You are worse than SJW's

0  2016-03-21 by [deleted]



You're just mad because you lost your favorite show and you don't know what to do with yourselves. So when someone says something you don't like you try and attack their livelihood? It's subhuman.

I don't think you understand this sub at all, fella! No one here is mad. In fact, this has been more fun and entertaining than the show itself. Not sure if you're in the right place or not, but stick around and you'll see that we're a fun loving bunch that likes to see others suffer.

Patrice would hate everyone here.

Yeah....You're definitely new around here. What gave you the impression that anyone was seeking the approval of anyone from the show?

I know its a joke but subconsciously a lot of people are going to come out of this with a pavlovian conditioning to associate condemning racism/misogyny with something that made them extremely excited. Which makes this statement:

You claim to hate Schumer and shitty safe comics but all comedy in the future is going to be that type of liberal garbage.

all the more true. The one last source that fought against political correctness is gone and now since you dont have that to follow, this whole issue is becoming the final link the last of the O&A crowd to PC culture. Joking or not a lot of people here are very easily swayed and this is changing their minds on comedy.

How many alt accounts are you going to make to post the same autistic ramblings? Supporting Tranthony won't erase the fact that your wife fucks nigs. Relax, we get it...White Power.

Another Patrice dick hugging faggot who thinks he knows what Patrice would say, or that we would care to begin with

and yeah there's a lot of shitty comedy out there but what in the fuck are you talking about? We're in a comedy golden age. Just fuck off

I'm sure Patrice would love brother joe

Patrice would hate everyone here

We'd trash him too


I think I've been pretty consistent about my opinions.

Actually wanting to have opinions in 2016

Do you argue with your family about politics too

Damn, you got it all figured out... Foiled again!

You faggots don't have any original thoughts or beliefs.


It's subhuman. Patrice would hate everyone here. And shit like this is why radio/comedy sucks today.

You claim to hate Schumer and shitty safe comics but all comedy in the future is going to be that type of liberal garbage. You're contributing to it and not even because you have some beliefs.

I hope you were this outraged when people were (rightfully) going after Opie, too; or did you not peep up when people were sending cake stomp to sponsors; or posting about how they hope his kids get killed. Or is this just more selective righteous outrage?

Ant and Opie don't do any comedy. Especially brother Joe. So trashing them really isn't hurting comedy. They stink. And so does this post.

Fuck you and fuck Patrices rotten corpse.

I hate when people invoke Patrice like he is fucking Yahweh or Zeus, and is going to smite us.

You completely turned me around, well done. I was wishing a painful demise to the Cumia brothers, but now, bc of your post, I only wish them the best of luck and success. You are pretty good cocksuckah


What was that? Your phone was cutting out.

So when someone says something you don't like you try and attack their livelihood?

Did you ask this of Trant?

What's this about people's LIVELIHOODS?


I like how these random faggots we've never seen before are popping up and trying to "get to us". Obviously associates of anthonys, they'll get smashed just like everyone else. U faggots can't to us, we're the end result of what the O&A show took years to build and they can't stop it. They have theirselves to blame.

That's cool bro.

Watch Fight Club then tell me what their motivation was.

That's just like your opinion man

i dont live my life by what patrice oneal said. anyone who does should be chemically castrated.