Ok I wasn't feeling it before but I'm all in with the Sherrod hate now. Fuck Sherrod. Sherrod sucks

10  2016-03-20 by Ant_Sucks


He does exactly what jimmy pointed out scorch's cohost does; making little asides and noises just so people knows he's there, saying any banal meandering nothing and hoping for a thought to come. It's amazing that with that many people in the room that such little entertainment even happens accidentally.

So just like Opie.


More importantly what the fuck is Carrot Top doing there? Didn't his career die at least 20 years ago?

And yes Sherrod fucking sucks.

Quite the opposite. After Chairman of the Board his career has done nothing but go up.

I like carrot top, but holy shit is he scary looking

He was scary looking before he was huge.

Now he's a scary looking guy who you know could rip your head off

No shit. That guy definitely bites the spleens out of cattle

He's a really nice guy in person. I did security for him once.

Eliza: "My mother's kind of a democratic socialist feminist mormon"

Sherrod: "Sexy"

Isn't that the old witch from Robin Hood Prince of Thieves?.... Oh no, it's Carrot Head.

He talks like he's pushing out a wide turd.

He's the black hole of radio.


she's way too hot to be stuck In that room of clowns

Poor woman, she had no idea :(

Holy shit that lady looks like Carrot Top

Never heard him on Tits And Closet Gay but all I had to do was hear him on Race Wars to be completely disgusted with his lack of charm and talent.

Believe it or not, race wars used to be good. Once upon a time, Kurt and the guest could be funny enough to overcome sherrod's ignorance and lack of understanding of his own limits. Somewhere along the line they implemented the 9-people-yelling-into-microphones system and sherrod suddenly got bold enough to spout gibberish into the mic constantly.

Holy fuck that's tough to get through. Let the woman talk and stop staring at the tits of the publisher or whomever that was.



Get it? he's the offended guy, but also he's trying to have sex with every woman he sees!

This is embarrassing to even type out, but I'm pretty sure Sherrod was trying to fit into a Patrice role in this video. He failed miserably.

I've noticed that on other videos, too. I wonder if he knows he sucks and is just trying to get paid, or if he thinks he's great and everyone else is a 'hater'.



Get it? he's the offended guy, but also he's trying to have sex with every woman he sees!