quit being a faggot and suck that dick

0  2016-03-22 by BensArthriticFingers

anthony i'm fucking mad. I listened to your dumb guinea voice everyday for the past couple years while you said WHATEVER you wanted and i stood by with a dumb grin on my face in full support. People bash you for "tagging" a tranny in the ass and now look. PC threats against your true fan base?? Opie won, OPIE WON. Do you understand what a mind fuck this is? suck that trans cock with honesty and quit letting your pride get in the way of this beautiful fan base of yours, ya fag.


It was all over when he acted like the champion of freedom of speech and got all butthurt and threatening to close this place down (lol). His hypocrisy in one day out of no where on TACS declaring he doesn't care about anyones gun rights other than his own now was a death knell to any of his fans that took his opinions seriously. Which, based on the format of yelling at the camera about his retard opinions, is all he had since Granthony isn't funny anymore.

If anthony went on air and sucked a dick I would subscribe to TACS, I think he could really win us back.

One thing I've noticed over the years folks.

You can always tell if a person is 50+ years old based off the way they CAPITALIZE WORDS for no APPARENT REASON, and odd use of "quotes" around words.

I'd pin this guy at around 53 or so.

I'm 20 "CUNT". its in quotes because its the word they used while bashing Ralphie May for being molested. one thing I've noticed over the years is everyone on the internet is a condescending douche.

Late twentys why??


Sucking tranny cock can't solve this. He not only threatened to shut this sub-Reddit down but also openly shares the personal info of his own paying members of TACS.

it was just a desperate tactic to fight back against the mass hate mail. I dont really give a fuck about this website or what he threatens to do with it and he has never actually shared personal information. People have zero perspective on any of this shit youre just a bunch of emotional little babies.