Dani will be doing an AMA (I'll relay the questions to her) so get your questions ready.

54  2016-03-22 by cbanks420lol


Dani, does your cunt smell as bad as you look like it should?


What was your favorite part?

How many subscribers does Anthony have?

dani: It's about as popular as this subreddit

What the fuck does that mean? Cbanks, press her for a number.

Id assume she's talking about the number of subscribers here, I'm on mobile and can't look it up at the moment

13,000 isn't bad if she meant that.If she actually meant popularity then about 500. Altough a guy claiming to be no filter paul said a few thousand before he deleted it.

That Paul says whatever he wants. He has no filter.

13,000 isn't bad if she meant that.

13,000 subscribers x $8 a month = $91,000/month and just over $1 million a year.

Subtract the cost of overhead, his maids and hanger on, he went from multi million a year to probably less than half a million (if he's lucky, which I seriously doubt). And his popularity ain't growing, due to having a closed off podcast network. No ones going to pay for that shit after hearing a 1 hour best of. So that number is probably going down lol.

I think it means the average number of Peckas on here at a time. I wouldn't suspect 13,325 Pests (who knows how many shit accounts are in that number).

I'd go between 500 - 1,000.

If that were true he wouldn't bother to keep doing it

what else would he do to convince run away teens he's cool

Nobody said TACN, just his show. And I for one could totally see him speaking to 100 people because he just has to get out all that important political analysis


Even just a ball park figure would suffice.

Shittiest fucking AMA ever. Even Beavis would be more responsive.

cbanks420lol: read this

In my opinion she's not able to say things literally but if you read between the lines the answer is yes and he dun goofed.

cbanks420lol is the Roland of the OandA sub.

cbanks420lol: I'm not sure if I should be flattered or offended.

you're being compared to an obese balding queer

cbanks420lol: oh.

so.. congrats?

maybe flattened, roland is quite fat

Why do you hate bathing?

What was the context for him saying you treated him like a nigger? What did you (allegedly) do?

Dani: Because he was mad at me and no one who drank that much could remember why


A greasy midget trying to climb a pock face grandpa isn't assault

Leave Jimmy out of this.

Is Jim Norton deliberately avoiding being a guest on Anthony's show?

Is Jim Norton deliberately avoiding being a guest on Anthony's show?

Dani: "Jim is not deliberately avoiding a guest appearance, as far as I know it's just a very difficult commute"

To NY? And he was just on LOS a couple hours before Ant's show in the same studio.

Gotta be fair though - he left before that show was even over

Right, but the point is it's not the commute and why can he find the time to do LOS but not one of his "best friends" show? He's obviously avoiding Ant and doesn't want to do his show.

Who could have predicted that a 15-year old Alaskan twink doing a proxy-AMA for an underweight, pill-addled hole could have ended up as such a clusterfuck.

( )====| -)~ ~~ ~~~

Dani, thoughts?

Why are you still staying in his apartment? If I was assaulted I'd want nothing more to do with that individual even though you may think it's a 'fuck you' to him... It isn't.

Dani replied with "Dani: His apartment? Hm. Well he'll have a funny story to tell you soon" but cbanks deleted it. She's being a vague idiot.

hah! nigga lost his apartment!

cbanks420lol: I deleted it because I posted it to the wrong response. She's not there anymore.

edit: ALRIGHT I WAS BACKPEDALING ARE YOU HAPPY? I didn't get her permission to say it so I fucking deleted it. I'm sorry. Her not being there anymore is right though.

What other response would you have posted it to?

Because she's a money grubbing skank with no dignity.

Classy dude. I guess she deserved to have her ribs broken and hand stomped to hell?

Allegedly. Allegedly.

She deserved that every day of her life.

Tough guy.

Aww, thanks, massive vagina.

Dani: I'm not and it took me a little bit to physically recover from something.

So you sobered up? Good for you.


The one question that is on everyone's mind but you're all too afraid to ask - Dani, what do you think of my Downfall parody video?

cbanks420lol: I already showed her and she loved it. The "Andy Cumia" black guy video confused her though.

Of course it confused her. Fuckin pea brained idiot.

Dani: Carlton I wasn't confused by it. Stop fucking up.



Amazing. Can we get an AMA with the Andy Cumia guy next?

What led up to the alleged assault?

Dani: Fight at dinner about a friend of his

Which friend? Stop being vague please

Dani: Idk it was after a show. Never saw that person again. I believe it was a transsexual but I do not recall. I've met a lot of people


Dani: Sue is a good egg. Sweet kid. Nice tits.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Sue is who we can thank for all this !?!? Awesome

BULLSHIT! Anthony has no friends!

Dani: "Do you guys have any audio or video of Anthony trashing me or the case?"

cbanks420lol: God damn it I fucked up. She was asking me this and not you guys.

Even though Anthony isnt likeable lately I'm not willing to help the girl that sat on Colin's lap and totally ruined that episode.

Even though Anthony isnt likeable lately I'm not willing to help the girl that sat on Colin's lap and totally ruined that episode.

Dani: "Don't tell me you wouldn't sit on his lap if you had the chance to"

Fair point. Still you roooned that episode.

Ant brought out coldcuts and was eating on mic, that episode was already shitty before she showed up.


cbanks420lol: She was asking ME if I had any clips because I said "I think Anthony was talking shit about you". I fucked up. I'm looking at it right now and she's calling me an idiot. I'm in the wrong.

Dani: Carlton you fucking idiot.

That's what happens when you don't do your own. Or your name is Carlton

What this guy said. Anything to get some more money. I hope it all backfires on her


Anthony has been told by his lawyer to shut up. The court slapped a no contact/restraining order on him. Regardless, she's not answering anything we really want to know, so this is a waste of time. Thanks for trying though, /u/cbanks420lol.

cbanks420lol: I just flooded her with questions all at once, give it a few minutes. And yeah don't shoot the messenger.

We're not shooting the messenger, you should be a man and do that yourself.

Edit: typo

cbanks420lol: I will.

Atta boy

Make us proud.

He didn't

We're not, I just think there's another motivation for this. Unfortunately I've watched every episode of TACS, (it gets boring on the road) and he has said nothing directly about her.

cbanks420lol: She was talking to me when she asked that, I botched it. She wants to make it clear she's not getting any money out of this.

Free rent = money. She's a lying whore and you're her faggot friend who will never get in her pants. Kill yourselves.

What an angry little boy you are.

It was said here that he mentioned on his show Dani is still living in his apartment and refuses to leave.

cbanks420lol: Do you remember what episode of TACS?

Dani: Carlton you fucking idiot I was asking you not them

No, but I think /u/aunheiserbre might be a good one to ask to locate the clip.

It wasn't even that bad. It was more like "I had to drop off a rent check for an apartment I'm not allowed to go to"

Has Ant got a big fawkin peckah?

Dani: Yes but it's attached to a ladyboy.

Hard not to like her after this.

There's more heel turns in this place than the WWE.


Dani, if suddenly you were actually mildly attractive, what's the first thing you would do?

Probably ask you out for a date, you smooth talker, you!

Is Sheik Kumiya abusing pills? What did you think of the new chip cartoon? Can you plug rich vos ?

Dani: Rich Vos will be playing at the Hartford Funny Bone on Thursday, March 31st.

How much coke/meth are you on to think an AMA is a good idea at 6am?

How much coke/meth are you on to think an AMA is a good idea at 6am?

cbanks420lol: None and I asked her to do it.

You didn't need to ask her to do coke or meth, just put some on your dicktip and she gets to snortin.

Lol, this faggot will never fuck her or any woman. He's a homoqueersicle.

How many years do you think Ant has left to live with his current lifestyle

cbanks420lol: She sent a video link to the Sarah Silverman song "You're going to die soon". I think she's implying he's very sickly and not in good health, but that's in my opinion.

That's a good one

No it isn't. A lot of these questions are "what do you think" type BS. We can all answer those questions, this bitch doesn't have any insight we don't.

Hey now Serious Sally, we're all just here to have a good time!

I know, but I despise this stupid lying money grubbing cunt.

You don't think she's a sweet, hard-working girl who was the victim of a monstrous injustice?

I think she's a few skipped meals away from looking like she belongs on a packed boxcar to the ovens. Ahh, if only.

Why would they be skinny before they got to the concentration camps silly.

Because they're bulimic.

This AMA stunk and I don't like it.

Hypothetically given your history with Anthony. Knowing his sexual tendencies, previous girlfriends and Twitter history, do you think Anthony would cross the line and sleep with an underaged girl?

Who cares what she thinks, we all know the answer.

cbanks420lol: I'm not even going to say what she told me. 0_0

edit: She said he has already if you count underage as in under 18. "Well eastside dave told me..."

and that's all she said.

Well thank god. Otherwise this entire AMA might verge on being remotely fucking interesting.

Dani: Well eastside dave told me..."

cbanks420lol: That's all I got out of her.

You should tell her to start talking like a fucking human being or you just walk the fuck away from the "AMA". Stand up for yourself and tell her enough of this shit. Fucking vague nonsense answers. Danny wasn't even sucking his dick and we got a fucking boatload of information. She should be bursting at the seams with horror filled stories of Ant wearing Depends etc. But no. We get replies which barely fucking relate to the questions asked.

Man the fuck up. She's not going to fuck you. Ask for actual information or tell her to fuck off.

She is probably covering her own ass in the event she does decide to sue Anthony. Also she can't say anything about Anthony that she can't prove is true or else she opens herself up to being sued by him. Ya know slander and libel, those words and things.

cbanks420lol: I'll copy and paste this and send it to her.

You are the worst AMA chaperone.

ME: I'm sorry! I fucked up.

This isn't news, he's admitted to sleeping with a 17 year old on air. It's not illegal in the state of NY, 17 is the age of consent. The better question would be has he slept with a girl under 17, but she wouldn't answer that with any honesty or without vagueness.

Now that his broadcasting gig is going down the toilet, would you say Ant has a shot for a career in MMA?

If by some miracle he was allowed to fight in the women's featherweight division he'd still get his ass beat every time.

Dani: I would encourage him to try MMA IF he thought it would make him happy

This sucks.

CB is gonna fuck that ass. Good for u,CB.....good for u

cbanks420lol: I'm a sweet boy and I don't engage in such lewd activities.

Not by choice obviously

You don't have a dick.

No, but Sue does. :)

Dani do you think Carlton's claims of rabid autism are a cover-up for his total sociopathy, or is he truly just a sweet boy who got too many vaccines?

Dani: Carlton is a sweetheart.

Forgive me if I don't trust the taste in men of the girl who fucked Anthony Cumia, no disrespect.

cbanks420lol: :(

I'm assuming your delay in response was so that you could look at your picture chart of 'appropriate emotions' that your carer gave to you

Do you think that Ant sucks, and his show fucking stinks?

Dani: I don't subscribe to his show.

Good he would doxx you

Dani: He has doxxed tacs subscribers. I've seen it.

I'm glad I cancelled. That cock sucker saying he didn't have any access........ Hmmmmm

Dani: He has a lot of information. He admitted to it.

Do you prefer living in Ant's apartment or Snake Mountain?

Do you prefer living in Ant's apartment or Snake Mountain?

Dani: Snake Mountain.

Dani, can you get an appearance on the Sam Roberts' show?

Dani: Ask Sam Roberts

/u/notsamwastaken you think you're the king of shit stirring, have her on and don't be a pussy with the questions.

As a regular listener to Sam's show, I don't want to hear this money grubber avoid questions for 3 hours.

I will! Thanks Dani for responding.

calm down she's not even reading this

What happens after he kicks you out? How many more couches until you're homeless?

She's a millennial so she'll move back in with her parents before being homeless

I don't think they'll have her

Why is this sub giving her attention?

The enemy of my enemy...

i think its all good if we can squeeze some info out of her

There's a 48 window wait time until a new account can make a thread so I'm just doing it for her. She wants you guys to know that she enjoys and laughs at a lot of the things you post.

More proof it's me doing it for her

I guess the AMA is happening right now.

Why did you Periscope that night?

Attention. She had a phone and instead of calling the police right away, she periscoped it. That should tell you everything.

It says in the District Attorney's office report that they broke each other's cell phones and they charged him for refusing to let her call the police because he pulled the landline out of the wall when she tried to call for help.

So what was she recording with? A tablet? With one hand?

I believe it was confirmed that it was Periscoped via iPad.

Can't calls be made on iPads?

If you have Google hangouts installed I doubt she's trying to download an app in the heat of the moment

"Stop hitting me, I need to check the permissions."

I think she did before she Periscoped and that's why she says she's waiting for the police to come during the video.

Dani: Correct.

It says in the District Attorney's office report that they broke each other's cell phones and they charged him for refusing to let her call the police because he pulled the landline out of the wall when she tried to call for help.

cbanks420lol: Thank you for this. In my words and definitely not hers: She didn't even know that you guys knew about the details of everything in the police report. Everything in it has been verified and confirmed by the authorities. Get it?

Dogshit, there's no way for the police to "verify" or "confirm" who broke cell phones or pulled a landline out of a wall because they weren't there. She's a dumb lying whore. This whole thing is embarrassing white-knight faggotry.

Keeping sucking Tranpa's balls, dude.

Keep eating lies from a whore who won't touch you.

"Dogshit, there's no way for the police to "verify" or "confirm" who broke cell phones or pulled a landline out of a wall because they weren't there."

Up until that point of SlappyJiggler's statement he's factually correct.

I thought that "verification and confirmation by the authorities" is what a trial is for.

Yep. Thanks for relaying that. It answers a lot even though it appears she's been advised not to say anything about what's going on with the court process.

It says in the District Attorney's office report that they broke each other's cell phones and they charged him for refusing to let her call the police because he pulled the landline out of the wall when she tried to call for help.

Dani: Correct. Everything in the police report is true.

Lol, because that's the version she told them. Fucking dumb cunt.

Are you laughing out loud?

I did when I first read that shit, but not anymore.

She's not gonna answer any of the good questions until the case is closed. She's not gonna fuck up that sweet payday.

dani: I don't want his money.

cbanks420lol: My understanding is that she doesn't and she couldn't even if she wanted to

Of course she wants his money. She's a money grubbing whore. She stole months worth of rent from him, and she'll get a nice payout to not show up for court. Don't be so fucking stupid.

why not?

Police don't need thr victim to press domestic violence charges. She might not even be in court with him.

Dani: Correct.

False. Dumb lying whore.

What's up with that picture of you and that little emo fag with the weird hair?

Dani: Which one??


How many subscribers did anthony tell u he has to his network?


has she spoke to jimmy since the incident?

Dani: Yeah. We've been close for many years and he's always been a good friend and mentor although I haven't always been a good men-tee.

You mean protégé.

She means cum-bucket.

You deserve all the good things after this comment



Don't you have work today? Or are you milking another guy for some cash?

dani: I work.

Getting ass fucked by a rich man is not work, whore.

Yeah! Do that in your spare time like the rest of us!

What corner?

ba dum tss

She needed the money?

Yeah? Doing what?

This is fucking painful- any chance you could organise a decent transcript you dunce!

And goddamn our worst shitty parody threads contain more actual insights/entertaining content

I guess the sub finally passed you by

Yeah, I don't ride on the short bus

I have a few accounts she could use if she wants to use them (I'm sure a lot of us do)

Also, you're doing some great shit... First with the tranny and now with this. Panera is on me, anytime.

Panera is on me, anytime.

Dani: I love bacon turkey bravos.


cbanks420lol: I don't live near a Panera so I have to live vicariously through her!

I hope she at least shows you her tits. Still. Good work.

Groot body doesn't have any tits.

Is Joe Derosa nice in person?

Is Joe Derosa nice in person?




Yeah, fuck that dead midget!

We have always loved Joe.

Will you sleep with No Filter Paul?

What's the worst thing Ant ever said about Opie behind closed doors?

dani: that he's actually really funny

Now we know for a fact he's on Xanax. Pack it up boys, it's over, he's lost his fucking marbles.

cbanks420lol: I think she was joking. I dunno.


Confirmed : liar

How much money does Anthony give to brother joe? Any dirt on that asshole and you might win over a few of us. Maybe.

Dani: Joe is a liar. He was nice to me because that's his arrangement with Anthony. Also he's kinda a nice guy

Also what does she mean by arrangement?

Liar but a nice guy? What did he lie about?

He posted a bunch of tweets after Ant's arrest

How are we not getting a good story about BlowJoe or his tranny-addicted sugar daddy? Stories dammit!

"Joe is a liar, he was only nice to me cuz Ant made him be, but he's a nice guy" - stupid whore.

cbanks420lol: You're whiteknighting Anthony more than I'm whiteknighting her by doing this AMA. Shut the fuck up, faggot. Stop flooding this thread. Tell him to come here and defend himself.

Seriously, this clown and that Slippy Juggler dude (I'm too lazy to look for his name upthread) have some serious, overly personal issues with this girl. Or is it all girls? They're manly men who hate whores!!! It's as see through as a peignoir. Fucking embarrassing.

I'm a girl and my disgust with this cunt has nothing to do with Anthony. Any girl that calls the cops and makes bullshit dv allegations, then PERISCOPES herself acting like a fucking moron, is a fuck shitting cunt. Ironically, her embarrassing video is what shows how full of shit she is. Not too smart. It was a really, really fucked up thing to do when all she had to do is LEAVE. Fuck that cunt

I'm whiteknighting Ant by calling a dumb whore a dumb whore? I don't even like Ant anymore, that doesn't mean I can't hate this bitch as well. You sound hurt. I'll flood your shit thread if I want, it's worthless as fuck. You're the moron deleting comments after you've replied. "But I meant to post it on another response even though nobody else asked!" FOH.

cbanks420lol: My apologies because I thought you were one of those weirdo stalker people who's been spamming every thread.

Every thread? You mean this single one? I can't tell if you're being sarcastic.

That's because you have undiagnosed autism like all of us on this sub.

Well that was just mean. :'(

Hey look at the bright side, perhaps you'll be one of those card-counting ones (though I highly doubt it)

Are you being sarcastic?

Fuck if I know, son....all I know is that I've got a great big retard cock and too much external stimulus throws me into a spastic rage.

How big is it? There's the bit right there!

2k per week

Has she ever met Opie? What does she think of him?

This is bad

dani: this is alllllready out of control

Dani's ability to be surprised by the most predictable shit remains intact.

Has the prosecutor told you they expect this to go to trial, and if so, will you testify against Anthony?

Dani: No I don't have to, the police said they are presses criminal charges and like everywhere else, I was not needed.

cbanks420lol: She wasn't even aware the police report was public. It seems like she's not involved in anything past him getting arrested or has been contacted by the police.

So it's a pretty rock solid case against Anthony. Sounds like Anthony has less pull with the local cops than we thought he did.

This warms my heart to see. I was in an argument with one of the retards on here a week or so ago and they were explaining to me how it is illegal to go forward with the trial unless Dani testifies. I explained how they were wrong and the prosecution doesn't need her for the case after the police report and evidence are collected and many DV cases go to trial without the victim taking the stand and they told me I am a retard.

How do they get around that whole "right to face your accuser" thing? Does NY have some DV law that somehow circumvents that?

Just google "Does a domestic violence victim need to appear in trial" and there are a bunch of lawyer pages explaining how and why they don't have to. If the state requires them (because they have no evidence without the testimony) they can be subpoenaed to trial. If the state has a case without them then they can be excused from appearing at all. Rape victims and abuse victims aren't (always) legally compelled to see their abuser.

The pages I saw were saying that they don't have to appear at pre-trial stuff but did say the case would be dismissed if the complainant didn't appear.

They do say that if there is another witness to the attack, it may not be necessary, since that person CAN establish the assault AND be cross-examined, which is basically what I had thought.

So yeah, what I'm seeing is that in some cases there may be ways to establish the injuries and allow the defense the right to cross-examine, but not really anything in a case like this where it's 2 people in a house with no other witnesses. Unless maybe it was all on Anthony's security system.

I'm assuming that they think that with a sworn affidavit and the physical evidence they have a strong enough case to go forward without Dani needing to testify. If they need her to testify they can always subpoena her. The fact that they don't think they need her to appear in court at all makes me think they have more evidence than ol' Anthony has made it seem like they have. Either that or they think Anthony is going to cop a plea deal and it won't even go to trial.

Yeah if they really don't think they need her, they must have something.

But it would have to be more than an affidavit. Defense has the right to cross examine. So unless they were able to do that at some pre-trial thing, that's not going to cut it.

Well if the defense wants to question her because they disagree with her sworn affidavit they could subpoena her to show up. The way Dani said that the state prosecutor told her she isn't going to be needed at court makes it sound like the state and defense already talked and they don't plan on questioning Dani.

Lol, she's "not needed." She's the fucking complainant, of course she's needed. Fucking lying whore. How much is that free rent she's getting?

cbanks420lol: It matches up with what the two lawyers on here were saying. If you had some kind of law background I would believe you. Stop getting upset.

Umm no in a criminal case especially felonies law enforcement can and will proceed without the victim. At that point it's about a law that's been broken not a "complainant" others known as a plaintiff. That only applies to civil suits where the plaintiff is suing someone. Which this is the STATE vs Cumia. Get it?

No, when the complainant is the only witness to the event she has to appear. Get it?

You're absolutely wrong. If they have evidence they can prosecute. That's what a criminal case is. I know.

What evidence do you think the government has that Trant beat her aside from her testimony?


She is NOT the complainant/Plaintiff. It is the State of NY vs. Anthony Cumia.

Internet lawyer alert!

She is the complainant. She made the complaint. Complainant /= Plaintiff.

You need to stop arguing with legal terms you don't understand. The "complainant" is the Plaintiff in a legal case. Dani is the alleged victim of the assault. She is not suing Anthony, the State of NY is based on both of their statements to the police, what the police witnessed, and a preponderance of evidence that justified the District Attorney's move to bring formal felony charges. If they say they don't need Dani to testify, then they have plenty of evidence to move without her. This is not an anomaly. Prosecutors often try to avoid calling the victims to testify because they don't want to add to their trauma and subject them to aggressive criminal defense attorneys.

You need to stop arguing with SlappyJiggler. I argued with him last week that there are such things as convictions without a jury and they're called bench trials and his arguement essentially boiled down to "No! You're wrong" and provided no citations to back himself up.

No, complainant means the alleged victim in criminal cases. Only prosecutors and cops call complainants victims or alleged victims. Preponderance of evidence standard doesn't apply in criminal cases. I admit, I don't have access to the government's files but I haven't seen anything that suggests they wouldn't need the Whore the testify against Trant. She's the only witness to the incident, the police showed up afterwards to take statements.

Prosecutors can't hide the witness, the defense could subpoena her to testify if they wanted to. Of course, they don't want to because without her testimony Trant can't be convicted. So he pays her off and everybody is happy.

How big is his peckah and do you have any pics?

How much does Ant make a month now vs. when he worked at Sirius?

it's probably more now. That's probably why he doesn't want to tell anyone. He probably just doesn't want to brag.

Good point. He's always been such a paragon of taste and class, he'd never stoop to such gaucheness! And my, how he laughs at this sub, laughs and laughs and laughs!



Are you going to do to Anthony what Hulk Hogan did to Gawker?

Cuntiness aside, thanks for doing this.

Dani: No and you're welcome.

Who is your lawyer

Dani: I don't have a lawyer. Police said I didn't need one. They are pressing charges. And I'm not guilty of anything

She doesn't have a lawyer?

What the heck. Get a lawyer.

I'm not even against Ant, this is just common sense, if you're involved in something criminal you need legal counsel. And whatever you do, don't use a court-appointed lawyer.

Why doesn't she plan on suing him in civil court for hospital bills, damages, and pain and suffering? My guess is she can't afford the retainer and/or she anticipates the judge in the criminal case will fine him and instruct him to pay her bills.

Let's put the second 'A' back in this AMA - what is your relationship with your father, Vinny, like? Has it changed any since the incident?

Oh shit, Ant is gonna LOVE this.

Besides Joe, which of Ant's half-dozen friends/employees was the worst?



Care to comment on the lack of comedians appearing on Anthonys show since the arrest? Coincidence or no?

cbanks420lol: She actually just asked me if there are less comedians on than before the arrest because she doesn't watch the show. I genuinely believe she doesn't keep track of the show.

She doest have to keep track of the show to have an opinion.

EDIT: No one here does

She's a lying whore and you're falling for her bullshit. Christ, you are fucking dumb.

A. Nobody is saying she isn't


B. Don't see Tranthony doing an AMA

That's because Tranthony is a piece of shit.

Anthony is a lying piece of shit and you should feel bad for worshiping him.

I don't worship that fucking eye-talian garbage. They're both a cancer.


What is the creepiest thing you've heard or seen either Cumia do?

Dani, isn't doing this jeopardizing the case against Anthony?

Dani: No. I'm not involved in the case.

Will you testify if called?

did you know that ant was into trans people?

Had there been any physical confrontations between you and Anthony prior to the night of two smashed iPhones?

Dani, was Anthony too much of a pussy to do psychedelics with or around you? Anything his morally flexible doctor prescribed him isn't a psychedelic.

Did Anthony spiral after getting fired from Sirius eventually leading to him fucking a tranny and beating you when you asked for to share the new limp dicks in his life?

Is this still going on? I want to ask why she is so morally opposed to showering.


1)Although this AMA has sucked so far, thanks for doing it, it seems like it would be a headache not only dealing with us but Dani, so thank you for your efforts 2)Question for Dani: Please be specific about TACS subscriber details, do you mean he has about 10,0000 subscribers? 3)In detail, what have you witnessed regarding anthony and trannies (again, we need specifics: details, observations, experiences, things said) 4)Keeping details in mind, why is Joseph Cumia such a douchebag, please give us lots of stories about him 5)What is the most racist shit you've seen at the compound? 6)Ever have any experiences with Opie? Got any good Opie Stories? 7)Have you ever banged another comedian or person from the OandA show? 8)Trump or Hillary? 9)Ant ever talk about Howard Stern? 10)YOu mentioned he doxxed TACS subscribers? How so? Did he post information he obtained from their subscriptions? In what context? Why? Etc? 11)Also tell Dani: "Welcome to the sub"

/u/cbanks420lol If the answers aren't satisfactory please grill her for more until they come out to make it easier for everyone.

/u/cbanks420lol did you ask her any of this?

She covered most of these in her answers

About half she didn't and the ones she did cover she was very vague and didn't go into any stories or experiences she just gave 'judgements' mostly.

WOW this wednesday?

Wanna sing some karaoke?

Dani will you be happy if anthony loses his giant gun collection since hes so paranoid and walks around his home with a pistol on his hip?

Is Ant good to Bobo?

I believe you mentioned new found sobriety. Congratulations on that. 1) was the night of the alleged assault a tipping point for you? 2) Speaking only about yourself, how much did alcohol, etc have to do with your reaction in the moments of madness?

what is your favouote U2 song?



Dani should have had me do this Ama


how much did that punch hurt?

Jesus are you people really to stupid to see that this is fake? Why isn't she here posting directly, she isn't in a witness protection program so.... i call this AMA fake...

If it were fake, it would be far more interesting. Cbanks420lol can't fake that kind of distinctive incoherence.

Ok, I'll bite;

"Are you a lazy, white-trash whore who is trying to milk Anthony for some settlement $$$? Or are you the real victim of a real, truly unpleasant physical attack?"

Ask her that.

"Are you a lazy, white-trash whore who is trying to milk Anthony for some settlement $$$? Or are you the real victim of a real, truly unpleasant physical attack?"

Dani: "peckas"

"Are you a lazy, white-trash whore who is trying to milk Anthony for some settlement $$$? Or are you the real victim of a real, truly unpleasant physical attack?"

Dani: "No and Yes"


I would've bet my bank account that she was full of shit and trying to make him look bad. I never saw Ant as an abusive guy.

This is bs. Why wouldnt the bitch just come on reddit, her tweets are protected so noone car verify that tweet and it's 630 am in nyc she ain't up

How do you justify being so gorgeous and cool? Isn't it unfair to steal all the attention from men when other girls need their share too?

How do you justify being so gorgeous and cool? Isn't it unfair to steal all the attention from men when other girls need their share too?

Dani: I'm average and I make up for my lack of coolness with being condescending NEXT

cbanks420lol: She's just fucking around. She seems cool, level headed and funny. Same as Sue.

She's a dumb whore. How do you fall for these fucking retards?

We get it, you're hurting

Hurting at how stupid OP is. And the rest of you for falling for this garbage.

I don't have a dog in the fight (I don't care about Dani and have no opinion of her whatsoever), but you are coming off a little "Some bitch hurt me once so now I lash out at women". A comment here or there, sure, but you are ALL the fuck over this post.

I'm convinced he's one of the fatsos playing poker at the cumia compound

Is Ant nice to Bobo?

Thanks for hijacking the joke.

cbanks420lol: My bad.

You people are fucking PATHETIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go get out of your mothers basement, get a job, lose your virginity, get a life, and stop obsessing over the life of another man!!!!!!!!! If I did 1/1,000,000th of the pathetic shit that you fucking losers do I would swallow the barrel of a 12gauge shotgun and squeeze the trigger.

Need to borrow a gun then?

Why not do do it anyway champ?

Stop obsessing over what we're obsessing.

Like my mom could afford a house with a basement. As if!

You should use more exclamation points for dramatic effect.

You post on the TACN board about a shitty show that isn't the slightest bit funny so you should just go ahead and eat a nice hollow point to make sure the job is done right and you don't end up surviving and being a burden on society for the next few years before one of your relatives or a nurse puts a pillow over your ruined face and ends you.

Dani: Rich Vos will be playing at the Hartford Funny Bone on Thursday, March 31st.

I hope she at least shows you her tits. Still. Good work.


Hey look at the bright side, perhaps you'll be one of those card-counting ones (though I highly doubt it)

Are you being sarcastic?

False. Dumb lying whore.

Yeah, I don't ride on the short bus

She needed the money?

Subtract the cost of overhead, his maids and hanger on, he went from multi million a year to probably less than half a million (if he's lucky, which I seriously doubt). And his popularity ain't growing, due to having a closed off podcast network. No ones going to pay for that shit after hearing a 1 hour best of. So that number is probably going down lol.


She covered most of these in her answers