This is the closest we'll get to the next Patrice

78  2016-03-18 by A_Faulty_Robot


Patrice really died at the worst time, he would have been king of the MRA, mgtow, anti feminist people

People keep saying that but I also think he could also have gone deeper into the Nation of Islam shit and probably end up hating white people. Ant and Patrice existed on the same wavelength and it's easy to imagine Patrice becoming as crazy and rambling as Ant's become.

Except that there's a pretty clear difference between Patrice and Ant. Bill Burr hit the nail on the head when he said that Ant's never quite had a moment of clarity on the show where he realized that maybe he was wrong about something. Throughout Patrice's appearance on the show he had several moments of clarity where he conceded to being wrong about something that he thought was true. Patrice just had a much more open mind than Ant ever will. He would've eventually come around to a few things, but definitely not everything.

Bill Burr hit the nail on the head when he said that Ant's never quite had a moment of clarity on the show where he realized that maybe he was wrong about something.

Patrice was the exact same way. There were some big arguments where Patrice was clearly in the wring and he tried to tapdance his way around it, he wasn't this self aware dude who could admit he was wrong on shit. He admitted he was wrong about as often as Ant, especially in those days where Ant was more reasonable. You can't assign this self awareness to a dude who was notorious for being a bridge burner.

Patrice just had a much more open mind than Ant ever will.

Give me an example where he was so more open minded than Ant.

He would've eventually come around to a few things, but definitely not everything.

"Come around" to what things?

Well Patrice actually realized that his behavior was a major reason he couldn't break through to the main stream. I don't know if he changed. I imagine he did since he got his special and a few other things before his death, but he also was able to openly admit it and be as vehement about it as anything else.

I see Patrice as having been much more open minded because of his willingness to talk to just about everyone, especially on topics he was being challenged on. He constantly engaged guest callers like Michio Kaku on things he obviously he had no idea about and that shows a willingness to want to learn. On the exact opposite of that sits Ant who has guests like Bill Nye on and unsurprisingly didn't dare challenge him on the topic of climate change. I'm not arguing that Patrice was more reasonable than Ant because they were both equally stubborn if not Patrice more than Ant. Listening to him engage in discussions with people immediately shows you his openness to ideas.

About your third point, it doesn't matter much per my last statement.

Well Patrice actually realized that his behavior was a major reason he couldn't break through to the main stream.

Yeah and Ant realizes he's an alcoholic racist pedophile... And look where that self-awareness got him. Ant does not lack of self awareness, he has always been the first person to admit to what he is. And yet...

I see Patrice as having been much more open minded because of his willingness to talk to just about everyone, especially on topics he was being challenged on.

What do you mean? Our exposure to him is very narrow, we saw him on O&A and his specials, we have no idea how open minded he was about anything. And really, of the narrow spectrum of people he spoke with, he was very closed minded on most of them! If you were a woman he was essentially just sitting there with one in the chamber waiting for you to slip up, you can't look at a dude like him who was extremely argumentative and aggressive and say he was open minded. I love Patrice but come the fuck on, that's just retarded. He was a black Gavin McInnes.

About your third point, it doesn't matter much per my last statement.

Of course it matters, answer it because it's relevant. What topics do you think Patrice would come around on?

Patrice said it best: Ant was a charming racist.

He just lost that charm and became a maniac. Also, Patrice wasn't a drunk so the odds of him becoming as crazy are pretty low.

he realised face off was a shitty movie. thats it.

Patrice and Anthony Cumia are legends and the people on reddit are fucking losers in there mother's basement.

It must have been an inside job

Get this fox a purple suit and some glas dildos

Puma suit

where's Bobo, we need his malfunctioning dick.

Anyone up to date on Mets info?

What the hell is it doing for real? Animals dont laugh

Dogs do laugh. Google it.

That nigga diabetic

Some psycho looped that for an hour long version of that laugh

I have always thought that this guy is Patrice reincarnated.

someome posted tjjs yesterday


It's all good. Got no play yesterday.


What does this mean?

this my phone is a gay



What does this mean?

It's all good. Got no play yesterday.