To whoever called to destroy Chris Stutterin Distefano & Opie at 7:30

8  2016-03-18 by CharlieSheenAids

That was gold.


Chris is one of the only guests who thinks O&J are as funny as O&A and this he's the new generation of great comics like Bill Burr and Patrice... He's cringeworthy at best.

i liked how Stutterin Distefano was all proud to hang out with tits. I can only imagine he thinks this is a good move for his career trying to win favor with tittyboi, sharing froyo's sippin grapefruit road sodas, getting to bam-off a few times on old Lynsi...

It will all be good until chris appears on another show and tits flies into a jealous rage or possibly chris feels comfortable enough to bust on the opster once or twice and tits shuts down.

If Chris "jackhammer-speech" Distefano wants to be a part of the show, this sub should welcome him in with open arms.

Please tell me it worked and he gave up his career in dad storytelling.

its the take the hit guy. I don't think he's here

Was his dad in the mafia and beat people up? Did he fuck a lot of chicks during the world cup? Is sherrod black?

We need undoctored audio.

It was great. Good for them taking the call.

We need undoctored audio.

Thank you for your service.

That caller was retarded.

Other than the few faggots that still listen, most of us don't know what you're talking about. If you're gonna take the time to post, how about a little back story.

someone called in and took apart the unfunny shitty comic and Opie's bromance. That is all.

Guy calls in.

Destroys Stutterstefano and Opie.

Time was 7:30.



Clicked expecting basketball shot. You fail sir.