Anonymous is Doxxing!! Hurry guys attack them!! Show them who's boss! Take Anon down! Take anon down!

0  2016-03-18 by Timmy_branmuffins


Yep that's exactly the same thing.not a radio host doxxing his fans

he never doxed anyone.. Merely suggested fair game on those who were doing it to him. If you're all badass SJW now you shouldn't have any fear.. These guys are really doxing and since you're so against it than its hippocritical to just sit back and allow it to happen. I have faith in you!! You can do it!


Let's not bring Justin Stangel into this.

Shut up, Ant.

Hi Anthony! :)

timmy, you're a faggot

You always repeat what others say? Sheep

not my fault everyone calls you a faggot

Ooooof. That is rough.

This still won't get you an invite to the compound nigger.

Actually it might. Ant is always in the market for a new hanger-on

What year is this?