Latest Comedy Bang! Bang! podcast SXSW edition stuck it to Opie.

34  2016-03-18 by crookedmile

Talking about Opie and Jim. Something along the lines of: Scott - "Who's Ope?" Gino the intern - "Some guy who decided he wants to be a comedian after 20 years"


A few months ago on their 'Best of' episodes Scott was explaining Gino the Intern to Paul F Thompkins and said that it was pitched as a guy from Long Island/New Jersey who was obsessed with Opie and Anthony. Paul F Thompkins audibly groaned.

As a side note though, Gino is really funny. Any episode with Gino is usually worth listening to.

He's really fucking hilarious and super quick. Here's the link @3:30:

lmao his dad telling him he's leaving "aw come on dad its almost whip em out wednesday". this shit is great, I dont get what he means with the jab in the title post, though.

Gino is incredible. I would recommend CBB if you have the stomach sweetheart ;)

I've trriieedd it before and it would lose me and start sounding like weekend update when Paul F Thompkins wasnt on. But everything with this Gino guy is great. Any other particular characters or anything that would win someone over?

Any episode with Jason Mantzoukas, Andy Daly, or Thomas Middleditch is great. Most episodes with James Adomian are very funny, particularly this episode (EDIT: Here's a vid that boils down Leykis from that episode) where he plays Tom Leykis (slightly exaggerated version of the real guy). There was a recent episode with Gilbert Gottfreid where Adomian plays Bernie Sanders and Anthony Atamanuik plays Donald Trump. Trump is hilarious.

I listened to the episode where Andy Daly was brainwashing and capturing children to sew together into an abomination-vessel to host his lord satan, fucking tremendous. I really like the Andy Daly episodes. How is the TV show so fucking awful?

I would guess it's because the show is scripted and the podcast is all improv.

Agree on Daly, he's phenomenal. His show Review is fucking fantastic.

I think the TV show just tries too fucking hard. Every episode has so much going on, a narrative, a running gag, side characters and props and music and guests and bits and it's all so clever and cute and I just wish they'd relax and pump the brakes on the irony.

Scott Aukerman is the worst part of his show, and he writes the TV show

I've started from the beginning and I'm about 50 episodes in. Bob Ducca might be my favorite thing, followed by Adomian's Huell Howser.

Yeah, Bob Ducca is one of the best parts of the show in the first few years. He doesn't show up much after the first year or two though, and Adomian stops doing the show as frequently after the first few years too, which sucks.

Man, you haven't even scratched the surface yet; you've still got tons of new PFT characters, Lauren Lapkus becoming a regular, Marissa Wompler, Victor and Tiny, the Farts and Procreation eps, Heynong Man, and the Oh, Golly! saga to experience, and that's just off the top of my head. I'm jealous.


This last week about halfway through with the wronge brothers was great, promoting their shoeshine business in LAX. It was about 45 min in. Not sure who played them, but I've listened to it about five times now

PFT was there as himself from the beginning of the episode. It was the Bajillion Dollar House episode. "Triple kiss, Animal Style"

Great episode. Also, Maxwell Keeper AKA The Time Keeper is one of my favorite characters, same with PFT as Santa Claus and Lauren Laptkis as Ho Ho The Elf. The Kid Detectives too. Cake Boss, Ho Ho and Time Keeper And really, anything with PFT and Andy Daley is worth listening. Also Mike Hanford from The Birthday Boys (Time Keeper/John Lennon/Various)

Hanford's John Lennon never stops making me laugh.

The shows where Andy Daly's character is forced into suicide by Jason and Scott are gold

The latest kid detectives give a shout to More than once! That damn show is becoming more like O&A every week

They're putting things up my butt!

Who the fuck are all these people??

No one anybody has ever heard of. It's a good thing

comedians who are constantly guest stars on tv shows

Yeah that was another thing I thought was weird about it, I never had any clue who the people were. I might check that episode out though. I've always loved those guys from mr. show so I figured there was something there

Well worth your time. Here's Scott Auckerman and Paul F. Tompkins in SpeakEasy


Brandon Small doing Victor and Tiny - start with their first appearance.

Did he say the compound was his dollywood?

Do you have a timestamp for when they say the stuff about Opie, champ?

Grab busses is great. You're him aren't you?

So they're old fans then. Kinda cool.

I think Jon Gabrus is (the guy who plays 'Gino') but I'm not sure about Scott. Paul F Thompkins definitely sounded like he wasn't. He sounded disgusted when O&A got mentioned.

Yeah figured Paul would hate their guts.

Actually, I misremembered it. Scott sort of groans. I'm a dope. Anyway. Here:

Around 1:23:45 they get around to talking about Gabrus and mention O&A.

"So now I guess these guys at Comedy Bang Bang have a problem with us? (Sniff) I swear to ya Jimmy, I've never even heard of these guyyyys."

In all honesty, I actually have never heard of them.

really? the podcast was huge and they had a shitty show on ifc. I hate reggie watts

I dislike him as well. His jokes are too literal and you end up thinking, "Yeah, that's clever, I suppose," instead of funny.

The music stuff isn't for me either. But different people like different kinds of comedy.

I actually served him at my bar once, I usually buy comedians shots and am psyched to chill with them. not him though


Yeah 8 seasons on the biggest podcast in history and another on 5 tv seasons with 150 shows under it's belt. Nobody's watching maaaaaaaaaaaaaan

Sorry, I'm not a slave to media?

Yeah it's big and successful but it's also shit and unfunny. You're a faggot for liking it

Hollywood Handbook >

what up what up?

the should be the biggest one instead of the third smallest one!

Gino went to tell of W.O.W., And how it made truckers Wednesday's bareable

I misread as "last" and was immediately upset. I am a couple of months behind, and was afraid it was ending for some inexplicable reason.

I'm sure the burn on opie was more like "He's a radio personality and hes trying to transition into comedy, still..." Deciding he wants to be a comedian suggests that hes only just started trying to be funny however the allusion that hes been trying to transition into comedy for the last 20 years actually has a bit of sting to it. Sorry


he killed you cock suckers! hahaha

fucking wankers

checks pulse

actually is dead


I've trriieedd it before and it would lose me and start sounding like weekend update when Paul F Thompkins wasnt on. But everything with this Gino guy is great. Any other particular characters or anything that would win someone over?

The latest kid detectives give a shout to More than once! That damn show is becoming more like O&A every week

Hanford's John Lennon never stops making me laugh.

The shows where Andy Daly's character is forced into suicide by Jason and Scott are gold