BREAKING: Norton starring in film directed by convicted (multiple times) woman beater Matthew Newton

9  2016-03-19 by Moveinslience


I'm tired of Norton and his humble bragging wannabe screen-actor self.

great comment, Norton is BARELY funny now, such a disappointment, early 2000s norton was a force

I think its funny. Itll be funnier when the scene gets cut though

I'm very proud to be blinking my way through a scene that may or may not be a bonus feature on the DVD.


The amount of value Norton brings to the set is probably priceless. Just think of all the stories of addiction he shared with the crew.

Truly an actor's actor. A performance general if you will.

"Mr. Norton, I'm having trouble blinking enough when I'm in character. And I can't figure out what to do with my hands. Any advice?"

"Ahhhh, I wish I could tell you what to do but I've been asking other actors that same question for 10 years and somehow I haven't gotten any better with it myself. Sorry man, I wish I could help out more. Are you going to any meetings?"

were any of the victim's his friend's daughter?

Exactly. If Anthony had smacked Stetten around Jim wouldn't have given a turkey, pardon my language.

Plus this guy seems genuinely insane (not that it excuses his actions). Anthony is just a cunt.

Jim is stuck with Opie because of Anthony so throw that in there and I could see why Jim is pissed. His defenders here are still walking on anthills though.

Lol but he can't drive to ants studio and do his show. What a fucking phony.


Jimmy's been perpetually busy since ant got arrested.

Ohh literal /r/chrb13

Nobody gives a shit about this movie, much less now that Jimmy is involved.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say jims scene is very short and very badly acted

oh jimmy, where is your integrity ?

But Jimmy what about your hands!!!

This stinks and I don't like it.

So what you are saying is if Tranthony makes a movie, Jimmy will talk to him again to try get a role in it?

Jim would play the guy in the bunny suit if Polanski remade "The Shining."

I'll be sure to talk about this with the other housewives at the beauty shop. simp.

holy shit that dudes a mess!

GET 'IM!!!

Ewwww that picture he tagged looks like shadowbannedkeithm mentoring an Oakland inner-city youth in the showers.

Will you 2 just buttfuck already. Take your domestic dispute somewhere else faggots.

What's the obsession with this Keith fella?


Exactly. If Anthony had smacked Stetten around Jim wouldn't have given a turkey, pardon my language.


Plus this guy seems genuinely insane (not that it excuses his actions). Anthony is just a cunt.

Jim is stuck with Opie because of Anthony so throw that in there and I could see why Jim is pissed. His defenders here are still walking on anthills though.