KennethFresno with "20,000" comment karma telling me I'm mad

0  2016-03-19 by [deleted]



Youre jealous he started the Panera thing

I'm glad people know I started it. It's very important to me.


I get it. Hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr so creative dere!!1

You're so butthurt lol.


You're so butthurt lol.


U mad.


U mad.

yeah its almost like i took more than .1 second to think of a random username. at least ive started things on the internet before. youve never started shit. Meanwhile KennethFresno is pretty much the zuckerburg of starting reddit topics and you cant think of shit


Hey /u/sanfrancisco69er you made him write a novel. It's not nice to abuse the mentally ill.

He's mad as hell. Be on the lookout for cars with puzzle piece bumper stickers coming after you.


You're so butthurt lol.


You're so butthurt lol.


U mad.

I tried a few variations of things with 69 and 420(usually my screen name is sixtynine420) but they were all taken so wait why am I responding seriously to this guy?


It's a joke. sorta like you thinking you started the panera thing


dude, the point is that no one gives a fuck, what are you doing?

Makes another thread about me
Claims he's not mad

Mmm you're in an autismal rage spiral. You and your e-point obsession lol.

That poor toilet


You're so buthurt lol.

Hey Joey

Who's Joey?

You are......joey

My name is Tom, sir.

Joey Cusack....ur name is Joey Cusack

Heh shakes head and rolls eyes. Okay. Whatever.

End scene


You're so butthurt lol.

Hey it's the guy that dms people to upvote his posts.


Y make a thread about it begging people to believe you if it aint true doe?


Uh oh, the angry boy is typing in caps now. Very upset.


You're so butthurt lol.


This shit is hilarious

That's a pretty accurate portrait of all you low life fucks.

You're pretty rad. I bet you're just rolling in pussy.

Shouldn't you be playing a B-Side from Achtung Baby in front of a bunch of people judging livestock?


90% of your videos have less than 1000 views


He's mad as hell. Be on the lookout for cars with puzzle piece bumper stickers coming after you.
