Any audio of the 7:30 call to o&j this morning?

18  2016-03-18 by TedChrist



Hate that caller. Anybody that calls in to trash the show, PLEASE be able to formulate a sentence and definitely dont froth at the mouth so Opie can use his "why are you so angry" crutch. Dopes like him validate there belief we hate just to hate instead of having very valid reasons for why they suck.

Listen I'd like a better reasoned argument but he was able to maintain spittle inducing anger the whole time. There's something highly entertaining about that, just wish the Opester wouldn't fuck with the phone audio so I can make out half of what he's saying.

I dont know what it is but anytime someone starts a sentence with "listen", I immediately tune the rest out. Must be from childhood.


The guy was controlled opposition.

Love how pussy boy puts that call through, but cuts off that caller last week who called to say Opie couldn't handle half of what Justin got from Pete. He is so transparent.

The 1% guy? He was hella coo.

That was fucking hilarious. Thanks.

The phones are lit!

Me: we got people talking, the phones are lit.

Caller: Great, that's 1/10, you're batting 100.


Sounds like "Take the hit" guy

It's the same guy

Thought so, he's also my new favorite person.

I love this caller

Why do you hate me so much? Do you hate me cause you think, cause you're one of those guys, that...

Chris Distefano is right up there with the great comedic minds to come out of O&A. CK, Oneal, Distefano.

When did they start working Fridays again?

When Bennington got fed up with his bullshit

But... They're scope brothers?

I salute the callers passion & anger

What size waist are you!

Fuckin brilliant improv from the comedian there.

"He doesn't like me so he must be fat!"

There is no worse sound in the universe than the whiny tone Opie took when saying the heart attack stuff.

Actually its a line that he honestly used in conversation on the show the other week and i suspect people on twitter beat him up about it hence why he brought it up when being attacked.

Loved when opie reminded him it was 7:30 on a Friday, like, 10 times

Today's Friday?

It's 7:30 on a Friday, yes

"lollollolloollollol that hate will give you a heart attack!!". Yea, so will obsessing over viral videos and sniffing uncontrollably in your bathroom while your wife fucks bam margera in the 7 mil condo she made u buy while your kid whom you named after the river outside bangs on the doors wondering where his parents are. (sniff)

Naming him Hudson is such an Opie thing to do.

Wow Opie being semi tolerable

Entirely transparent. When will a caller just shout "Bam Margera" repeatedly. That would rile old Opester up no end.

I'd rather angry Opie then cool "calm down, man" Opie. Yuck.

a comic and a guy with 20 years in radio had nothing

He's called before ripping them. A good shit really. It helps that he has half a brain.

His blessing is also his curse.

Me: "Why are you so angry?" Not me:" I'm paying for this" fucking slam they couldn't reply he is paying to listen you dopes and you stink.

Two back-to-back hits. I am officially a fan. Fucking love this guy.

vury inturesting

His anger was a bit much, but when Distefano offered him to go to one of his shows, the caller's furious "FUCK NO!" made me laugh.

Absolutely STEAMROLLS over that balding cuck disgrace and his pet guinea hack. An intern probably had to come into the studio and scrape those two off the floor with a spatula.

what was the call about?


Ah. So like every call?

Are you associated with Dr. Gay?

What's up?

not helpful

LeeeVE it aLONE

Ha! You still listen.


What's up?