Listening Thread 3/18/16

0  2016-03-18 by [deleted]



Jimmy is absolutely right about the media, fueling racism, using outdated stereotypes in their coverage and serving to divide not unite people as Americans:

  •  Natalie Holloway or Laci Peterson go missing and it's the biggest news story in America for months.  No missing Black, Hispanic, Asian or Multiracial woman has ever been afforded such coverage.


  •  Bill Cosby is accused of sexually assaulting multiple women [reaching an out-of-court settlement with one victim] and he is demonized every day in the news and it's forbidden to scrutinize his accusers.  Bill Clinton is accused of sexually assaulting multiple women [also reaching an out-of-court settlement with one victim] and the news media almost never mentions it; and when it is mentioned the accusers are belittled.  .

  • Regardless of the facts, the media uses this phony outrage when an unarmed person of color is killed by law enforcement, the media works to portray those who support the victim as being against all cops and simultaneously present those who take the side of law enforcement in the aftermath of such incidents are portrayed by the news media as being racist.   When an unarmed Caucasian is killed by law enforcement, it's barely reported. Why? Because instead of addressing the real issue (the killing of unarmed individuals by law enforcement) is not the story and the facts don't matter, the story is focuses on and is fueled by the media presenting it through the lens of persons of color vs white.

  • When a high profile trial with a Black defendant is acquired by an all black or multiracial jury and the media disagrees with the verdict, the media pushes the need to reform the system and suggests the jury reached their verdict solely because of their race or the jurors were dumb. However when the media agrees with the verdict reached by an All White jury and the defendant is Black, the racial composition of the jury is not reported, there is no call for reform of the system, the jurors intelligence isn't questioned and the verdict is praised. Facts don't matter.

The "news" media has failed the public and fuels divisions.


Jim now says white privilege exists. How has this guy become such a faggot?

So since a racist black person isn't covered in the news, but a white persons is... That means the white persons is more valuable? Which means there is white privilege???

AND NOW THE CAB STORY? HAS HE FUCKING LOST HIS MIND? OH MY FUCKING GOD, now Opie is apologizing for being white?!?

Jim "the fact I didn't work for what I have (because I'm white) annoys me" ACTUAL QUOTE.

maybe you need anthony's extreme racism to balance this pussy bullshit out

Actual quote taken out of context.

give us the context, Mr. Context Creature

He said what he really hates is when people say he didn't earn what he has because he's white. That really annoys him, and it's the main thing about "white privilege" he refuses to believe.

Maybe I heard it wrong, I really hope so

You did. They even followed up by discussing how hard they worked to get what they have, and how the concept of earning things just because you're white is total bullshit.

Okay my bad, I'm a faggot

And peckahs

I envy you for zoning out, because that means you missed Opie's "how is it a privilege when I grew up so poor?" bullshit.

Ever since Shamy made it totes popular to be as SJW as possible he decided to follow her snail trail to far below the top

I think decades of blowing trannies had something to do with it.

haha the take the hit guy called out chris destefano for sucking opies dick

Chris stutterin distefano

It really is herky jerky

God, I've never heard anyone in my life with as much catch phrases as Opie. He's created his own fucking slang at this point and its all douchey

He's just droppin' hammers, brotherman!


And I agree.


I see people hate on Chris Distefano. Does the guy suck sloppy wet shit? Um, yup. But he was built to be Opie's radio BFF. They are meant for each other.

Opie and Sherrod in the mornings, featuring Chris DeStefano

3 X characters in the movie Idiocracy

The three horsemen of shit

I got nothing against the guy tbh he's just a big dumb idiot from Staten Island

This caller just took sucking up to Ph.D. levels...

Probably an intern in the other room.

Ah, yes. The patented Scorch approach.

opie, need a reminder who brought Piscopo back to the show...

There it is! Did opie drop some cover knowledge about rusty cage?

what do you think the cry baby thing is? stangles going to hr?

Probably something Howard related that Opie blew totally out of proportion. It's really pathetic how jealous he is of stern.


oh thats funny you're waking up? I use o&j to put myself to sleep

According to Google, Chris Distefano is described as a "high energetic comic." This fucking bore sucks all of the energy out of the room as soon as he opens his mouth.


No. I turned it off as soon as I heard his voice.

opie just did a horrible Jim Florentine "Beautiful' rip off...