The Brojo - SAMCRO connection

0  2016-03-22 by CharlieSheenAids

  1. BroJoe is Juicy because he likes getting fucked in the ass.

  2. Ant is Tig because he loves tranny dicks, but will soon be Otto getting assfucked rawdog in jail.

  3. "The Opster" is Gemma because he's a fucking whiny bitch.

  4. Sue Lightning is Tara because she is a beautiful woman.

  5. 2U is SAMCRO, getting ripped apart by the bad decisions of its members.

  6. Mark Normand is the one-balled guy who dies in the middle of the first season and youre like who gives a fuck i hate that guy.

  7. Steve C. is Opie, who dies and you feel bad because you actually liked him.

  8. Ronnie B is chibs who is a bad-ass that everyone likes who eventually ends up ruling the empire.

  9. Jimmy is Jax's first wife who is always whining about how she's clean now.

  10. Sam is Happy who takes delight in the misfortune of others.

  11. Roland is Bobby, a fat piece of shit.

im fucking bored.

  1. BroJoe is Juicy because he likes getting fucked in the ass.

Joe is that other bald guy that had no character development and you weren't really sure why he was there half the time.

And you said Sue was Tara even though there is a tranny character that fucks Tig. This post was poorly executed.

Walton Goggins as Venus Van Dam was hilarious and frightening.

He was good in the shield.

Yeah, pretty underrated actor. I didn't care for Justified too much, but he was good in that too.

I will disagree about the Sue = Venus argument simply because Venus was a disgusting beast and as i had mentioned earlier, Sue is a beautiful woman which is why she relates to tara more.

As for the bald guy, he was named Happy and was in charge of torturing and punishment.

Although this entire post is a maggot infested chunk of nigger shit, your comment somehow made it worse.

wow. this is beyond awful.

Thank you for your service