If you saw this (non-ironically) on someone's desk at work..

26  2016-03-20 by [deleted]


I'd non-ironically do this

Is that the Joker? Does Conan O'Brien exist in the Batman universe? I'm so confused...

Looks like it's an animation of the Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller, in the comic the Joker isn't that buff and the host is practically David Letterman.

It's really confusing I agree have you considered just ending it all?

But that looks nothing like Conan

kick em to death. I'm no combat expert, I'd do it like a horse or a donkey

I bet Snowy in Michigan has one on his desk along with signed sudoku puzzles plastered across the walls of his cubicle.

by cubicle you mean piece of shit Mack truck he can barely keep on the road?

I would completely ignore it as I don't need anyone in my real life knowing I listened to O and A.

This x 1,000,000

I'd take off his or her hat.

I'd high five my coworker and we'd have a good laugh.

I'd spit on the two of yas


I thought the UK Office had a lot of cringe, but Peep Show definitely took the top spot when I started watching it. Even when I know what's coming, I tighten up at something at least once an episode. I feel like my life has been a combination of Mark and Jez moments.

I'd forever avoid all eye contact with that person

I'd ask him to kindly take his drink with him when his break is over and he has to head back to the parking lot to pick up trash.

Slow blink with a dismissive head shake

How would you know if it was ironic or not

If I saw this, I would grab his other coffee cup with "Is it Friday yet?" and smash it over his head.

I'd report him to HR.

It must pain him that Jim is effortlessly quotable while "check out the empties" deservedly never brought him a penny of income...

Dropping hammers is one of the few Opie things that made me laugh out loud.

... slow blink

Anyone else have to slow blink after reading that?

They call me the slow blink kid.


Is that the Joker? Does Conan O'Brien exist in the Batman universe? I'm so confused...