This sub is ripping itself apart and the mods aren't doing anything

25  2016-03-19 by Nulltor

Bobo, jump in and get this shit sorted. This is your time to shine with strong, inspirational leadership.


I haven't noticed anything different

i'm assuming the mods somehow have a life. Or at least are out/asleep at 1:30am.

It's been like 4 of us tards posting in the last hour, myself included


Hiya partner! Late night folk crew

Make that 5

user reports:

1: Hahaha he thinks you faggot mods have lives.

Oooh. Sick burn


U swede

First thing I thought. Have an upvote.

The mods are just chickens, cheep cheep!

I don't know who shadowbannedkenny or that faggot obsessed with him is but I know they are not funny and need to fuck off with their high school politics.


I hope I can have some fat Long Island parasite make a parody account of me someday.

will mod subredits for mets tickets alwroight

Ripping itself apart? Hardly. I've never seen the sub more united in one common purpose. We didn't leave the funny, the funny left us

We chased the funny away, supposedly

Errrr, no. Apparently as separate parts they are not funny. Plus Anthony is right back where Opie found him. On Long Island, in his basement, trying to get noticed. Maybe he should get a bell

In all fairness, he also has 10 million dollars more now than when he met Opie and the house the basement is in is way nicer.

As your boy says, "that was then, this is now" Well if thats what he is telling you and you want to believe it thats just fine. he was spending at a pretty good clip and he doesn't make 3 million a year any more. Considering his burn rate on trying to get any sort of show going, his spending on toys, his legal bills, couple of residences and you and the rest of the ball bag licking hangers on every day he has less and less and there is no way he is even going to see anther decent payday for the rest of his life. Women beating racists that look like the crypt keeper are in pretty low demand these days. But look at the bright side, his spending on ammunition is way down. now isn't it your turn at the dart board?

Have you ever heard of diversifying ones wealth? I know it's a crazy idea but some people get to a point where their money makes money for them. Like owning stocks that pay a nice dividend.

indeed I have and I have done it myself. So when he got fired he was estimated to have been worth about $8 million with a 3 million dollar salary. I believe the salary was correct so I have no reason not to think Celebrity Net Wealth is that far off (of course if you have insider info that is not just hearsay please post it). so even if he really had 8 million he spends like a drunken sailor and he took an income hit of $3 million plus he started spending big bucks on a studio and and failing web show plus he probably pays his hangers on and his good for nothing racist motorcycle gang member Parana playing brothers expenses. he is never going to get another paycheck and an idiot without a high school diploma that buys all those toys is almost certainly spending more than he is pulling in. He certainly has lot less then 8 million total since he has almost nothing coming in and tons going out. he better slow down. whatever he has left will have last him the rest of his life.

Good point.

You really still think he has 10 million dollars? His ex wife got a nice chunk of his salary for a while, the mcmansion didn't pay for itself, upgrades to said mcmansion, supporting Joe and his sister and other family members, podcasting equipment, paying Keith and his wife, paying other staff we may not know about, supporting all the compound leeches, gambling losses, guns, guns, guns, all his electronic toys, all the presents he has bought for girls online, replacing the stuff he claims Dani and others have stolen from him, taxes and other expenses, cars, fuel, clothing, food, the new York studio lease and equipment for that, Dani's apartment and probably a thousand other expenses we don't know about.

I'm betting old man Cumia doesn't have a lot left in reserve.

Divorce is the biggest expense by far. Besides giving away half your money, you also have to pay for both lawyers. There are plenty of men who literally lose all their money in a divorce.

I'll bet Jimmy has spent far less on prostitutes that Opie and Anthony have spent on marriage. (And I'm not some basement dwelling neckbeard; I'm married with kids. I know how expensive it is.)

Now is the time for the ex wife to pop up and write a tell all about Anthony's secret life when they were married.

Wha happen?

I know, they're treating this sub like the 'you know who's' are treating this country.

Hey fella, Don't hold back there. Give em' the what-for!

BRUTAL_ANAL_RAPE8888 doesn't like to get too explicit. He's very sensitive to the feelings of others.

I like to keep my Yuma clean. Just like I keep my trannys buttholes

This sub is being pounded like a young minority boy at /u/ShadowbannedKeithM's gym.


dude its mad late

Save us Bobo. Lead us out of the wilderness.

Mr Maloonagins will help for sure.

I remember when the mods actually had a presence here. I prefer it when they don't do fuck all.

EDIT: I am a dick. Bobo is actually a mod, fucking fantastic. This sub just get better and better.

Who the fuck thought making bobo a mod is a good idea? He practically worships Grandma Cumia

It's anarchy at it's very best

The best part is he doesn't even give a fuck or know how to use his power

Management loves the new direction of the sub.

can someone explain whats going on here? i think some one keep posting about user kennthforsure ?

I have no fucking idea. I tried randomly picking a side but my heart wasn't really in it.

IAMA Mod. What would you like me to do?

Scorched earth. Ban everyone who has posted in the last month. We have to sterilize this place and start anew.

Bobo, jump off a bridge. You fucking worthless faggot.

There's Mets tickets at the bottom of the canyon


It's anarchy at it's very best

The best part is he doesn't even give a fuck or know how to use his power