies are radically different than our own and a lot of the time there's no way to see eye to eye.

I agree with everything you said. kgt's spiel there just reminded me of disproportionate Ant. Another thing about the non-Americans across the world is that their values and ideologies are WAY fucking older than ours. That shit don't change over night.

This is why you should never believe the narrative being spun about "doctors and engineers" escaping the country and contributing to society. First of all, that's and very small minority. Second, they usually suck and don't know shit. That's why you don't hear of anyone saving their money so they can travel and attend Syria University. Every cab driver I've ever had used to be an engineer but if you talk to Western engineers who deal with foreign Temps they're almost universally awful and struggle with the basics.

In nearly all instances they are burdens on the state for 2 to 4 generations, if not indefinitely. Add to that a culture which is largely incongruent to Western values.

I'll defer to Patrice's impersonation of every Muslim after a terrorist attack, "Well, yuh seeeee. Da Yunneye-did states hab dun minny things..."

10 seconds in - "where ya at wit da mosque?"

ugh, fuckin Gregg

I don't feel any need to say i'm not in support of white school shooters of the millions of men who kill or abuse their partners so why should Muslims?

Yes. Because your whiteness doesn't prescribe violence & subjugation of women.

My whiteness does. I'm Irish.

Ya but we do it cause we're drunk and our women are lippy. Italians beat their wives and kids because they have low self esteem

Because white school shooters don't shoot up a school and say YEAH WHITE PRIDE! I DID THIS BECAUSE I'M WHITE! When there's a terrorist attack the terrorists say it's because of Islam so in return the Islamic nation should be vocal.

that church shooting kid did that didn't he?

One. Compare that to the thousands who have joined ISIS in the past few years.

sure i'm not saying white mass murderers are in the same number as Muslim ones just i get why a normal non-murdery muslim can't be fucked saying "this is not what i believe" after every attack or else they'd be doing it most days of the year.

Because so many of them actually support the actions as acceptable. Look at the Pew studies done on the topic. The numbers are staggering.

And he was roundly condemned. That's the point. You said you don't feel the need to condemn when a white murders someone. Well no shit. Our society despises murderers, locks them up & removes them. When a culture DOESN'T roundly condemn murderers & makes excuses ranging from foreign policy, lampooning & hedonism; we have a fucking problem.

If he did I was never made aware of it.

As Colin Quinn says, "a hundred million bad apples spoil the bunch"


A few hundred million of them probably do.

Sure but as Colin Quinn says don't let a few hundred million bad apples spoil the bunch

This tweet is Ant's broken clock-twice a day equivalent. Just wind down the hyperbole a bit & its more true than the counter-kumbyaa "Islam is just misunderstood" tripe.

The koran teaches if you are a muslim YES you condone terrorism

Social Commentator Anthony is as bad of a character as Pontificating Jimmy.


I agree, at least with Pontificating Jimmy we periodically got Colin around to call him a buffoon.

I just get my container of coffee and scream nigger at passers-by.

Forget Aristotle and fuck comes professor anthony


like your sisters box


Since the start of the Mesopotamian campaign in 1914 whitey has killed around 37.34 million Islams, Islams have killied around 121 thousand whitey.

We're winning.


Ant was born fucked. His mother probably drank and smoked and did drugs while pregnant with him. And his father was a violently repressed half a fag who hated himself for it. And he hated his children because they were a manifestation of the lie he spent his entire life living.

Guaranteed mama cumia thinks joe sr. was a queer.

Guaranteed she think's Joe Sr. is alive.

I guarantee Old Man Cumia was gay as a picnic basket. NO ONE overcompensates that violently or hugely when they are at all secure in their sexuality. He had his own kid raped at barely 13 to "make sure" he wasn't gay. By a woman he was already using himself. That is 100% fucked up abuse. He was so twisted by his own homophobia he fucked up his kid's life forever. He was probably fucking men in the 60s, when it was actually somewhat difficult/dangerous to do.

Ants just happy he doesn't have to think of material for the next 4 day work week.

r/worldnews is leaking hard today. Full on SJW lectures.

wrong sub cuck boy

1.6 billion Muslims in the world.. They follow a book called the Koran.. The Koran says .... Quran 8:12 – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”

Therefore Ants completely correct.. All Muslims are either terrorist or condoners of terrorism.. ACCORDING TO THIER OWN HOLY BOOK! How is this proof he went full retard?

Just like every christian believes every cunty line in the bible?

That would make them not a Christian no? What defines a Muslim is that book. Don't follow the book you're simply not a Muslim. And the Bible not "a book" but rather a bunch of books. Many are just law to a specific group of people at a spicic time. (Example Leviticus is written to the Levites, not the world as a whole. I studied world religions for years. You should probably know your stuff before saying someone went "full retard".. Just repeating what the media says (because they don't know shit either) doesn't help you look any better.

No your right my neighbours who ran the corner shop business for 20 years secretly wanted to kill me. Could of done it with all the tasty food they shared. Idiots

I wish they did saw your head off for allah. We wouldn't have to suffer through your leftist sjw dribble on this board. Now go bitch about Ant pointing out pavement ape crime stats, beta boy.

lol i'm pretty anti islam but not thinking 1.6 billion of them are cunts

Just saying.. There's 1.6 that claim to be Muslim.. If they don't support it than they're not really Muslims.. It's that simple. Maybe your neighbors really didn't follow their teachings. Or maybe they would slit your throat for Allah if given the opportunity.. I'm telling you that if they really are Muslim.. And they tried to convert you to there shit religion.. They're commanded to kill you... So keep defending them!

You sound as daft as that family church that protest soliders funerals

Nope.. I just read a lot. It's a lost art but really necessary if you're going to voice an opinion on topics like this. Something I recommend Mr. Derosa do as well. But instead he'll just wander bloodlessly, repeating what his liberal friends tell him..

But seriously.. Go to B&N.. Pick up a copy of the Koran.. It's pretty fucked.

Quran 8:12 – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”

That verse is a direct commandment to cut off the heads of anyone that will not convert to Islam. And what do you see on the news. Yep, people getting thier heads cut off. It's not just coincidence.

Pick up a copy of Hermeneutics: An Introduction.. This will teach you how to interpret and apply ancient texts and apply them in context of the time.. (Should clear up all those shitty things those Christians believe in the bible.

And the "family church that protests funerals" that would be the Westburo Baptist Church. They're not a "church" at all but rather a hate group that hides behind the name of a "church" the Christians constantly speak out and condone them. Why don't your friendly Muslim neighbors do the same?

They do. 9/11 they personally helped a British victims family.

Are they Muslim or just look Muslim? People treat Muslims like they're a poor minority like black people and can't help it. As if you're born Muslim. It's a religion, not a race... A pretty fucked up one too. Perhaps it's easier to assume they're not really Muslims.. They may even swear to all mighty Allah they indeed are. But in the same way the majority of men in America claim to be Christian while banging the neighbors wife at the same time. If you get what I mean.

Absolutely Muslim. They had two teenage daughters who actually WANTED to go down the arranged marriage route.

Ok.. So actually Muslims that don't believe or follow the teachings from the book that is the entire foundation of thier religion.. Or approved of "extremists" and "terrorism" (they call it jihad) if you still talk to them.. Ask them if they'd be in favor of the U.S. Implementing sharia law? That would give you a better idea of where they truly stand.

they moved. They put up posters for the local elections so i'm not sure they do. Keep reaching though

Keep reaching? You're just giving more examples that shows they're not really Muslims.. If they were they'd be in favor of it.. Allah, Mohammad says so.

Like i said. Not all 1.6 billion Muslims are cunts. There are many different interpretation of it something you don't seem to grasp. yesterday a British Muslim was murdered today by another Muslim for saying happy Easter to his shops customers. It kind of proves there are different scales of Muslims



2016-03-22 18:46:06 UTC

Anywhere from direct involvement to apathy fits the bill. So, yup. Most do.

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As a Muslim born in the Middle East, but as big of an atheist as you would find, Tranth's view are awfully boring. Does he realize most Muslims are so seperate ideologically, philosophically, and emotionally from this shit that it doesn't even occur to them to condone it. If I live in Qatar and I live in a homogeneous society, I'm not even gonna think to condone this stuff. I wouldn't find it neccesary. It's that separate from me. I'd be more interested to know who I can fuck that night or which friends to hang out with.

And yes, if you asked some family members of mine, they'd say gays should be killed and other horrific shit. But some of that stuff is religious and an equal amount cultural. But THE KEY is most would never fucking do that.

You may want to look at the Pew Groups research on the topic.

Let's say 10% are "militant" and another 20% are willing to look the other way. That's a HUGE group of people when the % is of 1.6 billion.

Some people think facts are biased and we should operate on feels instead of reality.

Well I lived in a Muslim country. I have lived, worked, and hung out with Muslims. Hell, I even have one friend who owns several farms in Syria and was sure to tell me that ISIS was his neighbor since they moved onto his neighbors farm. He even told me while he likes the US he's willing to put up with ISIS if it means more flock to the prophet.

You spin any harder, you're going to go back in time.

Again Pew has stats on how Muslims feel death is an appropriate punishment for blasphemy, that feel that attacking civilians as part of suicide bombings is justifiable and other amazingly backwards opinions. That numbers are shocking.

Unlike you I've actually lived in a muslim country and I've seen all types of muslims, I bear no ill will to them but the numbers just don't lie.


Most of this sub are glorified white supremacists this is the one thing they will agree with Ant on

He's such a dumb fuck

Dummy thinks all muslims are middle eastern I'm sure.

You may want to look at the Pew Groups research on the topic.

they moved. They put up posters for the local elections so i'm not sure they do. Keep reaching though