Anthony, are you ready to concede defeat and admit you were wrong about us?

131  2016-03-21 by Ant_Sucks

You said:

you are just horrid cruel people with no other goals than to try and hurt or destroy people

But we want Rich Vos to do well when he's on stage at the Hartford Funny Bone, March 31st to April 3rd.


Honestly though. Fuck that dumb ass for threatening the users on this sub. Little to none of us actually give a fuck about his racism, but he's retarded enough to threaten us for making fun of him having sex with a transgendered person. He of all people should realize how easy it is to weaponize someone's racism against them. Hilarious that he claims to be a member of the same group of people that landed on the moon.

His face looks like the moon's surface tho.

Ironically a black woman landed her knuckles on that surface.

I heard that was a hoax.

Minnnd controlll! Thermite Negro Knuckles!

One small slap for man, one great leach for mankind.

No, there's still knuckle prints on his face where she was punching around

i thought anth knocked dani out with a quick one to the kidney?

Another irony, she was also a transgendered lady.

/u/MiddleOfTheStreetGuy is looking for you. Seems serious.

I sold him a dryer door and am ducking him.

I'm dodging him

Interestingly enough, neil armstrong's first title for his autobiography was "White people, white moon"

A rat done bit my sister Nell, and Whitey on the moon.


the moon. the moon. enough about the moon.

We can put man on the moon but taste my coffee!


You surround yourself with enough fat bloated yes men, you're bound to start turning on ANY outside criticism, no matter how valid and right it is.


Anthony, shut the door to the compound, put away the suit, stop getting cosmetic dental work, and come back to us.

Sniff :(

and he's mean!

Also I'm pretty sure the tranny bashing wouldn't be nearly as bad if he had just owned up to it or joked about it himself. Who among us wouldn't suck a cock or two just for a goof?

All he had to do was not be a complete piece of shit and I'd be willing to toss him a few shekels a month for LoS and ESDS even if I don't listen very often. After his firing I was glad to support him even though I wasn't that into TACS. Now I wouldn't pay him a dime if he resurrected Patrice and got him to be co-host, and it's 100% because of his retarded behavior.

Let's be serious if he did some BLACK magic and brought Patrice back, we'd all tune in

I love how nothing whatsoever came from his pathetic threats. I have no idea if he even followed through with them, but either way nothing would come of them.

Somehow his piece of shit elderly brother became involved, now he has to cough up even more money to that loser.

How many subs do you need to add to your failing company for each gig he lost AntH?

Judging by how crazy this O&A subreddit seems drive them I'd bet he tried to follow through with the threats. With the doxxing they either had too little secondhand info, not enough info or the wrong info, or they were just lying, or maybe they attempted to obtain users info by some method & failed or it was attained illegally & they backed off in fear of lawsuit or in fear of turning more 'fans' against Andy & his shit network. The threat of having Reddit shut this sub down because of 'hate speech' was most likely attempted but was ignored, Reddit wants people on their website & probably realized no bad PR would come of people insulting a disgraced ex-Shock Jock who's publicly know as a racist & women beater. The latest attempt to disrupt things was all the bullshit accounts created recently which do nothing to disturb the flow except be an occasional mild nuisance at most.

Posts like this are my favorite thing about this sub. Statements with no evidence, described as what "most likely" happened, but really just posters with active imaginations.

That said...fuck Ant and especially Joe.

speculate speculate speculate

Are they?

I love how nothing whatsoever came from his pathetic threats. I have no idea if he even followed through with them, but either way nothing would come of them.

Haven't you noticed the lack of Panera posts in the past few days? Fuckin' Anth got all us breadheads fired.

Rich Vos is an emotional tank. Through all these years of getting bashed in studio and online, he's never really given a shit.

Becaush he hash a 141 IQ

Ant is acting like Japan before it got nuked.

He used the word 'horrid' - what is he, Miss Marple?

Was he though?

no he wins, cant find a live stream!

YOU can't

No! I am Anthony Cumia, and I will NEVER concede defeat!

Even though you may be cool, powerful, righteous, smart, warrior-hackers for justice, me and my team of sock puppets will continue to defy you because we are evil!

And folks, while you're waiting for the show @ the Funny Bone, check out the latest episode "Gondola" of Vos and Bonnie's 'My Wife Hates Me' podcast where Vos talks about giving his Funny Bone to Bonnie! Instant Classic!

I am very appreciative of everything this sub has done