This is a Message to Andy Cumia

341  2016-03-20 by PaneraBreadForLife


Black people love Rich Vos

First "white" comic on def jam fellas. "I eat the coochie"

"Black guysh will only eat the coochie if it's friiiied."

He eats da coochie

I love when he said "Opie now there's a name I don't wanna be associated with"




Once again proving that the fans of the show are funnier than the show itself.

People should be charged $7 a month to subscribe to this sub.

I feel like a white guy got his black friend to read a script. If that's what happened, even funnier.

Pretty sure its a paid greeting/testimonial from someone on fivrr. The Jesus video was bought here:

Don't spoil the mystique, ass.

its not even mystique at this point. 3 videos have come out, all that match perfectly the description of something you could request on there, being posted by day old accounts. I just wonder if its one person doing it or multiple people.

tsk, this nigga. Don't ruin the mystique suckcockah!


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my sentiments exactly good sir.

Only because that bar is pretty fucking low these days.

I don't know what the fuck this is, but it makes up for the last week of incessant trolling.

"You know the muthafucka from Andy an Opie"

And it was like, light bulbs went off in their heads and shit

I thought I heard him say lightning bulbs

I thought he said lightning bolts.

The funny thing is white guys will say, "I feel like a fucking light bulb" when they're in with a lot of blacks. I mean, it's always predominately black, but sometimes it's way over the top

white guys will say

Never heard this in my life

I mean, it's always predominately black, but sometimes it's way over the top

Having a hard time parsing this

How many convicts do you know? Does your husband work in a prison?? 99% of prisons have predominately black inmates. Sometimes the ratio of blacks to whites is astronomical

What are we talking about lol

lightbulbs, prison, and a black dude making a lightbulb reference about prison

Light bulbs going off in one's head is a popular analogy based I think on Edison inventing the light bulb.

Yes. That has absolutely nothing to do with why white guys in prison say that around a bunch of black dudes. They feel like a lightbulb because light bulbs, light in general, tends to be white, bright and obvious.

Ok I guess I was trying to establish the relationship between your comment and the post. The original comment has an "It's" that points to a mystery subject and "in with" doesn't immediately bring prison to mind

Got ya. I guess I assumed, because he was talking about his buddies in the pen when he referred to light bulbs, that it would make sense. Which is why I shouldn't assume.

I love this for so many reasons. This guy can lead me in the war against Andy Cumya any day.

This sub is the gift that just keeps giving.

I never want to leave..

I'm giggling like a school girl

I watched this video 4 times now. Laughed hard each time.

A bizarre, horrifying, yet hilarious subculture has truly emerged, based on mocking a professional radio troll who's been off the air for three years.

There will probably be a doctoral thesis written about this subreddit someday.

It will be one chapter in a dissertation entitled: "The Decline of America: From McDonalds to Trump to Chip Chipperson"

"to peckahs"


An HBO special about how this sub influenced the suicide of two former shock jocks.

That was amazing.

I'm still waiting for him to say "Peckahs nigga"

Anthony will play this video on his show, playing chimp sounds over it

He could, but it would still be the funniest thing on TACS

At this point, a Russian Roulette segment would be the funniest thing on TACS

As long as every chamber in the gun had a bullet in it.

Polish Roulette.

What, you didn't crack up any time someone said 'monkey' or 'chimp' on O&A, and Ant rang his bell, and did a lazy, self-satisfied chuckle?

To be fair, the bell thing was hilarious.

It involves something funny so I doubt it.

No, this video made him instinctively reach for his gun. Then, he realized it wasn't there and he began having an emotional breakdown.

what the hell kind of asbergers did the guy who really asked his neighbor to do this have?

The very best kind.

very true

bets its one of those Fivrr service, u can pay them 5$ and they record a message for u

Best $5 I've ever spent.

You, sir, are a God amongst men.

I hope this all culminates in a message from Big Tyrone.

Any chance you can post the instructions you gave him for the video?

I really want to see how he did compared to what you said.

I just told him Anthony Cumia, known racist and former XM radio host, is up on strangulation charges. Other than requiring the Vos plug, I just told him to do his thing. I like to think he messed the name up on purpose as part of his character, because he obviously did some research. Either way, what he provided is better than any script I could have written.

Hes great. We need him


Lmao, first thing that came to mind!

!!!!!!! Ive been wanting to do it forever but too shy

Do it!


You don't have to just say aspergers. You could wait till it applies.

If anything someone social enough to know a neighbor to do is doing just fine.

With social expectations that low, it's safe to say you flap hands in private.

Not my expectations you dunce. The standards for having aspergers.

Sorry, I was busy drawing crude anime and avoiding eye contact. Perhaps if I paid more mind to humans I would better understand 'context' and 'intent.'

The reason they love anime is because asians are the patriarchs of aspergers. They are like robots in public with no self awareness

asians are the patriarchs of aspergers

Bravo /u/onemancrimespree bravFUCKINGo

This is why this show is sooo FFFOCKIN deep. We talk about real shit - in between the laughs - at the end of the day. To be honest wit you.

Can we be scope brothers?





the personalities of flypaper

Man...I've had neighbors like this and the thought of asking them if I could film them riff on this topic and give a Vos plug because its an inside joke on an obscure, online circle jerk is a little weird. Funny, but not exactly normal social behavior.

But you didn't because of your Aspergers

Where's your 'black guy's message to anthony video' then?

I don't have any black neighbors.

Youve never had one? Fair enough, but one of mine was very thuggish and used to come over and drink all the time. So it was not the reason I never asked him to make a video about Anthony, lol.

I was just joshing with ya bud

lol yeah, that wasnt even a knock on the guy that made this, anyway. it was funny as hell. just kinda nerdy imagining him explaining to this guy what to say. but it was worth it

Not everyone is a nerd, you could ask someone who would say anything to go viral

Somebody has a high property value.

Or I live in a trailer park. Take your pick.


But people with aspergers are usually anti social. Definitely with a black thuggish neighbor.

Yeah, I guess youre right. This was a funny idea that turned out great and the person who made it probably did not literally have anything wrong with them, but the thought of someone asking this guy to do this is a little embarassing. But hey, it worked out so whatever.

This guy needs to do a weekly state of the ona sub video. This is fantastic

Andy Cyumya

Trandy Coomya, nahmean?

The first instinct may be to tweet this to Anthony, but Vos deserves to see this.

Don't worry about that, Ant is constantly checking this place out

Holy shit this is fantastic.


Andy and Opie

That might be the best video I've ever seen

I won't be tired of these for at least another 6 more

Hahahah the vos plug at the end was perfect, well done.

I bet this guy is a huge 2U fan!

I'd love it if there was a large black audience at a 2U show one time.

Can you imagine if BLM protesters showed up?

I love how all the emasculated queebs come out of hiding when they see something that legit scares them down to the little boy inside. It's like they know they have to fight to somehow get their man-ness back, but they don't know where to begin so they just babble out some hacky racist thing.

Andy Kyooma

/u/ThePRRattlesnake if you don't play this on LOS I'mma stab you with a broken Corona bottle.

Real ass Vos plug

I hope Anthony gets his guns back soon. Fat School Boy Q and the other black youths have their eyes set on his ass.

I hope he doesn't and gets killed in a home invasion done by a couple of white guys. It would be the ultimate irony, although he'd probably just lock himself in his walk-in safe/panic room.

"But I digress"

Whoa...ok, professor.

Andy Comya's outta pocket

This is amazing. You magnificent bastard.

Andy still bringing the lol's

That last part LOL

That's fucking funny man

Anthony's worst nightmare is upon him.

This and the Thread Simulator are the best things to hit the sub since /u/SlothFactsBot

Qft, Andy Cummer is a scumbag and rich vos is a saint on eart...

This is one of the BEST fucking things I've ever seen/heard since getting into O&A ten years ago. Fuckin LOVE this guy.

This would have been funnier before we learned about Sue.

But based on what we know now, if the situation described by the gentleman in this video does come to pass, it will probably just mean that Ant's bucket list gets a bit closer to being completed.

Looool the vos roll

we gonna make an andy pack fam 🔫🔫🔫 better be strapped at the compound cumya.

Hilarious.... but I hope this nigga playin

he plugged Vos...of course he playin

Really fucking funny.


Bravo! (starts slow clap)

Schoolboy Q knows about Ant now? Somebody warn him there might be Hoover Crips after him already

They cawl 'im bawssss.....BAWS NIGGA

Ooo shit just got real

dat virgin meat, Andiney Coomya


Tweet this to ant NOW







The plug for Vos at the end was hilarious.Damn and I feel bad for Andy having to go back to Shawshank.

We need to do more of these.

I feel like Anthony would be safe in "the joint." This guy and his friends clearly don't know his first or last name.

Some poor asshole named Andy is going get tuned up.

God bless him.

oooof...this shit is actually proving Ant's points...perfectly. Yeeeesh

He saw the video of Andy stranglin' up that hooker-type chick

Thanks for the gold, whoever sent it.

And a couple people have asked about hiring this guy. His name is bbyronbur on Fiverr, but the easy way to find him is if you put the word "ghetto" in the Fiverr search box and he's the first one to come up.


How do we know that this guy actually knows people in jail? Maybe he's loying.

why can't he talk? did he have a stroke?

So Lamar is real?

some black dude talks about Anthony for a couple minutes and it gets 140+ comments, this sub has really gone downhill. You people need a hobby.

You spelled loathe wrong, stupid.

If you haven't, its a bunch of panty pissing burnie and blm supports trolling opieandanthony reddit now. Look at the effort to silence bro joe for pointing out black crime rates. What O&A fan ever gave a shit about what joe ever said or did? He was just Ant jerk off brother who played in bar bands. What O&A fan, would give this unintelligent nigger a link here and demand we all tweet it to Ant?

Was that English?

It's Tranthony, not Andy.

Now it's Andy, bitch. Please try to keep up.

He might be able to pull off a raggedy Andy impression.

Wtf is this shine babbling about? Not a fan of ole pissy eyes? Me either, please teach him some manners.

Awww...what is wrong with this guy? Is this a form of autism??

The funny thing is black gangs in prison are actually the weakest of all the races. The Aryan Brotherhood is the strongest...

Glad u made that point. If there is 1 thing to take away from this video, it's your point on current state of the power-echelon amongst various gangs in prisons.

I'm sure you've really got your finger on the pulse when it comes to prison gangs - probably just got home from doing a nickel? You horses ass.

SAMCRO is the strongest because of the Mayan connection.

Smh that fat monkey does not even get the name right. Typical.

Stupid Nigger!

Well somebody didn't watch the whole video.

youre so weird

This guy looks and sounds like a fake Raekwon. He does have some frighteningly large ape hands, but I'll still knock this howler monkey right on his fucking ass. Probably a typical street hyena who wants to jump people with his boys.

You're the guy always saying you'll beat everyone up, but he's the ape??

He's got awesome keyboard muscles, best watch it.

dont shit talk the Chef you little cunt

/u/F_H_Rileys_MaitreD is an hourglass head nigga

He PM'ed me with more threats, he must be assblasted nobody liked his comment and I made fun of him and got upvotes. He's a FAAAAAAAAAAAAAG

OK that trained nigger with the fake chain is hilarious.

Does he do any other tricks?

Do you have any other tricks besides lowest level trolling with the naughty words?

Another fucking queer with sensitive ears on a sub that gives no fucks. Eat a bowl of dicks and stop being a pussy.

Looks like you forgot to log back into your AntsCamera account before replying, you dope.

Yeah right fuckface.

Sick comeback!

Comeback from what? Is this your first day here?

Is this your first day speaking English?

How about you go fuck your mother? How is that English for you?

Nah, the English are characteristically in to sister fucking more than mother fucking. You're probably thinking of the Scottish.

I stand corrected.

Are you chastizing me for saying naughty words? Faggot?

Sooooo sorry to offend you milky boy.

I think he's chastising you for failing to be funny

That's pretty much the only thing not tolerated here

See this? It means not welcome.



No I'm just noticing you're neither shocking or funny. Just a one note bore.

scrolling through a hundred "the sub is the show" comments and finally one made me laugh. never stop doin' you.

He can collect welfare while still making money off selling drugs. If that's a trick.

I don't have any black neighbors.

Sick comeback!

Lmao, first thing that came to mind!

Best $5 I've ever spent.

"Black guysh will only eat the coochie if it's friiiied."

Hes great. We need him

I watched this video 4 times now. Laughed hard each time.


lightbulbs, prison, and a black dude making a lightbulb reference about prison