PC Joe.

65  2016-03-22 by oskimon


I think Joe may actually be retarded. Crazy is crazy but religion has EVERYTHING to do with it.

Religion at least has SOMETHING to do with. YOu can argue its more economic, political, cultural, racial , or many things but to say there is NO RELIGIOUS element and chalk it all up to terrorists as being "Crazy" is very delusional.

All of those things, in those countries - and therefore cultures - is completely ruled down upon by the authority of the Quran and the Hadiths. It expressly says how Muslims should live, the economic policies they should live under, etc.

There is no separation. They are Christian Europe 500 years ago. Before the reformation, the wars, and the eventual separation of Church and State. They are nowhere near that. It's not just religion, but it's the unwillingness to budge on the religion that has stagnated the progress. And the wealthy there, like anywhere, make money from that stagnation in the mass of peasantry. So they pump the anti-western propaganda, fund the attacks, and keep the locals scared to rise up with a religious pillar of government in almost every single Muslim country.

Hence Iran being the "ISLAMIC REPUBLIC". They have a President. They have elections. But they also have a religious Supreme Ruler, and a proportion of religious representatives that can block anything because Islam has very specific issues with the idea of a secular nature in absolutely anything. From the family, to schools, to police, to medicine, science or politics.

Until things get worse in the Muslim world, they wont get better. They're destined for some form of major chasm within the religion which will either radicalize it further in uniting, or hopefully reform it and accept that much of it will have to be abandoned in everyday life.

Our best hope is probably to actually assimilate them, funnily enough. We have a generation of Muslims in the UK who's parents are quite strict, but they are just regular teenagers. We continued taking way too many immigrants in every year, though, and now nobody is assimilating - or wants to, so we're getting "areas".

I love that this post is written by JohnTravoltasHair


Religion gives purpose and direction to crazy individuals.

The values of that religion are garbage hence the dysfunction https://youtu.be/g7TAAw3oQvg

this stat is out my ass, but you realize over 90% of the population of the earth has a religion. You can't say 90% of people are "Crazy" or the word becomes meaningless.

What? Can you not read or something. I said that religion gives already crazy individuals purpose and direction.

Same for political ideologies.

1) no you didn't, you said something different then that. 2)Your comment to me came off as you saying that religions function is for giving crazy people purpose, not that some crazy people misuse it for their craziness.

Your reading comprehension is pretty terrible, then.

Oof, this is turning into a childish argument VERY quickly. Reread what you wrote, see how it is ambiguous and that outside of your own thoughts, out of context, if someone read it they would interpret it as you making a generalized statement about religion and not crazy people. You should have typed "Crazy individuals USE religion" as it implies the crazy people are diverting/utilizing it in an unintended way, but you said "Religion gives" which implies that its religions function to help crazy people. So maybe YOU should fucking think before you type words but your clearly an unquestioning bullheaded dummy spouting near-cliches in the asshole of the internet.



Relevant username.

I highly doubt 90% of the world's population is part of an organized religion. The % keeps falling in developed countries in North America & Europe.

I was close!


I'd even say its inflated since many are statistical , but at least more than half. But more importantly historically, religion has been prominent in governing the lives of people. the point being its not a thing for crazy people but part of the lives of normal people throughout time.

A bunch of the 9-11 hijackers were highly educated and Osama Bin Laden was a millionaire before he turned radical. I would argue that religion is the main cause for bad behavior in the Arab world.

No we all know global warming is the cause of all terrorism


my thoughts exactly good sir. i just came in here to say bluntly joe dermas is a retard.

inbreeding in the middle east and particularity Egypt which is who his birth parents are explains a lot. he's a retard. an inbred retard.

Islam isn't a race Joe. glad to see even twitter followers called out his idiocy on this one.

Islamic and white aren't the same scale you moron. Islamic terrorists can be white. What a fucking dumb ass.

Nobody talks about all the shit that the Chechans have done in Russia. They're every bit as crazy as the Arab Muslims but they're white. The problem is Islam. Chechans aside, you also have this like this this happening too.

That a good, well-put point. Politics aside, the problem with America is that we have this happening too.

I guarantee the imam the radicalized him wasn't, though.

They prey on outcast youths. Hence the number of ginger jihadi's.

Islamic and white aren't the same scale you moron

Good, I was trying to think of a way to say this that would capture how retarded that tweet was.

People will often say muslims are useless, but forty years ago two of them were smart enough to throw this fucking newborn idiot in the trash.


"Imagine all the people..." shut up you dizzy prick

Yeah, that dumb cunt got shot in the face.

"A good man that John Lennon. Shot in the head".-Heeby Kikeberger

I can't stand him anymore. I used to really like Joe but he's such a knee-jerk, mal-informed liberal pc crybaby. I can deal with guys like Bill Maher that have reasonably informed opinions and at least a funny/creative spin on it. Joe is just a crashing bore of a human being.

Muslim here.

Joe is wrong. Islamism IS the ideology behind this attack.

Islamism is defined as the political movement to instill Islamic law. That is ISIS' raison d'etre.

The left's failure to speak of this (like Voldemort in Harry Potter...he who cannot be named) without naming Islam as a factor result in the far right getting away with mixing it with bigotry, like Trump.

Keep an eye on this guy


What is it with assholes and the name joe?

Just think of all the good Joes like Walsh, Frazier, Stalin, Goebbels

I strand corrected.

Joe Walsh. Ordinary Average Guy. Average Joe. Regular Joe. schinkle bout it.

Get me a container of coffee, some Funk #49 on the dusty jobsite radio and I'm happy. I'm a Straight Shooter, better just Walk Away and keep listenin' to the soft stuff Mother Says buddy.

I work All Night Long, never complain, what the heck do I know. Sit me infront of the TV with with a can of Bud, hey, Life's Been Good to me so far.

Better Stop and Take a Look Around ya pal. Joes tough medicine will slap you out of that Life of Illusion yer' livin in quick. Welcome to the Club buddy.

I think I need to be euthanized.

Not to be confused with former Illinois Congressman and two-time TACS guest Joe Walsh

Stop referring to terrorists as "Islamic" terrorists. If you do, start referring to ALL THE WHITE shooters as "White" shooters.

I think Joe may have just implied that terrorists are muslim by definition.

This is why I don't like Derosa. He tries so fucking hard to come off as intelligent and enlightened and profound, and he always just sounds so fucking dumb. It's like when he tries really hard to sound like a tough angry stereotypical east coast comic, but instead just sounds like a whiny pussy. Or when he tries so fucking hard to pretend he's ultra-sensitive to the concerns of women and minorities, but comes off sounding like the guy who's never gotten laid and never had a real black friend.

This sounds like a rant about Norton.

theyre more or less the same douche

First of all, religion and race are two entirely different things, you fucking idiot. Second of all, since when doe the news OMIT the fact that a shooter is white? This might be the worst argument I've ever heard. Joe really is a stereotypical tumblerina dickhead.

If he had any consistency at all (he doesn't), he should follow this new line of progressive thinking to it's logical conclusion and write a nice historical account of how all the violence done during, oh, I dunno, the crusades, or the Inquisition, really had nothing to do with religion after. It was just people bein people.

Things like this make me glad i didnt alter my Amazon review of his cd

They are doing it in the name of ISLAM. White shooters aren't doing it in the name of being white. If it was the KKK or a Neo Nazi, then you should bring up the fact that they are white.

"THIS IS FOR ALLAH!" - "this might not be about allah" - joe

Joe's logic: "but what will my terrorist friends from other religions think?"

I know it may be a controversial opinion round here, but I really don't care for Joe Derosa

Jesus Christ, Joseph. They are telling you that they are killing you in the name of Allah and for some reason you don't believe them. Good luck getting some jackass to blow himself up in a bus terminal without the doctrine of jihad and martyrdom and the promise of paradise for them and their families.

Muslim Terrorists work in a very paint-by-numbers way. They tell who they will kill, how they will kill you and why and it is all in accordance with their literal reading of the Quran, Hadith and the example of Mohammad. Politics plays a part but not the largest part. Look at Palestine for example. There are Muslims and Christians living in the same area with the same culture and same oppressive regime over them and the same economic instability and yet you still only see Muslims blowing themselves up there. If religion has NOTHING to do with that why aren't the oppressed, poor, uneducated Christian Palestinians blowing themselves up? Could it be that Christianity doesn't have a doctrine of jihad? Hmmm...

"The Islamic state has nothing to do with Islam."
Ok Joe.

ugly faggot

As a man of middle eastern/Arab descent with plenty of Muslim friends, I'm correct.

Joe sure has a rich tapestry of ethnic friends

As a man of middle eastern/Arab descent with plenty of Muslim friends, I'm correct.

You are an astoundingly stupid man, Joe.

nigga was adopted from egypt when he was like six years old then raised as a cuck in usa. hes been bill burrs bed warmer for the past ten years. so he definately knows the thick of it as a muslim man at odds with the his religion, his peers, war and the West.

Joe could walk around in 1890s Louisiana holding hands with a white girl and he wouldn't get Lynched. He looks white.

start referring to ALL THE WHITE shooters as "White" shooters.

They already do, you streamlined record collector. It almost immediately becomes the headline.

Also get a load of this ass equating an ideology with race. Joe's the sort of guy who would go on for 10 minutes about not being white cause his grandmother is "Persian" or some other made up nonsense.

Uh, he already does that. He's Egyptian.

Stop trying to say I'm right as if you're correcting an error.

Sorry triangledimes

Love ya bud.

LOL why is he a "streamlined" record collector? Do you mean he just bought whats trendy?

Streamlined because he has no shoulders and is aerodynamic. Record collector because only hipster faggots listen to records. I just fumbled the ball with this whole thing.

I really hope Jim SMASHES him on the show about this.

He's got way more retweets/favs than any tweet sucking up to O&A got him

Just listened to him on Jay Mohr's podcast. These two dummies talking about politics was infuriating. Jay kept calling Scalia "SCAAAAH-LYE-AH". I love Jay's podcast, hes funny as hell but man does he say some dumb stuff occasionally.

wew lad

LOL look at how progressive I am!

Joe, no one is going to cast you.

As soon as "white" becomes an ideology, you fucking zilch.

ayyyy its pc joe

yeah some of the terrorists in london were from African or Jamaican backgrounds. It's not just brown pieces of shit that fall for this shit

yeah! some are really brown. wait. what?

This guy does not get the difference between race and religion?

Joe really is uninformed. get it


What a dumb fuck! They call them "Islamic terrorists" because they kill in the name of Islam! "White shooters" don't kill in the name of whiteness!

I really dont think people like Joe understand what is happening. There are people who die at the hands of fundamentalists, the fundamentalists then lay out why they did it (for almost purely religious reasons), then PC westerners like Joe say that religion had nothing to do with it. The fundamentalists are literally telling us because of their doctrine. He has drunk the kool-aid of the west that the current state of the middle east is purely because intervention from the US, britian, france, etc.

read his timeline. he's being bombarded and getting killed and thinks he's winning.

He got ripped apart on Twitter after that one. Does he have any fans of his that follow him?

i think even his fans are in no mood for that PC shit. Even the hens on The View said they agree with Trump today.

I don't like how agreeing with Trump is being cast as the alternative to drinking PC kool-aid.

it's kind of been that way since he started running. I never thought he'd win, but if there's another few terror attacks, he wins in a landslide.

If anyone thinks that Trump is the kind of guy we need to take on terrorism, they're morons. People laugh at Trump, they don't fear him.

i'm not arguing, i just think that his rhetoric is resonating with people.

It just blows my mind that anyone takes his tough talk seriously. It's like seriously voting for your uncle because he doesn't like political correctness. Sure, he has the right idea, but he's still your stupid fucking uncle.

there are people like ant and fake bono that think he's gonna blow up the system and they like him because he not a politician. Ant used to make fun of the "regular guy" and now he sounds like one every time he defends trump.

There is no fucking way they actually said that.

Piers has always been right of center in the UK. He's just anti gun so appears as liberal in the US.

"As a man of middle eastern/Arab descent with plenty of Muslim friends"

Where have we seen him use this before?

what a thin skinned low intellect shit nozzle. I'd love to tell him this on Twitter but he blocked me for thinking is 1000th quote from Fast Times was getting a bit old.

They only call them Islamic terrorists when they perpetrate terror in the name of Islam, which ISIS and its supporters are doing. If the Weather Underground was using brown people to bomb airports, they wouldn't be calling it Islamic terrorism.

The retard went on to say religion has nothing to do with it. Nothing to do with Isis joe ?

Exactly. Race has nothing to do with it. For example, I would say "Joe Derosa is a shitty comedian" instead of "Joe Derosa is a shitty Egyptian comedian."


They are doing these attacks in the name of their God, so it is completely fine to say Islamic terrorist.. Just like it's fine to say "white shooters" if they are killing because of race.. Why is he so fucking dumb.. It's not a hard concept to grasp at all.

I wish Sam Harris would Kimura-lock this shoulderless boob. He went full Affleck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vln9D81eO60

Unfortunately, the kimura is a shoulder lock, no-shoulders Joe would be immune, it's like trying to leg lock an amputee. DeRosa deserves a heel hook.

That's what I was thinking. Sam Harris does practice jiu jitsu but I'm not sure he's at a belt where he can locate that non-shoulder

Fuck Joe Derosa.

He's implying white people aren't islamic. It's funny how the most politically correct actual espouse bigotry, but they're so delusional they don't notice or consider it such.


You're making no sense. One doesn't have to travel outside of the country to gain knowledge of the rest of the world. Who said all muslims are terrorists? Ben Shapiro didn't. You're just making two straw man arguments.

what an absolute boob. i hope his fringe character gets written out of Better Call Saul; you're no longer needed or necessary to the storyline anymore, you fucking drip.

Yeah, why elegantly include the motive when describing someone? Fucking moron.


2016-03-22 16:00:58 UTC

Stop referring to terrorists as "Islamic" terrorists. If you do, start referring to ALL THE WHITE shooters as "White" shooters.

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]



I like Joe. But, I listen to his new podcast and some of his opinions on movies/tv infuriate me. He says The Sopranos was a horrible tv show. He says Terminator 2 is awful. He says Drive is bad movie because it "takes away all the likability of Albert Brooks" even though that's what actors do and he was amazing in that movie. Those are such idiotically childish things to say

He says Terminator 2 is awful.

This is all the proof opne needs that nothing coming out of this shoulderless Jew-hater's mouth it to be taken seriously.

LOL. he also says these things with a 'yup I'm right' attitude. its his shitty opinion...which is fine. but stop with the attitude

He probably doesn't even believe what he is saying, he just thinks it's the intelligent view to take and he's outsmarting the dummies. I think if you brought Ed Torian in you could get to the bottom of it.

despicable pile of shit Joe.

Wish he said this in a debate and not just on twitter. His trying to seem unracist comes off as racist.


If this was anyone else, I'd think he was trolling.


He is losing his mind on Twitter. What was once a shoulder-less SJW chrysalis is now a full blow fag butterfly.

The difference is, the media and government literally pray that mass shooters are white. They do the opposite when there's a terror attack.


Religious texts aren't magical, they don't create uniform behavior globally. It's the Stateless using religion as a flag, an alternative to violence in the name of the motherland. The tragedy of all this is that Rich Vos was due to play one of the venues that was bombed, 'VanGoobys.'

vos would have bombed there anyway

I'm Muslim, but fuck this dude. That Andy Kindler cock must need a lot of lube for and this tweet will only wet the shaft.

All that tweet needed was "BECAUSE I SAID SO!" I wonder how he is able to reconcile being a worldly, sensitive, multicultural, feminist scholar while also running around his apartment with his fingers in his ears yelling "I DON'T LIKE IT WHEN PEOPLE SAY THINGS I DON'T LIKE!" He truly is a hero.

Look, they are yelling "God is Greatest" when they do this. If the shooters yell "White power" before shooting, you KNOW they would call them white shooters. They called the South Carolina shooter who targeted black churches a white shooter because his whiteness had everything to do with it.

What an obtuse clown. I like DeRosa, but damn.

It's part of his reinvention of himself as a quirky 30 something nu-male who wears graphic tees and produces music on the side. Attacking white people on twitter is essential to the character. With the amount of retweets this one got, he should get at least 4 dates with a thick-rimmed glasses septum piercing dyed red hair liberal arts degrees feminist.

Holy shit Joe did a complete 180.... I'm actually going to have to apologize for defending Derosa. He went from being a ballbuster with Burr to being a complete faggot that wants to be accepted by smug crackers.

Shit bag saw the numbers Anne Coulter gets, and like Gavin (and Ant if his Cumia gene didn't make him so dumb), decided to do a little pol trolling.

Fuck every last one of them.

So is he saying 99.9% of the time Muslims do the right thing?

When a comic gets shut down by Twitter trolls, and everyone is there to see it - does it make a noise?

What will his Muslim friends think???


Just as I was starting to like him again... Fucking faggot.

What a complete fool.

This fuckhead has me this close to not watching Better Call Saul because i cant stand his face or his voice. completely ruins the show for me when he pops up on an episode.

Check out those retweet numbahs though, opie will be jealous

Wow that's almost as ridiculous as the fake laugh he gives at his own tepid jokes.

Me: 99% of Muslims do the right thing, period.

pretty sure these terroists know alot about islamic literature and religion. they would say they're all about it. so it kinda has to be related. though joe probably did look at wikipedias page on isis while waiting for his half fat mocha frappe chino.

dear islamic terrorists. if you are reading this please blow up the comedian Joe Derosa. he thinks you guys are totally lame and that your actions have nothing to do with your religion. maybe he thinks youre just clumsy when carrying your bombs. the rest of us think youre really lame also but acknowledge that youre doing fucked up shit to get into heaven and meet your dude. he thinks youre just peckahs or sumptin tss

Ha, cos the media's so hesitant to mention race when the shooter is white. #Charleston

You GUYS may not AGREE with ME, but I think that JOE DEROSA gives off the APPEARANCE of a VERY STUPID man!!!

what a faggot. he really is arab.

There's a person, there's a person STRANDED!

Him not smart, also not funny it seems.

Oh no joe upset all the racists in this fanbase

i'm not arguing, i just think that his rhetoric is resonating with people.