Opie always said he didn't know how to handle Chip..."just ignore him". Sam knew how to play off it.

18  2016-03-19 by llewellyn_ash


Hey Opie I have a funny character to do on the show

ME: I've been doing radio since I was 18 and I don't know how to handle this so I'm just going to ignore you when you do the character

Ok! Radio gold!

The sad thing is its so ridiculously easy to riff with Chip. Lead him into questions, laugh when he says something HALAREOUS or just lil bro him and call him a fuckin idiot which activates "mean Chip". Radio Vet ladies and gents.

in all seriousness, what can Opie actually handle??

he's good at hanging up on people

He's really good at holding on.

Large breasts. Doesn't even need a bra.

Cleaning out Bam's cum.

Sam was going back and fourth perfectly while redhead retard was STILL trying to get his fake mafia story out. He's so goddamn retarded that it should be a crime to let him on any open air waves of any kind.

This is still pretty hard to listen to as a.....stand alone....bit.

Because Sam is a professional broadcaster.

I miss Sam riffing with Chip so much. It worked always worked perfectly.

No he didn't it was always forced when Sam chimed in those bits. Sam stinks.

