Ronnie B. Fucks with Stupid Faggot Opie Once Again.

39  2016-03-17 by mattyp3


There's a 100% chance Ron doesn't like Opie.


Opie takes the time to ambush someone, among his family and friends (whom he does not acknowledge or show any respect), to narcissisticly record himself shouting a reference to a show he clearly doesn't listen to..... in order to butcher an inside joke he clearly isn't a part of.... you're really telling me that Ronny wouldn't respect that?


But does he love him...

In regards to this cringy encounter.

After a handshake, Ron puts Opie on the 'pay no mind' list, couldn't give a fuck about that clueless vapid buffoon.

imagine trying to be a normal fucking dude, enjoying a normal fucking night with other normal people - and some sack of shit you know from work will not stop recording you and everything around you with his phone.

Opie is probably so well respected by his peers, who he never looks in the eye because he's too busy staring at them thru the screen on his phone in a beyond pathetic attempt to capture and steal someone else's charm on video.

opie sucks.

Chris Pepper Scope Bro Hicks Stanley Bennington is not a normal person

He's a centaur. with a tuna can cock

by "normal" i guess i meant 'someone who isn't a total chore to be around'

i'd have to make a genuine effort to listen to Opie's voice and not be irritated, embarrassed, or asleep....

i probably wouldn't want to be around Pepper either, but he's not a humiliating person to be seen with so there's no contest.

imagine trying to be a normal fucking dude, enjoying a normal fucking night with other normal people - and some sack of shit you know from work will not stop recording you and everything around you with his phone.

Not just that but he yells the same word over and over trying to get a new, big laugh each time.

And then he mocks your inflection.

The Opster is a stand up guy.

You literally hear them laughing behind his back.

unknown gay man at the end of the clip, speaking for us all: "oh, stop... just stop."

They hate him. Boy do they hate him. The exasperated realization that Opie is filming. The dismissive attitude. The not playing along with his "Scope Brothers" and as someone pointed out, the Ron B inflection when he says Brothers. Opie is bottom of the barrel talent.

It's so uncomfortable when Opie gets a saying or word wrong and then says "I say x" instead of just acknowledging he's half retarded.

When I heard him say "man bonnet" instead of man-bun the other day I immediately turned off the mp3.

Oh Jesus, that was just awkward as fuck. Pepper with the fake laugh too.

Seems like a popular, well-respected guy. Those reactions don't lie.

"I call it Scope Braootherzs.." - Classic Opie Tactic. When you're wrong (always), don't admit it.. just pretend like you put your own spin on it. Niiiiiice..

Opie, and I say this with a full heart, I fucking despise you. And apparently everyone else does too.

Opie deserves to be where he is in his career and life: ignored.

his daughter is laughing at the dopey cunt! How long has she been doing radio, 12 months!?

The first time they did the bennington show she did better than opie ever has.

And she's got better tits.

Fuck Opie and his shit tits.

Gail stinks; worst thing Ronnie ever did. What's that, you'd like to reiterate the point your daddy made again? Good for you! Gold star young lady.

She's great. Die.

She knows her spot, she doesn't try unnecessarily hard

Right! She's not a radio hole by any stretch. She just finds her spots and keeps things moving. I can't see why anyone wouldn't like her.

I might be in love with her.... I don't think that's healthy

she's pretty great.

That's still better than Opie.

She got started earlier than Opie. She used to call in and do bits on Ron & Ron when she was a kid. She's mentioned going on the show when she was younger too, but I'm not sure if it was R&R or R&F.

Rons son also called in as "Kenny Allen". Some funny shit

nooooooooooo i'm the one who says things

I drink my own pee

...and stuff like that.

Opie even imitates rons voice inflections in that periscope video. In all seriousness Opie is very untalented.

Opie = David Brent

at least brent was kinda smart

The intelligence of Brent was so he could be punished with some self-awareness. Opie has neither.

I don't get it. What is the time stamp?

Don't look now, but the drummer is fucking his (ex)wife.

The Queertones back at it again

Holy shit. This!

everyone calls opie "tits," so seeing him simply called a stupid faggot is so refreshing, I smile every time I read it.



Nice thread.

That's it?

Yes, but that's the beauty of a subtle Bennington reference. They've indirectly referenced the cakestomp fallout, greggshells, the harry hater pecka sucking video, opie getting mad at himself for saying "period" during the fight, the "I'm not gonna tell you because we're not close" thing with Jimmy, telling Jimmy he wasn't there for him, and some other things I can't think of right now.

bangton is all in on the opie hate.

That entire soundcloud feed is fantastic

can you link some of those please? i dont listen to ron.... can you linbk the harry hater pecka sucking video and opie getting mad at himself?


Harry Hater. This is from a week or so after Ant played the video on his show, which Ronnie watches.

Our tweet campaign against guests telling them not to go on because of the Cakestomp


Subtlety doesn't depend on the listener being aware of a random Opie periscope. "See, he said brothers instead of bros! The seven people who listen to my show will get it! I'm really subtly sticking it to Opie!"

And what's with the other two laughing uproariously over the goat thing? Is that what this show has turned into now? A nobody and a fat girl laughing at everything Ron says. Great radio.

Go listen to to that awful morning zoo O+J, or maybe try that utter train wreck that is TACS. If that doesn't work, go and listen to Stern talk about himself for 3 hours. Ron is still a comedic genius, no matter who he does radio with. If you don't recognize that, it's because your taste in comedy is garbage.

I bet you suk dix Str8 ghey

Who cares about Ron Bennington. His show sucked.

You suck.

When Opie gives his no talent daughter a radio job then Ron can look down on him.

He has to have one first.