"Due to site upgrades listings on this schedule will remain limited until further notice".....sure Joe, that's the reason!

63  2016-03-21 by CharlieSheenAids


Too bad Gawker got bodyslammed, because BroJoe is a leftist clickbait site's wet fucking dream.

A white supremacist is making his money covering the songs of über humanitarian Bono.

How fucking funny would it have been if U2 denounced 2U..

"Uno, dos, spics, niggers!"

This is the dumbest joke I've ever seen

This is a great idea. How can we get gawker to do some Brother Joe content?

"Meet disgraced radio personality and all-around vile human being Anthony Cumia's white supremacist brother who plays in U2 and Jimi Hendrix tribute acts"

Well that's weird. The site lists Joe's home address ( I can confirm this because his SAMCRO motorcycle picture was taken in front of the same house (actually a condo). Here is the strange part. I put the adress into realtor.com and my house is worth 3 times what his is. And mine is 100% paid for. I thought Joe was doing better than me and had such a better life? He can't afford to rent a garage in my neighborhood. Living the dream Joe?

no one who takes socialism benefits to the tune of 60k a year from their younger sibling is "living the dream" unless that dream is to be a useless mooch, then yeah. Just prefers to spend it on musical equipment and white sheets besides his family?

this is the point i remember he has kids and how doomed/sorry i feel for them. poor lil fellers.

Where did the 60k number come from? Did Joe or Ant actually reveal his allowance?

reliable source on this sub popped the figure when interacting with Joe (or a wanna be joe/compound lacky)

Why does he still have two gigs in April? This must not stand!

Web designers aren't what they used to be.

Please forward this message so AMERICA IN 2016 can be saved.

I made a better site in Geocities when I was 13 years old.

Oh fuck. A geocities throwback! U have the black/yellow "under contstruction" banner with the redlight? Wish it was possible to unearth the awfulness that was my geocities page.

can you hop into the wayback machine or whatever the hell it's called?

(we do not give out email addresses and you'll only receive an email for shows in your area, and only for the band(s) you specify)Please include your Name Town and State in the body of your email and which band(s) for whom you'd like performance info. in your area

Make people jump through hoops, great marketing.

I am sure your band is so happy with your behavior, which is what brought this on you.

This is the beginning of the the fucking end.

You and your brother could apologize on his show, Gavins show, Dixons show, and LoS. Then go on Daves show,and jam shit in your ass like he used to do.

Then we may consider leaving you alone.

people wouldn't go through that much trouble to see the real U2's listings

U2 wouldn't have to.

But a tribute band who does not sell out arenas and stadiums has to plug gigs.

Oh literal Antscamera

(we do not give out email addresses and you'll only receive an email for shows in your area, and only for the band(s) you specify)

[email protected]

Please include your Name Town and State in the body of your email and which band(s) for whom you'd like performance info. in your area

Surely we have our best autistics on this.

and don't forget to include your A/S/L for Trant



It's amazing that a school with such core values as;

Kindness: Acting with consideration, compassion, and empathy for others.


Respect: Acting with fairness, courtesy, timeliness, and sensitivity to individuals and to the community.

Would hire a white supremacist to play a school function. What kind of world are we living in?

You guys are making such traction with this. Once these two finally dip out of the public eye you guys should go after Howard Stern and U2 to ensure this never has to happen again.

"The Solo Joe Acoustic Show." I'd rather pour Cyanide in my ears than listen to that shit

"Brother Joe Autistic Show" amirite.