Rob Ford. He's dead.

19  2016-03-22 by Dannyprecise


I can't believe the excessively overweight, constantly coked out mayor with cancer died

Oh I can

Oh litera- shoots myself in the head

This is a fucking bummer. He was an awful mayor for us in a lot of ways but god damn it he was likeable.

I will never forget him drunkenly speaking like a Jamaican while wavering back and forth trying to order chicken

What a solid gold man.

Steak Queen my nizzle.

I met him at Taste of the Danforth and he was so incredibly nice to my friends and I.

I'm really gonna miss this loveable fat fuck.

fuck um

Ugh I remember when all that was happening and Tits kept saying Rob Ford was "talking before Parliament" "look at him getting in a fight on the floor of Parliament". You know how they go days and days discussing the same story I finally had enough and tweeted him that Parliament is in Ottawa and Rob Ford is Mayor of Toronto you balding fucking moron. He blocked me

But he stopped saying it didn't he? You won.

Indeed he did. Never mentioned his mistake, of course.

ant usually sounded dumb as fuck when he discussed canada too. they really didn't have a clue what went on outside of boston and new york.

Nobody here gives a shit about your political system

Granted, but you don't really need to know anything about any political system to realize that a Mayor is not a member of Parliament.

Well yeah Opie's retarded but saying that they all sounded dumb when discussing Canadian politics ignores the fact that nobody in America ever discusses Canadian politics. You can thank Rob Ford for bringing some relevancy to you guys.

who cares

I feel like we've gone off topic here. The point is, Opie is mentally retarded.

true, I usually dont lose sight of that, not sure what happened

Ya kiddin'!?

How did it happen?


God love him. Be sure to give my condolences to the family.

Whoses is this?

He continues to rip off Chris Farley and John Candy.

Ate too much pussy

Fat drug using man dies young. Wow.

Victim of the modern age! He was very badly raped, you see...

Why not rob Volvo or somethin


RIP. My nigga, my nigga.

Won't see him no more.

Beautiful! Solo hit in Stanhope's Celebrity Deathpool!

Can you still get in on that? I have an account but the Funeral Home I joined has a fee that I never paid. I wanna do this shit badly though are there Funeral Homes you can still join?

Spite picks are over with. I think you can still make a regular account.

He's gone to the great coke-den in the sky. Godspeed Robert.

Time to go listen to old O&A shows about Rob Ford

Must have been all that black cock he sucked.

After reading that reply, I thought I was in the Dani Golightly AMA for a second.


Looks like heaven needed a crackheads.


He was a man, take him for all in all. I shall not look upon his like again.

poor poor boy. victim of the modern age.


he past

Is there a sub reddit dedicated exclusively to "things nobody saw coming"?

ya kiddin!

Aw man 😔 that guy rocked

Victim of the modern age!

He had some great press conferences.


Anthony will be crushed.

Goodnight sweet prince.

Great guy. Rest in Peace.

Looking back on it, telling somebody dying of cancer to stop smoking crack is kind of a dick move...

maybe this will be a wakeup call for ant.

This dude was sick

With CANSAAA tssssssssss

Spite picks are over with. I think you can still make a regular account.