RARE picture of Opies insane mom

88  2016-03-20 by GRIZx


You know that Opie's mother was as normal as could be. She probably told Opie no, tried to make him not be so sensitive and didn't let him get his way all of the time (his dad probably spoiled him) because she knew what a little douche he was. Opie sees anyone who questions him or points out his faults as crazy, an asshole or a "hater" (ugh).

He talks shit about her because she's not around to defend herself the same way he talks shit about people until their on the show and then he wilts. Regardless, Opie sees his mom as a "hater" when, in reality, she was a normal mom trying to teach her son how to be an adult.

He's a piece of human garbage to speak of his mother that way on national radio whether she had issues or not (you know that she didn't).

Gotta disagree with your last sentence my love. I'm guessing that she did have issues. They were all exclusively with Opie however. Like you've pointed out, what an insufferable little shit he must have been to try and raise amongst all his other siblings. The way Opie is now as a fully realized adult is so suggestive of his personality growing up.

That poor woman, I bet all of Opie's stories about having to go to school wearing a dress and how they made a house out of soiled sanitary towels etc are all true but she did it to fuck with him because he deserved it.

The thought of Opie during puberty, buds a poppin, head a baldin, is both hilarious and horrendous simultaneously.

Fuck Opie, his momma and dadda should've flushed him down the toilet.

Well put. The kid has a social disorder, so the parent seems a mess from having to cope with that. The kid, being self-centered and lacking empathy and self-awareness, thinks he's the victim.

Well..he WAS certain that when he grew up he could eeeeeeasily host the Tonight Show. So they were contending with that...

Also, Tits looks just like Mommy. So she probably hated him for that too. Like lookin in a mirror, it was...(i.e both ugly).

I think he was being accurate about his mother but he is in denial that he became her.

I always think of the time when Opie's brother was on the phone, and he made some good-natured crack about Opie being cheap. Opie instantly started making retard/Harry Hater noises. "EUUUHHH!!! EUHHHH!!!" it clearly really really bothered him and set him off quicker than anything any fan or co-host has ever said. Can you imagine growing up in the same house as that prick? There was a "hater" at every turn (except for daddy of course).

He wasn't cheap with the help when Daddy needed to make more walls out of rocks. Very generous with his time to make rock walls.

Hanging all those baskets does seem kind of crazy.





fuck the end is great

Yeah I was wondering about that too. Did the bitch go out and waylay kids on Easter and steal their baskets of candy?

What did you your dad do to scrape up the rent due? Your so bitter, must of lived in affordable housing and he still barely scraped by. What radio station did you listen to o&a on? We know you couldn't afford XM

What does middle of the street fag say.......

Boo hoo boo hoo boo hoo boo hoo boo hoo boo hoo boo hoo

Why so angry at people you never met? That never had or will ever have any affect on your life? You need to start looking inward as to why your such a fuckin prick poor boy.

Why so angry at people you never met?

Re-read your post history and ask yourself the same thing.

Boo Hoo

My mom had an unhealthy amount of Longaberger baskets; I guess someone convinced her they were collectible and would have resale value. But the Hughes' family basket collection is dollar-table yard sale stuff. Lower middle class roots = confirmed.

Basket collecting equals hoarding

His family all looks so similar

That wee baby is so punchable.

πŸ‘Š πŸ‘Ά

That's not his family, someone photoshopped Opie's face onto everyone.


I photoshopped the other family members in the photo because I dont wanna to be that much of a shithead... they already have to deal with opies enormous ego.

Stolen from brother elmos myspace

Oh come on dude, we want to see his sisters

you arent missing anything. a very mediocre looking family. HERE

Good movie, Matt The Blanc was revelatory.

" maybe dinner? "

His career was in Top Gear that year!


The one in the middle...

I honestly thought this was another photoshop.

they really do look like opie.....

The Genes in that family should be made extinct

Holes in the jeans. Sounds like tits alright.

Greggs too. Aw shit swim walk

We need a Hughesacaust

Bam made sure.

Just want to say that Anthony is full of shit, this sub is pure class with no sarcasm. Look how all the faces of the kids are Photoshoped out. That's the definition of classy.

that's right, we leave the easy targets alone

This feels like an Aphex Twin music video.

What the fuck is Paul McCartney doing there?

This is a thing of nightmares.

TSS what's with the baskets is it a basket shop or sumhin

i havent been this disturbed since the last time i watched window licker

Every few years i'll watch this and forget how good this video is, except that really poor limo scene which makes me giggle at how terrible it looks.

the sound during the limo crash bit is amazing. only just realized when rewatching it today that the whole bit is synthesized. i love the opening nigga-monologue too

It's all terrific, but the actual footage of the limo crash is terrible. It's a jpg of the strippers with low res footage of the two shitheads arguing.

Opie's dad looks a lot more entertaining than his son.

Is this the Philly crew?

Lots of sniffing going on in that house.

That lazy eye. That's the psycho eye that Opie inherited. The eye that makes him lie.

Opie's Eye.

Did he discuss her having mental problems before last year?

at every opportunity

Only since WNEW.

I missed it on WNEW. On satellite, I just listen to Youtube clips.

Both Opie and his mom have the crazy looking lazy eye.

looks like uncle paul behind the overalled gregorio


Reddit gotta niggas ribs hurtin today

i always doubted if she was actually crazy.

it was more than likely some made up BS so he'd actually have something (he thought) was interesting to talk about. like most of the stories from his youth

Omg...this is so funny

Thanks for the Salvia flashback

Love the bashing Opie shit. Keep it up. The only thing that should come ahead of that is ending Sam Roberts so called career.

Don't flood the sub with Opie material. We're focusing on bigger and better things at the moment.

Fuck you and fuck your mother you black cunt

He's probably Philly crΓΌe

Do you not realize the point of this sub? Above everything it's about taking down Opie's confidence

at every opportunity

Only since WNEW.

πŸ‘Š πŸ‘Ά

that's right, we leave the easy targets alone