Amy Schumer calls out Bachelor host for calling women complicated.

0  2016-03-18 by Jackthejew


So he should have said Oh women are simple. They're easy to figure out and non dimensional. Women have no depth at all.

That would have made them all happy.

That's what Louis said back when he worked blue. "Yeah real complicated they operate on so many levels: the wallet and cunt" I miss halfway through divorce proceedings Louis

you don't like pretentious artist louis?


Women have no depth at all.

Amy Schumer has plenty of depth... too much depth some might say. She's fat, I tell ya!

Take my wife for example. Please!

I tell ya, she don't get no respect at all!

Last week she was at her doctor, you know her doctor!? Dr. Vinnie Boombatz!
She said to him "Doctor, everyday I wake up, I look in the mirror and I want to throw-up, what's wrong with me?", he said "I dunno, but your eyesight is perfect!"

Amy Shooms look like her vagina smells like possum's breath

and doritos

This Bachelor fella is famous I assume? So he must be rich!? How does a rich and famous person say silly things like this?

If I was that rich I'd pay someone to slap the words right out of my mouth before I said them. And instead of reading I'd pay to have a team of people read smart quotes to me while I sleep.

Smart idea did you some up with that?

Of course. But I'm not the first person to talk about the differences between men and women.

If you think that second sentence doesn't really make sense in regards to the "slap..." idea, you'd probably be right. But I think it is a suitable distraction from any accusations of plagiarism.

This happened a few days ago. It reminded me of the time she called out that kid. It was just weird how random her targets seem to be. Kind of like she received a text message from the Huffington Post: "Your media credits are running low. Please top up".

Seems like a couch potato stuffing her face with sleeves of oreos laying there binging on tv while surfing the net, randomly responding to shit on social media

Amy shumer has legs for arms.

Her legs have their own stomachs

Why do people listen to this retarded bitch's opinion? She can't handle the truth about anything.

Shes brave and motivated and blah blah. Funny is last on feminists list. ANY joke about men or fuckin vag issues no matter how humorous is "a message and a step forward" Shes a walking pussy shooting out propaganda from her "oppressed" vag. And the real fuckin kicker is she just wanted to tell other peoples jokes but because of the femies shes in the Pantheon of Pussy


Come on. I really don't want to go back to talking about this hefty dame. My life is so much happier pretending she doesn't exist.

ah, whatever, amy. Only women with no self-esteem stick with a complicated man and vice versa. No, man, it's complicated, my life, my childhood, my mommy and daddy, it's tough, i act too needy or cold and distant because i'm so broken and complicated. Some woman might find you mysterious or a challenge to be fixed for a while, but anyone with self-esteem and options is not gonna take too long to say, well, fuck this shit, give me a call when you get your shit together and ain't so complicated, ain't wasting my life trying to fix what's broken about you. Is it sexist when a woman says that to a man? So knock it off with the double standard, Miss Piggy

Your use of commas confused me

Don't be so jewy


gross. the future of tv news, people

Sir, that's the present. The future will be even worse!

There are few things worse than a truly stupid person believing they are intelligent or insightful. Amy Schumer is both of those things

I wonder how much she genuinely believes what she says


She always has the fattest smirk on her face

She's now officially a "funny woman".

Jesus fucking christ. Is this honestly how bad political correctness/feminism has gotten? 5 years ago not one single person bats an eye at this comment. Also, if he said women are simple she'd have an issue with that too. If a woman said men are complicated no one would give a care.

oh god drop dead already, i seriously had no idea she was a corny, pseudo-feminist bore. "Um HIStory why on HERstory" fuckin dummy.

Fellows, let's be reasonable, huh? This is not the time or the place to perform some kind of a half-assed autopsy on a pig. And I'm not going to stand here and see that thing cut open and see that little Harrison boy spill out all over the dock.

We're gonna need a bigger trough

So what comic said this about the Bachelor first? Or is this more parallel thinking?


I feel like you're a red piller


Your use of commas confused me

Sir, that's the present. The future will be even worse!