John Oliver really is one of the funniest and smartest comedians out there

0  2016-03-21 by Grillskillz


So you mean to tell me Trump's last name started with a D hundreds of years before he was born? I am really rethinking my vote now thanks to this brilliant satire. Oh wait it's just more applause-break-seeking desperation from Comedy Central because their only 2 hosts with talent dumped them.

Not that this isn't obvious to us already, but he's only trying to remind people that Trump is German for the simple reason that most Americans don't know anything about Germany other than Hitler. He wants to make sure they keep making that connection.

He was on Colbert the other day making fun of how angry and harsh the German language sounds. Apart from being racist, that's a stereotype that comes from American movies and the Hitler meme. German was the language of choice for Beethoven, Wagner, Strauss and Mozart and many others to write operas in that are still popular today. Nobody who actually talks to Germans would think they sound anything but normal.

English comedians are always racist like this to Germans. I watch a lot of English panel shows and there's a German comedian who comes on. He's pretty funny and takes racist jokes on the chin, but there's at least 5 minutes of hack material from the other comedians making Hitler\WW2 jokes and puns. Every time. Without fail, I end up fast forwarding through 30% of his appearances because I can't take the hackery.

If it was racist and funny it would be one thing, but it's racist and hack. And hack is unforgiveable.

Many people have called it a forced meme, which is pretty funny considering it's such an unfunny joke to make about Trump. The name change was beyond his control. Trump mocked Jon Stewart for changing is jewy name and this was John Oliver's idea at a "I know you are but what am I." In other words the man is an unfunny cunt beyond repair. Trump murks common people with is sick brain, John Oliver came up with this thanks to a team of writers. Puts that in perspective.

Trump murks common people with is sick brain


The British have an unhealthy obsession with WW2/Hitler jokes

to be fair we are still digging up their bombs from time to time so yeah its a hack bit for comics

Keep fighting them with comedy. You already leveled their cities 80 years ago. Let it go

until we beat them in the world cup again we'll never be over it.

Do you live in the UK? I can't imagine watching one of those shows unless I was Clockwork Orange'd into it.

No I just like the panel show style. US only really ever had one, and that was Tough Crowd.

really? youd think we'd have something similar. well I just generally find British comedians to be insufferable and not funny. maybe I'm prematurely judging those shows, though.

No, you're not really. The standups they have on mostly stink and are just trying to get TV time. They're a better fit for people who are just smart and funny in conversation and aren't just shoehorning jokes from their act into the topic.

(wrong network)

Holy shit, this entire time I thought that half black Brit replaced Stewart and this quasi Piers Morgan replaced Colbert.

Nope, another black guy replaced Colbert. Both shows' ratings are in the shitter, as is Colbert's Late Show.

Ah yes, the show is currently hosted by Not-David Alan Grier.

I thought it was unfunny older Hannibal Burress

Same shitty premise, slightly less horrible channel.


Oliver is yet another product of the applause break seeking comedy. Horrible

you realize he has a team of investigators and writers right?

It's strange how people are nobodies or disliked in the uk go over and get such big gigs in the US

For some reason Americans seem to associate the British accent with intelligence.

most likely why the stereotype of americans here is they are thick. Because our shithouses like James Corden, Piers Morgan etc make a absolute fortune from you

It's because the English accent is perfect for commentary

Oliver was on some early Mock the Week, when it wasn't the Frankie Boyle show and was trying to be a satirical comedy show. He got one genuine laugh and it was for jokes making fun about worrying about global warming.

NO. No he isn't.


So a British hack that couldn't make it in his own country, a country surrounded on all sides by water, is going to make fun of one of our presidential candidates for wanting to put a wall on our border?

I hope Trumps first act as president, if by some long shot he doesn't get screwed out of the nomination by the republicans and then somehow manages to get elected, is to deport pretentious British pricks back to their home island.

What about the fact that much of the border is along the Rio Grande? And why is it pretentious to point out a politicians outright lies and distortions?

Put the wall on the USA side of the river. And he is a pretentious prick who thinks only his opinion of things matters. Maybe he should devote a few shows to pointing out some of the bullshit lies and distortions that Hillary Clinton has said?

He'll likely end up spending the next 5-9 years doing that, don't worry.

No he won't. If she gets elected he'll fawn all over her and make fun of any republicans who make it into the news.

And it is hypocritical that he comes from a country that it is notoriously hard to legally immigrate to and he wants the USA to just throw open their borders and let everyone from Mexico just pour in.

Time warner owns hbo and donates heavily to Clinton hes not criticizing her anytime soon

"A country surrounded by water" what are you getting at?? That people would have wanted to run away but there is water so they cant? Or there is less competition. Do you see people in the us going to canada or mexico, do you think those places pose a great threat???? What the fuck is the point?!

The point is he is from a country with no other nation bordering them other than Scotland up north. So he has no clue what it is like to be from a country with a southern neighbor whose people constantly come illegally into our nation and become a drain on the system while not paying taxes. I am saying he is speaking about a subject he has not had to live with his whole life. It's easy for him to mock us building a wall when his country never had to deal with the problem and they are one of the hardest countries in the world to immigrate to legally. And I am pretty sure anyone with a brain understood what I meant.

Well you mentioned it directly with 'couldn't make it on his own' so maybe you should learn to organize your words better, its all good though we allcould. but actually one of the biggest topics in Britain is dealing with illegal immigrants. There are ghetto camps on the french shores of france near england of people trying to get in. And the British people have intense debAtes over various cultural rights and money issues related to that. When i was there i found those debates to be mire frank in some ways than than in the us. Their tabloid style press is fairly sensationalistic though.

is that a sarcastic title

Enjoyed that, poor Trump fags feeling the bern.

I love John Oliver but I'm not a conservative retard

This was amazing

I'm going to slaughter you and your entire family in cold blood. :)

I used to like John Oliver, then I saw a few episodes on subjects that I was actually a little educated on before hand and realized he omits facts and huge chunks of stories to make whatever agenda he's pushing look like the only reasonable one. He's no better than Bill Mahr, or anyone on Fox News. I know it's a comedy show but it's unreal how there's pretty much zero unbiased journalism, just a bunch of assholes trying to shoehorn how right whatever political ideology they're subscribed to in to every story no matter how irrelevant it is.

He's not funny.

He does a decent job performing. I'm sure the material is written by a team. Not very funny.

If you employ 2 guys on mile patrol and give them 20$/h state will pay 2B$ + equipment per 3y for 24/7. Trump owns concrete firm or what?

Pretentious, up his own ass, pseudo intellectual , fake laughing, false righteousness, pretend beta male cornball If he just says shit with confidence dummies think hes an authority. If he laughs and pauses, the audience knows its time to clap and laugh too. Its so fun to be in a audience!!


nah. he uses manatee balls for his stupid random analogies and he stinks overall.

Nope, another black guy replaced Colbert. Both shows' ratings are in the shitter, as is Colbert's Late Show.


Keep fighting them with comedy. You already leveled their cities 80 years ago. Let it go