Has anyone addressed this horse shit?

0  2016-03-18 by PatricesProgeny


"I'm so confused..."

It's so complicated that some animals are in abundance in some areas and not others. "People are such idiots". Absolute moronic display of human behavior in comparison to such down-to-earth and well travelled 50-something men pretending to be 25 still.

No, O & J. You two are just boring idiots that have fuck-all idea about what's going on anywhere beyond your general vicinity. Unless it's trending on Facebook or Twitter.

Description: "While in Mexico this guy with scars all over his face let me hold a baby lion."

Always an after-the-fact pussy, Opster.

Absolutely no one takes pictures of squirrels in Central Park & almost no one has them as pets, is this a misguided attempt at humor it's hard to tell with Opie

I know we all know what a squirrel is but, like, what IS a squirrel, really what is it. Think about it.

A rodent tbh fam smh

What IS a rodent. Think about it.


Opie ponders Squirrels.

the cunt that has never traveled anywhere talking about tourists.

Meanwhile he takes videos of chicks doing yoga in Central Park.

If anybody listens to the Comedy Bang Bang podcast they know that "Gino the Intern" is a Long Island resident who got into radio because of O&A.

On the latest SXSW episode he corrects the host and tells him it's now called "Opie and Jim, who cares about the other guy", and he says that Opie is attempting to transition into comedy.

In conclusion, fuck Opie and his Squarells

That was a gripping segment right there. The boys truly have become a media destination

How is Mark Normand universally loved around here? Listen to him and tits enjoying eachothers inane babbling.

I fucking hate him.

Me too, Sherrod is the only one that's worse as a regular from what I've heard.

DiStefano is worse than Normand, but Sherrod tops everyone else.

Why does this faggot pronounce "inTeresting" the way he does ?