Remember when cumia threatened to doxx the panera bread geek?

0  2016-03-18 by MiddleOfTheStreetGuy



I don't have sex with coloreds.

Granthony ballwasher.

These guys are total cucks. They go around calling other people one but they'd seriously be happy if Anthony fucked their 10-year old daughter

Fortunately, breeding isn't in the forecast for any of these slobs.

Must get exhausting logging in and out of alt accounts trying to stay relevant

What do you do, different browsers? Is this your internet explorer account?

Yes, but I find chugging a 30 pack of Bud Lite a night is the cure-all for those who are desperately trying to stay relevant.

"Chugging a 30 pack of Bud Lite"

tss gettin fuckin zooted

That's shadowbannedkeithm cum not beer you're chugging homo

After putting on my senile mom's shoes, smoking some crack, fucking a twenty-year-old transexual up the ass while pretending she's eight and dyeing & grooming my fake hair...I'll drink anything.

I thought you only create new accounts that seem similar to the one that just got banned? Yet hear here you are using alt accounts at the same time.

I'm uncomfortable when you go a post without calling me a faggot. We have a routine going and I'm not going to lose you like we did LibsRMentallyIll. Stick to the script.

I miss libsarementallyill more than my dead son

"Must get exhausting logging in and out of alt accounts trying to stay relevant"

Oh the irony.

/u/FaggotBannedKeith isn't me, I thought it was weird he picked that name but whatevs his posts are amusing.

Remember when you made a quality post? Yeah, me neither.

OP is manning the glory hole at McGoobys tonite.

There's sub war on this thread too! Yessssss

Don't be deleting your shit /u/MiddleOfTheStreetGuy. We need you to keep posting!!

Theyre gonna hate you but please dont stop doing what you do, MiddleOfTheStreetGuy.

Provided what he's doing is mixing thallium into his rotgut whiskey, I'm with you.

Whatever he does that leads to these funny-ass posts

They're funny, just not "Ha-ha" funny.

"The recent Ant trends have really brought out the most retarded of the literal retards on here."

Most retarded behavior? I'm not talking about grammar, anyway.


No one can tell you are talking to yourself. They think you are totally different people white knighting for an old pedo. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Everyone already knows you chug cocks though.


You're so right. Can you come over and fuck my girlfriend with your tiny little fat guy innie dick so she thinks I'm huge im comparison?


See, that's not bad, but you had to throw in the tired "cuck" and the LOL at the end is just embarassing. Keep trying, little guy, you will get there.


Awwww, you're regressing. Don't worry little buddy, if you slap a little make up on and get some fake titties you're sure to get an invite to the McCompound. When Ant's jizz dribbles out and hits your face you will know you have really made it.

I miss libsarementallyill more than my dead son
