Opie and Anthony: Jim Jefferies Meets Chip Chipperson

18  2016-03-18 by Doctor_Peckhaz


Just when Jim and Chip are starting to get the funny going is when the 20 year radio vet throws it to break. He's just not good at his job.

He leaves me speechless.

I remember this happening over the years and screaming "now you fucking idiot?" This was a perfect example.

He should have been fired years ago. Opie sucks.

Jeffries is the best!

"I've met people like Chip who it's their show"

Shots fired?

Of all the guests, Jim disguised his dislike of Opie the least. He would occasionally get fed up with Tits constant interrupting and Edward Smith like captaining abilities and make some comment like 'fuckin hell, this how you do things here, mate?" Tits would respond with a very sharp "hold on" a few minutes later when Jim was on a roll about something.

I will always love Jim Jefferies for calling out Tits for liking that faggot hack Jason Ellis. That episode was infuriating to listen to. Jason Ellis tried to get a shock collar around Jim's neck and both Tits and Zits were giving him shit for not wanting to do it, while pussying out themselves.

loved how much jeffries didn't like tits.

He will never forgive him for the banana thing.

That's when I realized I hated Opie. Jefferies is one of the funniest comedians working and dumb fuck Opie decided the best thing to do was to try and make him the next bobo. I'm going to hate fuck Opie's wife so hard tonight.

Take it easy Bam.

Opie is usually pretty good about targeting weak or kindly people, it's weird that he thought Jefferies was either of those.

Banana thing?

Jefferies has a phobia of bananas and Opie fucked with him big time in studio once.

In school there was a retarded kid who was scared of them too. I just assumed it was because he was retarded and never thought it was two different issues.

you see how pissed he got when he realized they were filming him

This is a treat

Chip should really have Bams body and Jimmys fat head